USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife
USC Dornsife Office of Research Advancement
Descripton at end of newsletter                                                                             Week of February 27, 2023                    

Greetings Dornsife Faculty,
This week we report
   - Accolade for one Dornsife faculty member;
  -  Robust external funding report;
  -  Internal funding opportunity announcement reported last week, now with additional info;
  -  Current funding opportunities; 
  -  Announcement of upcoming Center for Excellence in Research workshop;
  -  Information on (1) Cayuse (SP) which is operational as of today; and (2) negotiated F&A and FB rates.

Best regards,
Renee J. Perez, Vice Dean, Administration & Finance
Cathleen Crayton, Project Specialist

Robin Coste Lewis, English, NAACP for Outstanding Literary Award —Poetry, for her collection To the Realization of Perfect Helplessness (Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group, 2022), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

 External Funding Successes
Leandro Carvalho, Center For Economic And Social Research, The Impacts of Predictable Income Volatility and Income Risk on Economic Outcomes and Behaviors, National Science Foundation

Jason Glenn, History, Polity and Kingship: Adalbero of Laon and the Transformation of West Frankish World, Borchard Foundation

Karla Heidelberg, Sea Grant Institutional Program, Building the legal capacity of the USC Sea Grants ADAPTLA Program, Phase II, University of Mississippi

Karen Hennigan, Psychology, Research Consulting for GRYD, California State University Los Angeles

Eli Levenson-Falk, Physics and Astronomy, Suppressing quasiparticle generation and transport in superconducting circuits, Air Force Office of Scientific Research

Manuel Pastor, Program for Environmental and Regional Equity, Building Research Capacity to Power Health Equity in California, California Endowment

Diana Ter-Ghazaryan, Spatial Science Institute, Innovative Practices and Pedagogies in Ethical Data Science, Florida International University

USC Internal Funding Opportunity
This funding opportunity was announced last week; please note the addition of the eligibility form due date.

(for underrepresented undergraduate students)
USC Keck / Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center / American Cancer Society
Program: The American Cancer Society (ACS) Diversity in Cancer Research (DICR) Student Internship
: Supports underrepresented minority undergraduate students for cancer research and provides career development activities that will help them prepare for a career in cancer research. The Review Committee will accept applications from rising sophomores, rising juniors, and rising seniors with an interest in any Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) discipline. Eligible students must be enrolled full-time and have at least a 3.0 GPA. Applicants must not be in a summer program concurrent with the internship and must not be awarded a bachelor’s degree before the end of the program. Eligible applicants must come from an underrepresented group: Blacks or African Americans, Hispanics or Latinos, American Indians or Alaska Natives, Native Hawaiians, and other Pacific Islanders (Samoan, Guamanian or Chamorro, Fijian, Tongan, or Marshallese peoples.
Award details: Stipend is $5K for the 10-week summer internship program.
Announcement on websiteDICR 
Eligibility Form due date: March 17, 2023.
Application due date: Interested undergraduate students are to submit their research proposal as one (1) PDF file to Raquel Carla Martinez at, no later than 12:00 noon (PST) on Friday, April 14, 2
External Funding Opportunities
Terra Foundation
Program: Convening Grants
: Supports and encourages convenings that address current and historical inequities in the presentations and understandings of American art history.  Grant funding is available for programs that foster exchange and collaboration, such as workshops, symposia, and colloquia. In addition to supporting convenings that will advance experimental research and professional practice, Terra will also support convenings intended to inform projects in their early stages, which will benefit from the learning and practice that can be developed through dialogue.
Award details: Convening grants are between $10K and $25K. Up to 15% may be used for indirect expenses. Encourages additional support from other sources.
Announcement on website: 
Letter of Inquiry due date: April 3, 2023.
Proposal due date (invited): June 16, 2023.
International Center for Responsible Gaming (ICRG)
Synopsis: Supports research projects of high scientific merit from investigators who show promise of disseminating their work at high-impact conferences and in peer-reviewed scientific journals. ICRG is a nonprofit organization that has served as the only national, private funder of scientific research on gambling disorders in the United States since 1996. The ICRG is now a global leader in supporting peer-reviewed, scientific research on gambling disorders and responsible gambling.
Award details: $75K (direct costs; 15% F&A) per year for two years.
Announcement on website: ICRG 
Letter of Intent due date: April 3, 2023.
Application due date: July 14, 2023.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Program: Healthy Eating Research (HER)
: Supports research on policy, systems, and environmental strategies that promote healthy eating among children and advance nutrition security and health equity. Some goals of the program are to: build a vibrant, inclusive, interdisciplinary research base in the areas of healthy food access, nutrition security, diet quality, and healthy weight; and communicate research findings to accelerate policy, systems, and environmental changes. HER seeks to solicit scientifically rigorous, solution-oriented proposals from investigators representing diverse disciplines and backgrounds.
Award details: Maximum award is $275K for two years. Encourages proposals with lower budget amounts and shorter project periods.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: Online application due date is April 5, 2023.
American Psychological Foundation
Program: Visionary Grants
: Supports innovative research, education and intervention projects and programs that use psychology to solve social problems in the following priority areas: (1) applying psychology to at-risk, vulnerable populations (e.g., serious mental illness, returning military, those who are incarcerated or economically disadvantaged); (2) preventing violence; (3) understanding the connection between behavior and health (e.g. wellness, diabetes, obesity); and (4) understanding and eliminating stigma and prejudice (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, and socioeconomic status). Preference will be given to pilot projects that, if successful, would be strong candidates for support from major federal and foundation funding agencies, and “demonstration projects” that promise to generalize broadly to similar settings in other geographical areas and / or to other settings. Early career researchers who are no more than 10 years postdoctoral are encouraged to apply.
Award details: $20K
Announcement on website:
Application due date: April 1, 2023.
National Institute of Justice (NIJ)
Program: FY23 Research and Evaluation on Hate Crimes
Opportunity ID
: O-NIJ-2023-171634
Synopsis: Supports projects that will advance knowledge and understanding in the following two categories: (1) preventing and addressing hate crimes; and (2) school-based hate crimes. Although no uniform definition exists across the United States, the FBI defines a hate crime for statistical purposes as “a criminal offense against a person or property motivated in whole or in part by an offender’s bias against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity.” Hate or bias incidents are acts of prejudice but do not constitute hate crimes and do not involve violence, threats, or property damage. Thus, in that context proposers are allowed to propose studies that include bias incidents, but must show the relevance and connection of bias incidents and hate crimes.
Award details: $3.1M program funding is available for this program. Individual award amounts are to be determined. The project performance period is 5 years.
Announcement on website:
Step 1: due date: May 16, 2023.
Step 2: Application JustGrants due date: May 30, 2023.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) (with the partnering organizations Office of the Commissioner and Office of Orphan Products Development)
Program: Natural History and Biomarker Studies of Rare Neurodegenerative Diseases (U01 — Research Project, Cooperative Agreements)
FOA #: RFA-FD-23-028
Synopsis: Supports efficient natural history studies and / or biomarker studies that fill unmet needs for rare neurodegenerative diseases for children and adults. Through the support of prospective natural history and/or biomarker studies with high-quality and interpretable data elements, FDA expects to address critical knowledge gaps, remove major barriers to progress in the field, exert a significant and broad impact on a specific rare neurodegenerative disease or multiple rare neurodegenerative diseases with similar pathophysiology, and facilitate rare disease product development. Utilization of existing infrastructure and resources and collaboration among stakeholders in industry, academia, and patient organizations, the application must propose science-based activities that will strengthen the development of medical products for ALS and rare neurodegenerative diseases in children and adults. 
Award details: Up to $400K direct costs per year for 4 years.
Announcement on website:
Letter of Intent due date: April 4, 2023.
Application due date: May 4, 2023.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) / National Ocean Services
Program: Geospatial Modeling Grant
Funding #
: NOAA-NOS-NGS-2023-2007815
Synopsis: Supports projects that implement activities that modernize and improve the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS) and advance the science of geodesy in the United States. NOAA encourages proposals submitted in response to this announcement to include student collaboration and education. The program priorities under this grant program include; 1) Research and develop new methodologies for defining and applications for working with the NSRS; 2) develop and evaluate tools, models, and guidelines to access, analyze, and manipulate geodetic data; 3) enhance infrastructure of geodetic control, coastal remote sensing data, survey measurements, and other physical datasets that comprise the NSRS; 4) support education, capacity building, and technology transfer for the future of geodesy; 5) coordinate through partnerships with local, state, and regional users (e.g. state and local governments, universities, and / or the public sector).
Award details: Awards will range from $500K to $2.5M per year for 5 years.
Announcement on website: Geospatial Modeling Grant 
Letter of Intent due date: March 22, 2023.
Full application due date: April 24, 2023.
NASA / Space Technology Mission Directorate
Program: Early Career Faculty (ECF23)
Solicitation #
: 80HQTR23NOA01-23ECF_B1
Synopsis: Supports projects on specific space technologies that are currently at low Technology Readiness Levels (TRL). This Appendix exclusively seeks proposals that are responsive to one of three very broad topic areas (see solicitation for the lengthy details): (1) Novel fluids for Spacecraft Thermal Control; (2) Hypersonic Transition and Turbulence Modeling for NASA Entry, Descent, and Landing Applications; and (3) Non-Traditional Orbital Debris Remediation. This funding opportunity hopes to tap on its investments in university research and education that has yielded a talent pool of early career faculty.
Award details: Maximum awards are $600K over three years. Typical annual awards are $200K per year, but must not exceed $220K in any one year. Lesser amounts may be proposed.
Announcement on website: Early Career Faculty 
Notice of Intent due date: March 16, 2023
Proposals due date: April 13, 2023.
National Fish and Wildlife Foundation / Program: National Coastal Resilience Fund
Program: 2023 Request for Proposals
Synopsis: Supports projects that benefit coastal communities by reducing threats from coastal hazards (such as rising sea- and lake levels, more intense storms, increasing flooding and erosion, and melting permafrost) to property and key assets, such as hospitals and evacuation routes; and benefit fish and wildlife by enhancing the ecological integrity and functionality of coastal ecosystems. NFWF prioritizes projects that address the disproportionate risks faced by communities on the frontlines of climate change and projects that are community-led or incorporate direct community engagement. Award decisions will be made based on regional circumstances and needs, but all proposals must address the following priorities: (1) Nature-Based Solutions; (2) Community Resilience Benefit; Fish and Wildlife Benefit.
Award details: Both Planning and Implementation awards are expected to range between $100K to $1M. It is expected that awards will vary significantly in amount based on the scope of the project, the work proposed, and regional variation in costs.
Announcement on website:
Pre-Proposal webinar: March 2, 2023.
Pre-Proposal due date: April 12, 2023.
Full Proposal due date (invite): June 28, 2023.
Department of Energy / Office of Science / Fusion Energy Sciences
Program: LasernetUS for Discovery Science and Inertial Fusion Energy
Funding Opportunity #
: DE-FOA-0002982
Synopsis: Supports new and existing LaserNetUS nodes that will advance the frontiers of laser science and applications, provide students and scientists with broad access to unique facilities and enabling technologies, foster collaboration among researchers and networks from around the world, and develop the workforce needed to advance high-intensity laser science and Inertial Fusion Energy. PI should provide at least one scientific research thrust that will be advanced by the local group. This is especially important for the local group growth and for students’ dissertations. It is important that the PI establishes a procedure to get feedback from the local group about the balance between local research activities and LaserNetUS obligations.
Award details: $50K per year to $2.5M per year for a project period of up to 3 years.
Announcement on website: LasernetUS 2023
Letter of Intent due date (required): March 14, 2023.
Application due date: April 18, 2023.
Department of Defense (DoD) / Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences - Foundational Science Research Unit (FSRU)
Program: Basic Scientific Institute (Broad Agency Announcement)
Synopsis: Supports high-risk, high-reward foundational research to develop state-of-the-art theory, methods, and models to create the innovative concepts required to support the Army’s future capabilities and needs related to personnel readiness. In addition to standard proposals, this funding opportunity accepts Early Career proposals from investigators who have received their doctorate within the last 5 years. The 4 focus areas for this BAA are (1) Science of Measurement of Individuals and Collectives: Advanced psychometric theory for deriving valid measurements from complex assessments and continuous streams of data; (2) Understanding Multilevel and Organizational Dynamics: Multilevel theory and methods for understanding dynamic restructuring, coordination, and composition processes in complex organizations; (3) Formal / Informal Learning and Development: Holistic models of individual and collective learning across work settings and contexts throughout the career span; and (4) Context of Behavior in Military Environments: Integrative theory specifying the interactive relationships between individual characteristics and contextual drivers in predicting human behavior.
Award details: For standard proposals, the performance period of these projects has typically been two to three years with a mean total award of $676,151. Early Career proposed budgets ought to be in the range of $110K for the first year. Also available are Short-Term Innovation Research awards that are for a maximum of $60K for one year.
Announcement on website: ARI / Foundational Science Research
White Paper due date (strongly encouraged but not required): March 31, 2023.
Proposal due date: July 15, 2023.
NSF / Directorate for Mathematics and Physical Sciences
Program: Emerging Mathematics in Biology (eMB)
Solicitation #
: 23-537
Synopsis: Supports fundamental interdisciplinary and potentially transformative research pertaining to the development of mathematical / statistical / computational theories, tools, and modeling approaches to investigate challenging questions of great interest to biologists and public health policymakers. It supports research projects in mathematical biology that address challenging and significant biological questions through novel applications of traditional, but nontrivial, mathematical tools and methods or the development of new theories particularly from foundational mathematics and / or computational and statistical tools, including Artificial Intelligence / Deep Learning / Machine Learning (AI /DL / ML) Update: Frequently Asked Questions.
Award details: $6M program funds. Anticipate making 10-15 awards. The project duration is 3 years.
Announcement on website:
Proposal due date: March 22, 2023; March 1st annually thereafter.
NSF / Directorate for Geosciences (divisions of Earth Sciences, Ocean Sciences, Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences, and the Office of Polar Programs)
Program: Novel Approaches to Critical Minerals Research in the Geosciences via Dear Colleague Letter (DCL)
Solicitation #: 23-057
Synopsis: Supports high-impact fundamental research to facilitate the discovery, characterization, extraction, and separation of critical minerals. Such research is a key component in ensuring the availability of the essential metals and rare earth elements (REE) required for the Nation and world to achieve a clean-energy future through the transition to the New Green Economy and Net Zero Carbon. Encouraged are proposals that include the input of academic researchers and experts from partner organizations, including those in relevant industries. Research topics of interest include but are not limited to the following: (1) Research leading to an advanced understanding of the geologic and geochemical processes through which critical minerals form and are concentrated into economically viable deposits. (2) Research advancing our understanding of in situ biogeochemical processes may lead to more efficient, economical, and environmentally sustainable approaches for mobilizing, concentrating, and separating critical minerals. Research proposals submitted in response to this DCL must fall within the scope of programs in the Directorate for Geosciences.
Award details: This is not an announcement of a new funding opportunity. Proposals should be submitted to the most relevant program participating, as listed in this DCL, that will provide funding levels.
Announcement on website:
Application due date: Online application due date is April 5, 2023.

 USC Office of Research and Innovation 

Center for Excellence in Research
Upcoming Workshop
Strategies for Young Investigators / Early Career Awards
Many federal funding opportunities exist to help researchers at the beginning of their careers, but it can become quite a challenge to narrow down and understand the differences between them. Not to worry — in this workshop, you will be guided on the due dates and amount of funding available, topic selection, and approaching program officers, as well as learning tips on how to structure a successful proposal. The presentation will then be followed by a Q&A session with Constantine Sideris, who has received a Young Investigator /Early Career award from both the Air Force Office of Scientific Research and the Office of Naval Research.
Date:   March 8, 2023                         Time: 9:00 AM
Location: Virtual
Presenter: James Murday, Director Of Physical Sciences, Research Strategy and Development

Department of Contracts and Grants
Starting today, March 1, 2023 Cayuse SP is now live! For more info on roles and access please see the DCG NewsFlash. 
The University has negotiated a new Federal Rate Agreement. Effective February 8, 2023, the University's current Facilities and Administration (F&A) rates have been extended to June 30, 2026. Please see Rates at a Glance

Cover Image: To Be Real: Truth and Racial Authenticiy in African American Stand-Up Comedy (Oxford Studies in Language Race Series, November 2022) Lanita Jacobs, American Studies and Ethnicity

University of Southern California Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences | Los Angeles, CA 90089 US
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