plan today so your clients are ready for tomorrow
plan today so your clients are ready for tomorrow
June 11th, 2024
New West Short
The Shrinking Survivorship Market
Plan today so your clients are ready for tomorrow
With the estate tax exemption reverting to $5 million January 1st, 2026 - it's all hands on deck!  Financial professionals across the industry are working tirelessly to make sure their clients are prepared for this drastic change.  Why is this so important?  
The value of your estate when you pass it on is what’s at stake, not the value of your estate today. 
Life insurance is a great way to mitigate the impact.  And, getting a joint life insurance policy can cost less than two individual policies. Which is why Lincoln's announcement to discontinue their SVULOne* comes as such a hard hit. 
Although the life insurance survivorship market continues to shrink, New West is a full service life insurance brokerage firm representing over 30 carriers. Rest assured, we'll find the right product fit for your client's estate planning needs. Talk to me today about getting the conversation started.  
*Contact me immediately if you are working on any SVULOne or VULOne cases so that we can get these placed before August 9th, 2024.
Melissa Church
Director of Marketing
208-622-5211 x 2
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