Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Newsletter of Smith Memorial Student Union at Portland State University
Montage showing various PSU Eats catering offering. Includes salad, cupcakes, pizza, wraps, lemonade and water with lime.
Thank you to everyone who dropped by the PSU Eats Catering Showcase on Feb. 1 in Parkway North.
Attendees were able to sample a variety of catering menu items. Some favorites included sliders, crab rangoon, chicken skewers — and dessert, of course. Visit the Catering at Portland State page for the latest menus and information on how to submit a catering request. Don’t forget: Catering requests must be submitted at least 15 days before your event date. 
Make your Move: Chess Tournament in Smith

Join the Portland State Chess Club for free food and merch during the club's tournament from 3 to 5 p.m. Friday, Feb. 24, in SMSU 296 (off the second-floor lounge).
Players of all skill levels are encouraged to take part. 

Emergency Evacuation: Smith

In case of a fire or evacuation alarm, it’s important to know ahead of time what to do. Here are some pointers from the PSU safety and evacuation webpages.

Alarm? Get out
  • If you hear an evacuation alarm in Smith, calmly but swiftly make your way to the closest escape route and evacuate the building. Avoid elevators.
  • Treat all alarms as actual emergencies and don’t think it is a “just a drill” you can ignore. Leave by the nearest marked exit and alert others in your area to do the same.
  • Assemble at your building or office’s pre-determined evacuation location. Find the building assembly location list on the PSU website. Some departments may have a more specific location.

Additional evacuation guidelines
  • ONLY if time and conditions permit, is it OK to gather important items before exiting. Consider things you would need to get back into the building or to leave campus (ID, wallet, keys, etc).
  • Before opening any closed doors, check the door for heat with the back of your hand. Do not open if the door is hot.
  • Walk, do not run. Use handrails and keep to the right if exiting via a stairwell.
  • If you are comfortable doing so, assist people with disabilities to a safe location to wait for emergency responders. 
  • Attempt to keep existing groups and classrooms of students together. This assists in identifying who might still be inside a particular building.
  • Step away. Keep building entrances, roadways, fire lanes and fire hydrants clear for emergency vehicles and responders.
  • Smith tip: In many cases, the alarm system will tell you to evacuate the student union. It will not always say the reason. Please evacuate and wait to seek more information until after everyone is safely out of the building.

Prepare ahead of time
  • Preparing is just as, if not more, important than the actual evacuation. In an emergency, you will know how to safely evacuate with confidence.
  • Keep your PSU Alert subscription and Emergency Contact information (in Banweb) up to date.
  • Determine at least two evacuation routes out of the spaces you regularly occupy. Campus buildings have evacuation maps posted in main hallways (in Smith they are often near the elevators and/or stairs in 8.5x11 black frames) and you can find floor plans of PSU buildings online. Consult these maps to identify, ahead of time, your nearest evacuation routes.
  • Many buildings have regular fire drills, use them as a chance to practice your routes. Smith has them about twice a year.
  • Enter and exit the building a few times using your evacuation routes. Practice lends familiarity during a crisis.
  • Identify who on your floor in your office area is the Evacuation Warden. Learn more about safety monitors on the PSU website.
  • Know that evacuation assembly location ahead of time. If your department or group has a specific gathering place, make sure everyone in the office is aware of it before an emergency happens.
  • Plan with members of your department about who will take a headcount after evacuation to help ensure everyone is outside and safe.
  • For additional planning assistance, contact the Fire Prevention Coordinator (503-725-4325) or PSU Emergency Management.

Those with accessibility needs
Individuals, particularly those with disabilities, access needs or functional needs, are strongly encouraged to develop a Personal Emergency Plan. PSU’S Emergency Management department offers guidelines on creating a plan. You can discuss accessibility issues you encounter during evacuation planning with the Disability Resource Center, 503-725-4150.

Find further information on campus evacuations on these PSU web pages:

Active threat video on CPSO site
Campus Public Safety has restored the video on active threat situations to their website if you want more information. We reported on active threat guidelines in the Jan. 23 Smith Scoop.

Call for help when you can
If you, or others with you, encounter distress during an emergency, notify authorities for assistance as soon as it is safe to do so. Call 911 for life-threatening emergencies and the Campus Public Safety Office for suspicious activity or concerns, 503-725-5911.
The PSU Emergency Procedures chart (shown above) from CPSO is available as a PDF. Smith venue manager Mercedes Youngston has a limited supply of printed copies. Ask at her office, Smith 124, or check with the Info Hub. 
The PSU Food Pantry is open winter term noon to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Learn more about this valuable food-security resource for students and staff and schedule an appointment on its website. It's available to all members of the PSU community.
Student Legal Services seeks intern candidates 

The Student Legal Services office, located on Mezzanine 3 in Smith, asks for your help in locating students who have an interest in a legal career for their internship program. 

Internship description: SLS interns work closely with attorneys, paralegals, law clerks and other staff in all aspects of a case. This may include sitting in on client intakes, drafting correspondence, conducting research and attending hearings. Interns are expected to assist and participate in SLS outreach events and trainings as they get real-world experience in various areas of law and learn how to work in a professional setting.

Check the SLS internship page for more information on applying including minimum requirements. Interns must pass a background check. Deadline to apply is March 9.
University Market: Warm Up in Smith

Whether you need coffee, hot chocolate, Reese's cups* or a sugar-bomb energy drink to start your day, the University Market has what you crave at its convenient campus location in Smith. Don't forget to pick up snacks, sodas and class supplies as well as PSU T-shirts, sweatshirts, hats and gear. Open 7:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday through Thursday, until 5 p.m. Fridays, in Smith 105.

*Editor's note: We do not recommend these as a nutrionally appropriate breakfast. But, we're not YOUR parents.

Thank you to student worker Amelia Johnson for contributions to this newsletter. 
The Smith Scoop promotes events, programs, services, and resources of interest to those who use the Smith Memorial Student Union.
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