Seeking experienced candidates
Seeking experienced candidates
Dear Friend, 
Join the Upstream Arts team! We're currently seeking an experienced Development and Communications Assistant to join our staff.
This position is part-time (30 hours/week) with some benefits. Accepting applications until February 20. Individuals with experience and interest in the arts and disability are encouraged to apply.  
With abundant thanks for all that you do,
Julie, Matt, Bree, and everyone at Upstream Arts
Don't forget to RSVP for The Art of Me performance and photography exhibit on Thursday, February 13 at the Harry & Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center in Milwaukee! 
Gallery talk at 6:45pm. 
Performance at 7:15pm.
Free and open to the public.
Detail from a red and purple abstract painting
You can be part of this creative, expansive work by investing in Upstream Arts!
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