Jeppesen FRM
News Flash JAN'23
Fatigue Risk Management solutions
that make a real difference

FTL Effectiveness: How much lower risk? At what cost?

Is it at all possible to measure how effective regulatory rules are? Such as the rules governing work and rest time for pilots coming from EASA, FAA and the CAAC?
Welcome to join in reading about one of the most challenging quests we have ever taken on. Here comes chapter 2: The platform
This work is pursued in collaboration with SWISS, one more prominent international airline operator, a large space agency, and the British Airline Pilots Association (BALPA) with the intent of openly publishing the findings. However, this article series, explaining the idea, the platform, the metrics, and elaborating on a few selected results, is entirely authored by Jeppesen.

Air France selects Jeppesen for crew rostering

Air France has selected Boeing’s Jeppesen Crew Rostering solution to optimize crew schedules for the almost 13,000 cabin crew at the airline, as part of a five-year contract signed at the Farnborough Airshow.
“Thanks to Jeppesen Crew Rostering optimization system, Air France will be able to provide its cabin crew with efficient and more personalized rosters, better suited to their lifestyle,” said Catherine Villar, EVP In-flight Services, Air France. “This will further improve the cabin crew experience at Air France and enhance employee satisfaction.”
“We know that our customers need best-in-class crew capabilities. I’m excited to extend our partnership with Air France in delivering optimized crew schedules for their most valuable resources,” said Duane Wehking, vice president of Digital Aviation Solutions at Boeing Global Services.
Air France is a longtime customer for the complementary Jeppesen Crew Pairing solution, first implementing the digital solution in 1999. Crew Pairing increases operational crew efficiency while developing the most productive work duties. Together, these crew planning solutions will enable Air France to recognize efficiency gains and reduce costs.

For more information about Jeppesen Crew Solutions, please follow this link.

Connecting the community

Connecting in Frankfurt at the annual Jeppesen Crew & Ops Users Conference in October was really quite something! In case you have not already seen it, or just want to relive it over and over and over..., please find here a video conveying some of the unique vibes from the event where we met-up, shared ideas and discussed our experiences among peers for a few days. It makes us already long for next year, and the CDP conference coming up in April in Gothenburg. Meet up with us there!

New to FRMS?

There are quite a few moving parts to an FRMS. At first, it could be a bit of a struggle reading up on the regulatory material and getting your 'head around' what a FRMS really contains and looks like. For this reason we put together an info-graphic that summarises this in a more easily-digestible format: just one single page instead of a thick pile of paper.
Admittedly, this poster is also a bit rich and almost overloaded with information, however we do believe you will find it helpful if you are new to FRM. Please view it via this link and don't hesitate to circle back with questions, praise or proposed improvements. ;-) Enjoy!

Meet up with our experts:

FEB 14-15Jeppesen FRM Training Course, Singapore
FEB 16Jeppesen Concert Training Course, Singapore
MAR 21-22: FRMS Forum, Madrid
MAR 27-29: Flight Operational Forum, Norway
APR 25-26: Crew and Fleet Developer Partners Meeting (CDP), Gothenburg
Missed out on the previous NewsFlash? It's right here.
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