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ESD 123 Early Childhood Services

April 2021 Newsletter
Teacher and toddler with blocks

Featured Program:

Birth to Three Quality Initiatives (B3QI) 

At its core, the Birth to Three Quality Initiatives (B3QI) program serves children by bolstering and building the skills, strengths, and self-confidence of early childhood care providers and professionals through reflective practice.

Specifically, this is accomplished through B3QI initiatives including FIND (see details in the story at right), as well as Universal Development Screening (ASQ-3 and ASQ-SE). Caregivers learn the value of screening and how to engage families and help them understand the importance of their involvement in the screening process. Together, these interactions and practices support a child’s development, allowing them to reach their full potential. 

Mental Health coaching and consultation is another component in B3QI that provides an opportunity for caregivers to think more deeply about their caregiving practices and develop greater self-awareness. Caregivers come away with greater competence and confidence that allows them to experience less stress as they create positive outcomes for the children in their care.  B3QI Coaches provide this service to caregivers, with reflective supervision support from a licensed mental health therapist.  

Who is Eligible and How?

B3QI services are available to licensed childcare facilities serving infants and toddlers by contacting their local Child Care Aware of Eastern Washington Early Achievers Coaches or to the B3QI coaching team directly.  

B3QI coach email contact info:

For more information regarding local licensed childcare resources or referrals, including the B3QI program-Child Care Aware of Eastern Washington, visit
Cindy Morris

Meet the Director

As a student walking through the doors at the childcare center across the street from her high school reporting for the first day of her first job, little did Cindy Morris know that she was walking into a career. However, that is exactly what happened.
That assistant teaching position at the childcare center led to a series of roles in early education throughout Central and Eastern Washington. In Cindy’s words, she “discovered a rewarding and very unexpected career choice and never looked back.”

Along the way, Cindy volunteered for local early learning coalitions, including Safe Kids, which helped her to recognize the importance of the community at large in early learning. Now, in her current role serving the ECEAP and B3QI programs for ESD123, Cindy says her favorite part of her job is the community collaborations and partnerships. In fact, those collaborations are crucial. Explains Cindy, “these partnerships result in programs and services that create opportunities for early childhood educators and caregivers to recognize their strengths and capabilities and build on them.”  

According to Cindy, the B3QI program is made possible only through community collaboration and partnership. “Project Launch is one example of program models that exists through the B3QI collaborative system,” notes Cindy. “We work closely with our early childhood program agency partners to provide comprehensive services for young children, their families, and caregivers throughout Southeast Washington. Child Care Aware of Eastern Washington (a program of Community Minded Enterprises) is an integral partner, and we are thankful for their continued collaborations within ESD123 early learning programs, including B3QI and ECEAP.” 
ESD 123 logo

Upcoming Dates

Watch for more early learning workshops and trainings in the ESD 123 Events Catalog:
teacher with small child in front of a laptop computer

FIND Program

Filming Interactions to Nurture Development (FIND) is a video coaching program that aims to strengthen positive interactions between caregivers and children.
FIND was developed by Dr. Phil Fisher and colleagues. It uses select clips of adults engaging with children to reinforce developmentally supportive interactions, or what’s known as “serve and return.” This simple, practical approach emphasizes caregivers’ strengths and capabilities.
Coaching is provided to early childhood professionals either virtually or in person for approximately 12-14 weeks. 
For More on FIND
Zoom class with dental hygenist

Zoom my Classroom

Classrooms are getting creative conducting live Zooms so virtual students can see live happenings in the classroom and socialize with their friends. The photo above is of a virtual student learning from the dental hygienist visiting a Keene-Riverview (KRV) ECEAP preschool class. One camera is situated over the whole room and one down low so that children can interact with one another.
KRV opens up the live Zoom twice a week for the entire class time. Families can join in and engage as they wish. The children are able to see read aloud time, free play and special guests. A teacher facilitates working with virtual students to try activities and build skills. 
Contact the ESD 123 Early Childhood Team
Matt Bona
Executive Director of Early Learning

(509) 544-5753 |
Kellie Musick
Director Early Intervention Special Services

(509) 544-5754 |
Jennifer Kelly
P-3 and Migrant Academic Coordinator

(509) 544-5755 |
Kelley Correio
Inclusionary Practices Coordinator

(509) 531-2237 |
Cindy Morris
Early Learning Coordinator (B-3 Quality Initiatives)

(509) 537-2105 |
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