Alumni, Faculty & Student News
Alumni, Faculty & Student News
College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering
E-NEWS | Fall 2019
The Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program wrapped up another successful summer and concluded with a fun lunch at UA with faculty advisors and graduate student mentors at Rob’s Café.
Dr. Mark Soucek appointed as the next Chair of the Department of Polymer Engineering
The College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Mark Soucek as the next Chair of the Department of Polymer Engineering.
From 1990-1993 Dr. Soucek was a National Research Council Post-Doctoral Fellow at NASA-Langley Research Center in the area of high temperature polyimide, films, composites, and coatings. From 1993 through 2001, Dr. Soucek was a Professor at North Dakota State University in the Department of Polymers & Coatings focusing his research on Coatings Science and corrosion resistant coatings. Read More
First Steps: Biomimicry professor awarded NSF EAGER grant to study mechanics of underwater walking
Around 360 million years ago, creatures trekked out of the water and onto dry land, becoming the first terrestrial animals. The colonization of land by animals may be one of the greatest evolutionary events in the history of life, but our understanding of the physics of this event is limited. Dr. Henry Astley seeks to find answers. Determining which forces dictate underwater walking will answer evolutionary questions, provide insight into the animals of today, and equip engineers with valuable information that will lead to more efficient and elegant underwater walking robots. These robots could have endless applications, aiding in anything from underwater drilling to emergency rescue to exploration. Read More
Akshata Kulkarni receives SPE Automotive and Composites Division Scholarship
Congratulations to Akshata Kulkarni (advisor Dr. Sadhan Jana) who has been selected as a recipient of a Society of Plastics Engineers (SPE) Automotive and Composites Division Dr. Jackie Rehkopf Scholarship. Read More

Alumni Spotlight
Dr. Xiaoping Guo, Senior Associate Research Fellow at Abbott Laboratories, Inc., discusses his career path since graduating from the College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering and how the Polymer Engineering program has contributed to his success. Read More
Faculty Spotlight
Dr. James Eagan is an Assistant Professor of Polymer Science. We recently had the pleasure of speaking with him about his new career at The University of Akron’s College of Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering. Read more about his life and career. Read More
Polymer Engineering Student Spotlight
Sonal Bhadauriya is currently studying to earn her doctorate in Polymer Engineering under Dr. Alamgir Karim. Read more about Sonal and her academic journey in CPSPE. Read More
Polymer Science Student Spotlight
Xuesi Yao is currently studying to earn his doctorate in Polymer Science under Dr. Steven Chuang. Read more about Xuesi and his academic journey in CPSPE. Read More
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