April 8, 2022Marie's Message
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Hi All,
Happy Spring! I am optimistic that we are getting closer to warm weather soon. I was excited to see that many volunteers were taking advantage of the colder, wet weather and completing the additional volunteer trainings. Thanks to all of you for getting that completed. As a reminder the additional trainings include:
You can find the information you need to complete the trainings in your 4HOnline profile. It will also let you know what you have completed.
Thanks again for your support of the young people of Dodge County 4-H and your willingness to be a certified and trained volunteer to continue to support them.
Have a great April!
Marie Witzel Positive Youth Development Educator marie.witzel@wisc.edu 920.386.3790 (office) 920.210.3080 (cell)
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WI 4-H Hall of Fame Nominations Open
Nominations for the 2022 Wisconsin Hall of Fame laureate class are now open. Nomination forms and more information about the WI 4-H Hall of Fame can be found HERE. Reach out to Marie Witzel if you need help writing up a nomination or have a candidate to nominate. Nominations are due May 20. You can find an alphabetical listing of previous laureates HERE.
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Volunteers Help Make 4-H Possible
To volunteer, you don’t need to have previous experience working with youth. The most important qualifications are
- a desire to work with young people to help them learn new things and gain life skills; and
- wanting to provide youth with positive experiences in a safe and welcoming environment.
Extension volunteers work with staff to deliver educational programs using University and other high-quality educational resources.
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Achievers (Leo Panetti) The club voted to order new t-shirts. Club members should think of ideas for the June Dairy month activities. These will be discussed at the next meeting. After the meeting, members learned about planting planters.
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4-H Wants YOU to be YOUThe 4-H Movement has launched another challenge with Chris Clover, the "4-H Wants YOU to be YOU" campaign! The first deadline for submissions is May 1st.
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4-H Shooting Sports Updates- Winter Archery final project meeting will be April 29th
- Air Rifle final project meeting will be April 30th
- Shotgun project will be running a short spring season at the Mayville Gun Club starting soon.
Dodge County 4-H Shooting Sports will be running Summer Archery Project sessions as well as hosting our very own Statewide shoot at the Horicon Bowmen on July 23rd. If you are a 4-H leader or volunteer and would like to get involved with helping with this great opportunity, please reach out to Eva (evalynch@live.com).
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Livestock Project Educational Reminders
There are educational opportunities and Information on the MAS requirements, forms and opportunities listed HERE. Remember that the Educational Event Verification form is on that site to be completed.
HERE is the link for the Youth livestock event verification form for virtual events.
Youth and families need to keep the forms and attach to the 'Orange Cards' and hand in at or before the July 25th due date.
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2022 Dodge County Junior Fair Market Livestock Identification
For the 2022 youth livestock project year, the Dodge County Meat Animal Sale Committee will be identifying Junior Market Beef, Sheep, Swine projects with ear tags, DNA samples, and a Google Exhibitor/Family Registration form. Feeder Beef will be identified with tags and registration form.
ID packets (ear tags, DNA envelopes, specie paperwork) are available for pick-up at the Extension Dodge County office starting Monday, April 11th.
You will be required to request your Identification packets with the Extension office prior to pick-up at 920-386-3790.
WI State Fair US 840 tags may be used in place of Dodge Co tags if you are planning on showing at the Wisconsin State Fair, however, you will need to request and submit a DNA sample for each animal including the Google Exhibitor/Family Registration Form as outlined in the identification instructions.
DUE DATE FRIDAY, MAY 6TH, 2022 by 4:30 PM
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Pig Pens for Sale!There are still a fair amount of old pig pens for sale. If anyone is interested in buying these for your projects please contact Eric Salmi at 920-988-1817. First come, first serve - no holds. All money donated for the pens goes back into the MAS account for future improvement projects.
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YQCA Transitions to New PlatformYQCA (Youth for the Quality Care of Animals) has transitioned to a new website platform. Visit https://yqcaprogram.org/ for information.
Youth for the Quality Care of Animals (YQCA) is a national multi-species quality assurance program for youth ages 8 to 21 with a focus on three core pillars: food safety, animal well-being, and character development.
All youth who exhibit beef, sheep, and swine at the Dodge County Fair will be required to complete YQCA training (YQCA does NOT count as an educational point).
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(There’s also an app available for Android and Apple users)
Please use the resources for further explanation of cuts and how classes are scored. Questions? Please contact Kari Behling at 608-444-2441.
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Apply for a Youth Dairy Grant Today!
The grant funds are to be utilized to purchase a dairy animal (any breed) to grow a youth’s dairy herd. $500 grants are available for the 2022 program. Grant money is made available through proceeds from the Dodge County Dairy Youth Recognition Auction, held each year at the Dodge County Fair. Deadline to apply June 1, 2022.
Youth Dairy Project Education Card
Questions about Dairy Project Education Cards or grant application? Contact the Dairy Youth Advisory Committee at dodgecountydyac@gmail.com or call Extension Dodge County at 920-386-3790.
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Share Basis Calf Project
Would you like to own a registered Holstein female? Or earn savings bonds by caring for a project heifer? If so, the Holstein Association Share Basis Calf Project is for you! Objectives of the Share Basis Project: -To promote interest in registered Holsteins among youth -To provide club members an opportunity to build equity in registered Holstein by providing the feed, labor & care involved in raising a calf -To provide a high-quality calf for members with limited fund who wish to purchase an animal through the project -To encourage members to learn recommended methods o feeding, training, showing, breeding, advertising and merchandising of registered Holsteins. -To provide a learning experience for youth in the economic and business of dairying. Standard forms for feed records, pedigrees, contracts and agreements are required to hel provide this experience. Eligibility Qualifications include: 1. One year 4-H/FFA Dairy project [include showing at Fair] 2. Must agree to keep required records 3. Must have parents’ consent 4. Must fulfill terms/conditions of contract 5. Members must have a dairy home farm herd or be sponsore by a dairy farmer [keep the calf on a dairy farm –daily care would be by member] 6. Member must reside in Dodge County 7. Member must join Jr. Holstein Club and parents are asked to join Dodge County Holstein Association 8. Top rated exhibitor of Share Basis Calf will be one of the Dairy Auction participants
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Rabbit & Cavy Project Meetings CAVIES at 6pm, RABBITS at 7pm
April 25 Oak Grove Town Hall
N5801 Grove Road, Juneau
For questions, email docorabbits@gmail.com
Upcoming Meetings
May 23 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies/7pm Rabbits)
June 27 Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds (6pm Cavies/7pm Rabbits)
July 25 (CAVIES ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 6pm
July 28 (RABBITS ONLY) Small Animal Building, Dodge Co. Fairgrounds 7pm
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Poultry Project MeetingsContact Dan Schwandt, Poultry Project Leader at schwandtdutch@aol.com or 920-763-8030.
- May 19th 7pm - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
- June 16th 7pm - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
- July 21st 7pm - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
- September 15 - Youth Building @ Fairgrounds
On March 14, officials confirmed avian flu virus in a Jefferson County flock. Extension poultry specialist Ron Keane spoke on WI Public Radio about avian flu, biosecurity practices, and issues facing poultry farmers. LISTEN HERE
IMPORTANT UPDATE!: Ron Kean, Poultry Specialist, from WI Dept. of Ag, Trade, & Consumer Protection has officially suspended all poultry shows, exhibitions and swap meets statewide through May 31, 2022.
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- April 11 Junior Livestock ID Tag Requests Open!
- April 14 Dairy Judging, Crescent Mead Farm, Ixonia 7:30pm
- April 18 4-H Dog Project Zoom, 6:30pm (link will be sent to project members)
- April 18 Livestock Educational Meeting, Wesley Center, Waupun 7pm
- April 19 Dodge Co. 4-H Leaders Association Meeting, Leroy Town Hall, 7pm
- April 21 Dairy Judging Seniors/Reasons, Dodge Co. Admin. Bldg, Juneau 7pm
- April 25 Cavies Project Meeting, Oak Grove Town Hall, 6pm
- April 25 Rabbits Project Meeting, Oak Grove Town Hall, 7pm
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