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Key information for Part Time Faculty in CLAS
Key information for Part Time Faculty in CLAS
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CLAS Teacher, issue 1, WInter 2016
The CLAS Teacher, a newsletter for Visitors, Affiliate and Part Time teachers in CLAS
The CLAS Teacher is a newsletter for Visitors, Affiliates, and Part Time Faculty to provide a streamlined source of important information so that they can perform well and get the most out of their experience in CLAS.  Two issues annually-- before the start of Fall and Winter terms.
December 2016

Appropriate Academic Credentials Required by HLC

This past academic year GVSU learned from our accrediting body, the Higher Learning Commission (HLC), that they will be placing new emphasis on verifying that all instructors teaching at the college level have what they have identified as the appropriate academic credentials. Looking ahead to the HLC¹s site visit to GVSU in 2017, the university has begun to explore the implications of these guidelines and how to document that all of us who teach at GVSU meet those requirements. 
The college will be reaching out to units with specific information in the coming months.


Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee

The AFAC (Affiliate Faculty Advisory Committee), formed by University Academic Senate in 2015, began meeting monthly this semester.  The committee is composed of elected affiliate and tenure track facility representatives from each of Grand Valley’s colleges as well as an ex-officio from the provost office.  The formal charge of the committee is  to represent the needs and perspectives of all University Affiliate Faculty and to provide recommendations to University bodies on matters which shape Affiliate faculty responsibilities, with the goal of providing an optimal teaching and learning environment as well as increased advocacy, visibility, retention, and development for all Affiliate faculty.  The committee also serves as a liaison between the GVSU academic community and University Affiliate faculty to inform and advise UAS on factors that affect teaching and learning as well as to advise on university wide policies and procedure in regard to Affiliate faculty role. 
The committee is committed to strongly supporting, respecting, and valuing the diverse needs that affiliates meet across the university. 
Current members:
Ingrid Johnson                              MOV
Natalie Armstrong (Chair)               PHY
Julie White                                   WRT
Marcia Frobish                              MTH
Jolanta Lanier                               BMS

Syllabus construction with an eye toward student success

We all know that a complete and informative syllabus can help set a productive tone for the course.  It also can help minimize potential headaches for you and your students, as well as your department chair and your Dean (as in, with student grievances or academic misconduct issues).  The Faculty Handbook (Information Given Class at First Meeting, 3.01.H.1) and a white paper by Pew FTLC are two great resources for syllabus construction.  A recent white paper by FTLC may be found here: 
As presented in the Faculty Handbook, a complete syllabus includes essential information, such as prerequisites, instructor’s contact information and office hours, and required texts/materials. 
Students also appreciate supplemental information, such as a (tentative) outline of topics, an exam/assignment schedule, and special class procedures (e.g., Blackboard). 
Finally, the aforementioned FTLC white paper also gives examples of important policy statements that a complete syllabus should include.  Many of these appear below, but the following list includes two that are NEW as of Fall 2015 or Winter 2016: 
  • Policy with regard to student absences
  • Disabilities Support Resources statement (reminding students that they bear the responsibility to register with DSR for test accommodations and to notify their instructors for the need of such accommodations)
  • Academic integrity/plagiarism policy statement (examples can be found at: )
  • Pertinent General Education or Supplemental Writing Skills (SWS) information
  • NEW as of Fall 2015:  Fire/emergency statement.  (Example:  “Fire: Immediately proceed to the nearest exit during a fire alarm. Do not use elevators.”)  For more details, see 8/20/15 email by Sgt. William O’Donnell, GVSU Police Dept., concerning state legislation on fire safety requirements at all Michigan universities.
  • NEW as of Winter 2016:  Appropriate use of email and computing (see CLAS weekly mailing from 10/27/15 for details of recent policy changes)
  • Other “netiquette” expectations—use of personal devices during class, email etiquette, etc.
Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA) requires that the university establish a policy and adopt and enforce procedures to protect the confidentiality, accuracy, and privacy of the information it collects on its students. The information collected on students may only be viewed by those individuals who have a legitimate “business” need to use the data as determined by the university’s FERPA officer. The responsible officer at Grand Valley is the Registrar.

Federal Law: Confidentiality of Student Work
Please safeguard student work. Boxes, folders or any other receptacle for collection and/or distribution of student work may NOT be placed in hallways. While it seems efficient to place graded student work in the halls, this practice breaches confidentiality procedures outlined in Federal Law (FERPA). All student work should be collected or returned in a manner that ensures confidentiality and reduces the likelihood of student work falling into inappropriate hands which could lead to plagiarism. 

Some Great Campus Resources You Can Access

Keeping Up with the News about Liberal Education

Interested in keeping track of news stories about how issues related to liberal education and inclusive excellence are playing out in higher education across the United States?  Consider signing up for the AAC&U’s "Weekly Liberal Education News Watch,” a roundup of the week’s stories.
Dec. 9             ENG 495 Capstone Conference; for more info contact Kurt Bullock
Dec. 12-17      Exam Week and Semester Ends
Dec. 20           Grades due in Banner before noon
                        Banner and Blackboard close at this time
Dec. 22           Offices close at 5pm until Tuesday, Jan. 3
Jan. 3              Offices open at 8am
Jan. 9              Classes Begin
Jan. 19            Teach-In: Power, Privilege and Difficult Dialogues
