B N I M ' S   M O N T H L Y    |   M A Y  2 0 2 2
UNL Glenn Korff School of Music
BNIM Selected to Design The University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Glenn Korff School of Music 
BNIM was selected by the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) to lead the design of the Glenn Korff School of Music Building. The new facility is anticipated to open in the fall of 2025 and will serve as a next-generation performing arts education facility that is a venue for cross-disciplinary collaboration and artistic expression.
The new Glenn Korff School of Music is envisioned to include innovative spaces for teaching; student lounge and study spaces; practice rooms; a state-of-the-art digital recording facility; a flexible, immersive audio space; a recital hall; and rehearsal halls to serve band, orchestra, ensembles, jazz, percussion, choir and opera. BNIM is currently working with the University in the first phase of the project to confirm program needs and identify key goals in the design of the future building along with Sinclair Hille as the Architect of Record.
Photo Courtesy - University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts
M O N T H L Y   M I N D F U L   U P D A T E
H O N O R S   A N D   A W A R D S
GREEN GOOD DESIGN awards recognizes BNIM’s exceptional thinking towards a more sustainable universe
The Missouri State University (MSU) Ozarks Education Center received a 2022 GREEN GOOD DESIGN Award from The Chicago Athenaeum: Museum of Architecture and Design. The GREEN GOOD DESIGN Awards honor projects globally that exhibit outstanding ecological and sustainable design. GREEN GOOD DESIGN’s goal is to recognize individuals, companies, and organizations that have demonstrated exceptional thinking and inspired greater progress towards a healthier and more sustainable universe.
P R O J E C T   F E A T U R E
BOK Financial is one of the first projects to be implemented as part of the Greater Kansas City's Downtown Master Plan
BOK Financial is full-service banking and office space located at 17th and Grand Boulevard in Crossroads District of Kansas City, Missouri. The facility will feature a welcoming lobby equipped with teller stations and corporate offices, as well as a banking drive-thru and walk-up ATM. Additional office space and a daylight-filled event space and patio with views of downtown Kansas City are located on the facility's second level. The design aims to establish an indoor-outdoor connection, inviting nature into the building through an emphasis on views, generous daylight, and native landscaping. 
E V E N T S  
2022 AIA Iowa Procrastinators Ball
A case study of the UI Stanley Museum of Art to explore resiliency, building envelope, social interaction and a orchestrating daylight in museum spaces
This year’s annual AIA Iowa Procrastinators Ball will feature a case study on the Stanley Museum of Art at The University of Iowa. Design team members Carey NagleLevi Robb, and Tom Feldmann will present the project’s history from the flooding in 2008, which shuttered its former location, to the design and construction process of the new building. This in-person event will include interactive educational sessions and a tour of the building. 
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