Dec. 14, 2020
To Our Campus Community:

Thanks to your efforts, our campus continues to be one of the safest places in our region to be during the pandemic. We want to keep it that way, so after consultation with health authorities, we are adjusting our plan for the spring semester.

The new semester will begin January 19, as scheduled, but UMKC will conduct face-to-face courses remotely for the first two weeks. Classes will return to their previously scheduled modality on Feb. 1. Exceptions will be made for a small number of classes that require hands-on instruction (such as clinical rotations, music/dance performance) and will still meet in person during that initial two-week period; students enrolled in those classes will be notified directly.

Those with questions about how any specific class will be conducted, including intersession classes, should contact their instructor or dean. More information about adjustments can be found in these FAQs about spring semester.

We’re making this change because there is an elevated concern within the health care community, both locally and nationally, about a potential surge in coronavirus infections as a result of holiday travel and festivities between now and the beginning of the spring semester on Jan. 19. Health officials anticipate that such a surge would put a strain on the area’s health systems. In addition, we want to give the community time to begin the rollout of the new vaccines in our community.

During those first two weeks of the semester, the UMKC campus will remain open, continuing normal operations. This includes research laboratories, UMKC Libraries, food services, Swinney Recreation and all other student services from advising to student wellness to financial aid. Campus residence halls will remain open as well; students with Residential Life contracts will soon receive additional information.

As we return to classes in person in February, it is extremely important that we all continue to follow recommended public health and safety practices such as wearing masks, maintaining physical distancing and practicing hand hygiene.

Finally, our protocols for students and employees for notifying the campus within four hours of a positive test for the coronavirus remain in effect during the semester break.

Please continue to check your email as well as the UMKC Coronavirus website for updates, daily notifications and resources. Let’s keep taking care of each other.

In this together,

C. Mauli Agrawal, Ph.D.                  Jenny Lundgren, Ph.D.
Chancellor                                          Provost
University of Missouri-Kansas City | Kansas City, MO 64110 | (816) 235-1000
UMKC is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution.
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