We offer two types of consultations at the CTE. Both are confidential.
(1) If you are conducting a midcourse evaluation, you can meet with one of our Faculty Teaching Associates, who will help you either plan your midcourse evaluation or interpret results and create a plan for instructional response. Spots for these consultations fill quickly; request yours today. (To learn more about the value of midcourse evaluation, see "Using Formative Assessment...." below.)
Request a Midcourse Evaluation Consultation-Oxford.
Request a Midcourse Evaluation Consultation-Regionals.
(2) If you or your department want to investigate new (or fine-tune existing) teaching strategies, methods, and opportunities, you can meet with the CTE Director (Ellen Yezierski) or the Assistant Director (Gregg Wentzell).
Request a Consultation with Ellen or Gregg.