November 21, 2018

Sunday Services

Sunday, Nov. 25: Services at 9:15 and 11:15 a.m. 

You’re Welcome!

Intern Minister Mira Mickiewicz

Our Universalist ideals call us to welcome all, but in reality that is easier said than done. After a holiday of giving thanks, how can we say “You’re welcome!” more genuinely and to more people, even amidst our differences?

2019 Annual Fund Drive Update

Total Goal: $1,506,750
Pledged as of 11/20: $1,303,967.74
Percentage of Goal: 86.54%
Number of Pledges: 747
Thank you to everyone who pledged to our 2019 campaign. If you have not yet pledges please use the button below or go to: 

This Sunday

Program Guide

We are currently taking registrations for our fall classes, retreats, and small group offerings. To view a complete list of events and register, visit our website.
Find hard copies of Paths to Engagement throughout the church and in Margaret Fuller Hall on Sundays.


Wednesday Younger Adult Spiritual Circle

Wednesday, Nov. 28
Gather with Intern Minister Mira for grounding and reflection, deeper sharing, and connecting to our own spiritual lives as well as others’ journeys. This will be an evolving program based on the needs and desires of the group and may include a reading, a song or two, personal check-ins, discussion of the monthly spiritual theme, and/or visits from other ministers and staff at the church. Join us for dinner ahead of time if you can!
  • 2nd and 4th Wednesdays, 78:30 p.m., B201 classroom (room may occasionally change).
  • Upcoming dates: 11/28, 12/12.
  • Supper (and conversation) is available for $5 from 6:157 p.m. in Margaret Fuller Hall–a simple soup and bread meal (vegan and GF options)!
  • Drop-ins welcome: RSVP appreciated for set-up and food purposes. RSVP to Kerry, or on the FB invitation.
  • Childcare is available beginning 15 minutes before the event–if possible, please let Kerry know in advance if you intend to utilize it so we can staff accordingly. Kids are welcome to join us for dinner!
For more information, join our Facebook group or email

Please Help Fill Our Mitten Tree

Dec. 216
Each December, the Learning Community prepares a tree for everyone in our congregation to fill with mittens, gloves, hats, and scarves, and UU Animal Ministry is collecting items for pets, like leashes, collars, and jackets.
Items can be new, gently used, or handmade. Items are given to local organizations.
The mitten tree is located in the Buchan Atrium. Thank you for your generosity!

Rise Up for Refugees: A Benefit for UNRWA

Friday, Dec. 7, 68:30 p.m.
Buchan Reception Hall
Benefit Tickets: $25-50
For more information on how you can help and purchase tickets.
Join us and be part of the campaign to make a difference!
Palestine Refugees Need Your Help!
The lives, rights, dignity, and future of over 5 million children, women, and men are at risk after the abrupt withdrawal of US funding for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA). Since 1950, UNRWA has provided this vulnerable community with quality education, healthcare, protection, employment, and essential services, pending a just and lasting solution for their plight. Now, this vital relief and development agency faces the greatest challenge in its proud history.
Benefit Dinner
Join us for an educational benefit dinner to raise awareness and support for UNRWA and the refugees it serves. A UNRWA USA representative will update us on this humanitarian crisis and Palestinians who have received UNRWA support will share their stories.  
         6 p.m.: Networking and Resource Tabling
         6:30 p.m.: Buffet Dinner: Hoda's Middle-Eastern Cuisine
         7 p.m.: Program Begins
UNRWA was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1949, mandated to provide assistance and protection to over 5 million Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank (including East Jerusalem), and the Gaza Strip.
Tax-deductible donations for UNRWA can be made on the registration site any time through December 28, 2018.  
This event is presented by:

LGBTQ+ PRIDE Holiday Party

Come to celebrate the holidays with us. We will have a potluck dinner and an optional white elephant gift exchange. If you would like to participate in the gift exchange, please bring a wrapped new or gently used gift. Sat. Dec 8 at 6– 8 p.m. Contact Allison, or see our FB page: for more information.

Christmas Giving Tree

The Mental Health Action Group (MHAG) is collecting gifts for Central City Concern. A tree with gift requests will be in the narthex Dec. 2 and 9. Gifts are due 12/16. Call Rosebud Kirwin-Alvord, 503-645-8227.

A Celebration of Resilience and Transformation

Tuesday, Dec. 11, 6:308:30 p.m. 
Personal stories of successes and challenges after incarceration.
Hosted by Ending the New Jim Crow, Dec. 11, 6:30-8:30 p.m., Daisy Bingham Hall, free/donations welcome, light refreshments
In the spirit of holiday celebration, this event will feature the personal stories of several formerly incarcerated individuals who have succeeded in transforming their lives, both inside and outside of prison. Often they have done so with the help and encouragement of individuals and organizations who believed in them and cared about their well-being, who treated them with respect and a belief in their inherent worth and dignity.
Also invited are representatives of local agencies who have directly impacted the lives of our speakers: Red Lodge Transition Services, the Family Preservation Project, Second Chances Are for Everyone (S.C.A.F.E), and Native American Rehabilitation Association (NARA).  After listening to the panelists’ stories, we will explore ways to transform our justice system to one that is humane and restorative, with opportunities for personal growth, education, rehabilitation services, one that offers hope and new opportunities for life inside prison, in reentry and beyond.

This Year’s Holiday Give Drive Begins

Join the Committee on Hunger and Homelessness (COHHO) in collecting gifts for the holiday party that Portland Homeless Family Solutions (PHFS) will host for their shelter families on Dec. 14.
To make sure there are enough gifts for everyone, we have committed to donating a specific number of items, such as family movies, women’s bathrobes, slippers, and toiletry sets, and toddler toys.
If you’d like to donate one or more of these requested items, stop by the COHHO cabinet next to the kitchen in Margaret Fuller Hall on Nov.18 or 25 to choose your items. Then drop them off at the COHHO cabinet on Nov. 25, Dec. 2 or Dec. 9. Alternatively, you can donate toys for any age; $10 gift cards to Regal Cinemas, Fred Meyer, Target, or Starbucks; or any dollar amount on Visa or Amazon gift cards. Just drop them off at our table.
Write Cynthia with any questions.

November's Art Wall

Sue Jensen is featured on the Art Wall in November. Both her encaustics and her collages layer textures and colors so the composition seems to go
deep below the surface.


Come to your bookstore and check out the many titles covering important social justice issues that we are facing now, along with books by and about two valuable Supreme Court JusticesSotomayor and Ginsberg.
We’ve also got some great new meditation manuals.  Don’t forget to get your Chinook books!  Book and app combo–just $25; app alone$15.  See you at the bookstore.

Social Justice

Social Justice E-Magazine

We are excited to share our most recent issue of Speaking of Justice: Faith in Action!
Inside First Unitarian Portland's social justice e-mag, you'll find a letter from the editors, along with a deeper look into mass incarceration as a justice issue.
Learn about how our congregation is engaged!
We look forward to sharing the journey with you. Sign up by following this link!
*Please note an address error on page 19. The correct office address is 1034 SW 13th Ave.

Emergency Winter Shelter

We will be hosting families for the Emergency Winter Shelter from Dec. 1 thru April 30.  Please bring diapers, all sizes, large cans of hearty soups, peanut butter and tuna and leave in cupboards outside of kitchen Fuller Hall.

COHHO Needs Kids' Jackets

The children at Lents Family Shelter and the Emergency Winter Shelter at Beth Israel are in need of warm jackets, underwear, and socks, in all kids' sizes. As of this writing there were only three jackets available, and it's getting cold.
Please leave in Margaret Fuller Hall in cupboards to the left of the kitchen.  Thank you, Donna R.

Program Events

Adult Programs, Learning Community, Music & Arts, Social Justice 

Learning Community

Teacher Holiday

Sunday, Nov. 25
This Sunday is a teacher holiday for the children's Learning Community.  However, childcare for those three and younger is available starting 15 minutes before the beginning of each service.

Announcing Sunday Afternoon Childcare!

Each Sunday afternoon, we'll be offering childcare, 15 minutes before an event from 13 p.m. for group meetings and events happening after services. Childcare can usually be arranged by request one week before the event. To request childcare contact,
Please check in at the Eliot Center Info desk if you need care for children ages four months and older. Please note that when care is not requested by 1 p.m., staff will be released. Contact with questions. 

Teachers Still Needed

We are looking for a 5th/6th teacher and a Preschool teacher to complete our three-person teams. 
Larger teaching teams allow for more flexibility to work with your availability. Please contact Rev. Mary Gear or Cassandra Scheffman for more information.

Get Involved

Make a difference in the First Unitarian Portland community

Soul Box News

To reach our ultimate goal of 4,000 by the end of January, we need to make 500 per month. We can’t do that with just the coffee hour, so our appeal is to you folks who support this.
The Soul Box Project's goal is to display 36,000 boxes on Feb. 15 inside the Oregon State Capital (one box represents one person killed by gunfire in our country each year). Sound impossible?  The SBP has already received over 22,000 boxes!
Participate by holding box-making parties at home, or set personal goals for yourselves. Bring your boxes to the Peace Action table any Sunday, or drop them off at the Church office on SW 13th during business hours. You can get instructions at the Peace Action table, or find them at MAKE A BOX, BRING IT IN: IT COUNTS.  

Social Hour Helpers Needed Sunday Mornings

With two services continuing throughout the year, we need a few more beverage service helpers and subs on Sundays in Margaret Fuller Hall. Choose one Sunday each month, either 8–10:50 a.m. or 10:45 a.m.–1 p.m., with time to attend service in between. Please contact Emily at 541-408-1516 or Training provided by experienced volunteers.

Seeking Ushers

Ushers needed. Looking for a way to serve in our community? Consider being an usher one Sunday a month. You’ll be part of a team that is the welcoming face of the congregation. For information see Dev Dion after services on Sunday or contact him at

Time-Limited Projects Await!

While there are many opportunities for long-term commitments within our congregation, there are also myriad options for people desiring time-limited projects for a contribution of effort and energy. Questions? Marti Yoder at

Seeking Sunday Welcoming Volunteers

If you like to greet people and make them feel welcome, this volunteer opportunity is for you: become a Welcome Desk or Newcomer Table host before or after a Sunday service.
This is a great way to connect with congregation members and newcomers. Contact Membership Chair Ed McClaran or call 971-279-2778.

Sunday Drivers Needed

Can you provide an occasional ride to Sunday services for a neighbor? Do you, or someone you know, need help getting to church?
Our First Unitarian Neighborhood Connections rideshare program helps match riders with drivers in Portland and Lake Oswego and is organized by ZIP code. To learn more, contact Leslie Comnes, 503-236-2963.

In the Community

Community milestones, joys, and sorrows
We hold members Warren and Lynne Bacon this morning. Warren’s sister, Beverly Haughton, died yesterday (Nov. 17) in Los Gatos, California. She was 89 years old and had been in declining health for some time. 

Member Jack Williams died on Nov. 12 at the age of 78 of an apparent heart attack. We hold his wife, Ellen Fallihee. His family plans a picnic in Jack’s honor in future months.
Please email if you have any joys or concerns to share.

Leadership News

November Moderator's Letter

Please make sure to check out  Kathy Ludlow’s November Moderator’s Letter.  She shares information about the recent board forums, the Annual Fund Drive and opportunities for groups and committees to hear from your board. For the latest updates on Board activities, please visit the Board's webpage, which includes the latest time/location for all Board-related events.
Please note that the December board meeting time is changed.  It will be a one-hour meeting held from 67 p.m. in the Buchan Reception Room.

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Other News

Sunday, Nov 18 Attendance:

1st Service: 239
2nd Service: 294
Musicians: 28
Total: 561
Livestream: 104
Grand Total: 665

Do You Lead or Participate in a Small Group?

We have lots of small groups in our congregation that offer community to members and friends. In fact, we have so many groups that it can be hard to keep track of them all. We created a short survey that is intended to help us learn as much as possible about the groups we have at the church. The survey should only take 510 minutes of your time. We would also appreciate any feedback you have about how First Unitarian Portland can support your groups. 

Interested in Joining a Women’s Circle?

Women's Circle II is welcoming new members. All women are welcome on the second and fourth Monday evenings in the Channing Room from 78:30 p.m. Contact Kim Streuli, 503-869-1486 and/or

Attention LiveStream Viewers

Do you regularly watch First Unitarian’s Sunday services in real time on Sunday mornings? Are you adept at sending and receiving text messages?
Our Sunday morning sound and video technicians could use help from a couple of techy types out in cyberland to let them know when there is a livestream glitch while the service is being streamed. Please email the church office ( if you’re interested in volunteering for this important job. We need you!

Bed and Breakfast

Do you have a spare bedroom you could make available to other UUs visiting Portland? Our Bed & Breakfast program is in need of hosts. You provide a bed and a simple breakfast. Proceeds go to the church. To learn more, contact Ruth Robinson: or 503-246-2131. 

Add to Our Media Collection

Taken any nice photos of First Unitarian Portland or its events? Send them our way to help build our media collection! Sending us your photos gives us permission to publish and/or use images for publications, website content, and social media. If you'd like to limit your permission, just let us know. Please email your photos to or click here.

Ongoing Groups

The following church groups meet on a regular schedule during our program year (approximately September through May or June). Many groups meet on an irregular basis. Many groups take the summer months off, so if you are unsure about a particular group's schedule, please contact the individual listed.

Africa Connections

This church social justice group supports advocacy and outreach work in communities in Kenya and Zimbabwe that have been deeply impacted by HIV AIDS. We do this through support of the IMANI Project, Zimbabwe Artists Project, and Quilts for Empowerment. Questions? Email Annie Bennett.

The Alliance 

The Alliance meets September through May, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, for a luncheon, business meeting, and program. Visit the Alliance web page. Questions? Email Alliance.

Animal Ministry Group

Normally meets on the fourth Sunday, 12:45 p.m., A303. Visit the Animal Ministry web page for special meeting times. Questions? 503-520-9012.

Caregiver Support Group

We usually meet the fourth Sunday of the month, September through May.
We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one. Email facilitator Helena Lee.

Children's Mosaic Restoration Group

First Monday, 45:30 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, 503-245-6087. More info on the Children's Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page. 

Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)

Meets monthly September through May on the third Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in A303, the Fireside Room, or visit our table in Margaret Fuller Hall on the second and fourth Sundays. Questions? Email co-chairs John Elizalde, Ingrid Gjestvang, and Cynthia Sulaski.

Community for Earth (CFE)

The Community for Earth (CFE) is again selling the eco-friendly and community supportive Chinook Book—each with its own app ($25)—and individual apps ($15). Use of the wide variety of coupons frequently more than covers the cost of the Chinook Book and/or app. Buy yours today in our Beacon Bookstore. Cash sales at the CFE table. Questions? Susan Weinstein at 360-440-0564.

Contemplative Practice Group

Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., A301. Offers a regular opportunity for building community through silent meditation, mindfulness poetry, and deep discussion on church themes. Questions? Ron Walker.

Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)

The Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) educates and advocates on issues of economic justice. Watch for our speaker, book, and movie events. Stop by our table for the latest information on fair trade, health care, democracy, and inequality and its dimensions. We meet the third Sunday of every month, September to June, at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Contact: Michael Wade for more information.

Ending the New Jim CrowHealing the Justice System

Usually, monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 6:30–8 p.m., B302. Questions? Kathryn Scotten.

Good Times Committee

Join with fellow congregants for social gatherings—from happy hour to hikes, from dinners to plays. Learn more and sign up with Good Times during social hour on Sundays. Questions? Laura Gadley, 847-525-8700.

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

The Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG) has begun meeting the second Sunday of every month from 1:30–3 p.m. in Buchan Room 302. Our focus is on making connections, education, and action on immigrant justice.
We offer quarterly educational meetings on topics of relevance to the congregation, focused on issues/needs of immigrant and refugee communities. Through the IJAG Google group, recommended actions are disseminated.
Our meetings include time for reflections, sharing, and an educational program about one of the many dimensions of the immigration challenge. We also share opportunities for engagement and collaboration with our partners in the community and develop strategies and arrangements for our participation. We hope you'll join us for the important work of immigrant justice! Contact Ann Zawaski for questions:
See our webpage for more info.

LGBTQIA Pride Group

Find out the latest social events by picking up a flyer at our Pride Table in Margaret Fuller Hall for our monthly movie game night, monthly PDX roller skating, potlucks, and any projects being planned. Visit our Facebook page: First Unitarian Pride, Portland, OR for all of our events and the LGBTQIA events we are supporting in the Portland area.

Meditation Group

Wednesday Night Meditation Group continues every Wednesday, 7–8:30 p.m., Eliot Chapel. Beginners welcomed. Questions? Mary Ann Harman.

Monthly Grief Group

Grief is a common thread that connects many of us in our community. This drop-in group will hold compassionate organic space for listening and learning, and resources to live with the many forms of grief and caregiving. The group meets the third Sunday of each month from 1:152:45 p.m. in room B304 of the Buchan building. Facilitated by Rev. Rick Freeman and Sophia Douglas.

Parents of Teens Support Group, 1–2 p.m.

Second and fourth Sundays 
Connect with other parents of teens to talk and share around parenting topics and the joys and challenges of navigating this phase of life as parents, with the guidance of a lay minister.

We are an open group and parents are welcome to come as you are able. Childcare provided 15 minutes before an event. Gather in Buchan (B301) at 12:30 p.m. after the second service, and meet formally from 12:45–1:45 p.m. every other week. If you’d like to be added to our contact email list, please contact Sara Robertson,

Peace Action Group

Monthly on the second Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Tess Beistel, Terri Shofner, Brianna Bragg.

Quilts of Love Group

Third Thursday meeting is now 1011:30 a.m., B310. Sew-in is on the first Thursday at Modern Domestic, 1408 NE Alberta St., from 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. This group creates quilts for families served by Portland Homeless Family Solutions as they transition from the shelter to a permanent home. More. Questions? Contact Kathleen Vinson, 503-477-6001. 

Sunday Morning T'ai Chi Chih

Sunday morning T'ai Chi Chih, 8:309 a.m.; check the sign board in the Buchan building for meeting locations. Questions? Email Adult Programs.

UU Knitting Group

The knitting circle meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month during the church year. Questions? Susan Pryor, 503-894-9945.

UU Men's Community

Third Saturday, 9 a.m., Channing Room. An open group where men of all ages can share life experiences, learn from each other, develop friendships, support one another, and have fun. Questions? Richard Turner at 503-734-5854; more info here.

UU Movie Group

Meets on the fourth Sunday of the month over a potluck meal at members’ homes. For more information, contact Nancy Panitch, 503-318-0776, or Ellie Kirkham, 971-544-7003. More info at the Good Times table in Margaret Fuller Hall.

UU Poetry Group

Twice monthly, on the second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Rodger Blackburn, 503-519-3494.

UUA Outreach Group

Monthly on the last Wednesday at 7 p.m., usually in B310, but check the sign board when entering.
If your interest lies in the larger picture of UU ministry, join us! Questions? Bill Pryor, 503-894-9945. We'd love to hear from you. 

Women’s Circles

I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Tess Beistel, 503-257-2042.
II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. We are currently welcoming new members. Questions? Kim, 503-869-1486.
III: First and third Wednesdays from 1011:30 a.m. Not accepting new members at this time.
IV: Twice a month on Wednesday evenings. We are looking for participants of all ages for supportive sharing and discussion about such topics as parenting and spirituality. Questions? Amy, 503-241-5451.
Spiritual Circle: Second and fourth Thursdays, 7–8:30 p.m. Questions? Sylvia Hart Landsberg.

Update Your Records with Us

Have you moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail address?
Anything else you'd like to let First Unitarian know?
We want to make sure our records are as up-to-date as possible. Please help us update your information by clicking here.

Do You Have an Item for E-news and/or the Sunday Bulletin?

If you have an item you’d like published in our weekly Front Steps (eNews) or the Sunday Bulletin, please submit it to: and include in the subject line “For eNews” –or– “For Sunday Bulletin” –or– “For eNews and Sunday Bulletin.”
This will get to all the right people. Deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday. Because space is limited in our Sunday Bulletin, we’re unable to run articles for more than a week or two in advance, depending on the number of submissions. Articles may need to be shortened if space is tight. 
Sunday Livestream
Join us LIVE from your computer or smartphone on Sunday at 9:15 & 11:15 a.m.
Music Notes
This Sunday we once again share our plate collection  with the UUA Disaster Relief Fund which is providing financial assistance to UU congregations and their members impacted by the fires in California and to local partner organizations which are supporting marginalized communities in fire devastated areas.
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