Top stories from Clemson Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
Top stories from Clemson Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences
January: Top Stories from the College

New defenses sought against cyberattacks

Yongqiang Wang, an assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, is leading a team that is receiving funding from the National Science Foundation to fortify computers and devices against cyberattacks associated with timekeeping. MORE  

Injured troops could receive better care and benefits with new research

Clemson University and Palmetto Health are partnering on a $1.6-million project funded by the Department of Defense to lay the groundwork for a hands-free system that would document battlefield injuries to improve medical care and ensure troops receive the benefits they are due. MORE

Vehicles could get ‘nerves’ that sense damage with new research

Helicopters, tanks and other vehicles could someday be made of “smart material” that senses damage, similar to how nerves tell the body it has been injured. Oliver Myers, an associate professor of mechanical engineering, is exploring possibilities through a grant from the U.S. Army Research Laboratory. MORE

Medical-imaging techniques could aid waste clean-up

Researchers at Clemson University are pioneering the use of SPECT scans to examine how water and radionuclides move through soil. Their work was recently recognized by the U.S. Department of Energy and could have a broad impact in their field. MORE

Pedal power: Research helps answer question about rehab from ACL tears

John DesJardins, the Robert B. and Susan B. Hambright Leadership Associate Professor in Bioengineering, is teaming with colleagues from Furman University to ‘tune’ treatment options for individual ACL patients through the use of stationary cycling. The goal is to help recovering athletes and physical therapists make rehabilitation treatments more effective. MORE

Hurricane recovery effort in Caribbean includes Clemson civil engineer

Jennifer Ogle, an associate professor of civil engineering, is one of five Clemson faculty members who have received seed grants from the Clemson Caribbean Initiative. She and her team will compile disaster narratives of the 2017 Caribbean post-hurricane season to inform recovery and rebuilding efforts. MORE

Clemson University prototype program announces next-generation rallycross vehicle

For the Deep Orange 9 program at the Clemson University International Center for Automotive Research (CU-ICAR), students are building a first-ever, high-performance, ultra-tough motorsports vehicle with a clean, fuel-efficient hybrid powertrain, advanced technical features and highly dynamic handling and acceleration. MORE

Free service helps South Carolina manufacturers save money by going green

Some of South Carolina’s manufacturers are lowering their energy bills by tens of thousands of dollars and reducing their carbon footprint with the help of Clemson University’s Industrial Assessment Center. This free service is helping fuel a boom in manufacturing, which now represents 11 percent of employment in the state. MORE

Bioengineering ranks 4th in the nation for value

Clemson University came in fourth among the nation’s 50 best value schools for biomedical engineering, according to a new ranking from Click "MORE" for an example of some of the dynamic research being done in the department. MORE

Taking Flight

The first female launch director at NASA, Charlie Blackwell-Thompson ’88, has gotten there with a dream and hard work. MORE

Working with Walt

Marc Bryant specializes in fire, smoke and destruction – as far as animation goes, at least. Bryant, who earned both an undergraduate and graduate degree at Clemson, is living the dream as a member of Disney’s effects department, creating and animating film at Walt Disney Animation Studios in California. MORE

A Beautiful, Terrible Problem

John Skardon is a problem solver. It’s why he earned a degree in engineering from Clemson. It’s why he returned for a Ph.D. in policy studies after decades leading manufacturing companies and various startups. And it’s what he teaches his students at Cal State University where he is a lecturer. MORE

Class Notes

Alex Milford, 2016
BS in Civil Engineering

Mike Worley, 1996
BS in Mechanical Engineering

Larry Ludwig, 1993
BS in Computer Science


From the Dean

The top stories in this month’s newsletter emphasize our faculty’s cutting-edge research, which ranges from preventing cyberattacks and documenting battlefield injuries to creating new smart materials and keeping the environment clean.  Their work is playing a key role in building Clemson University’s reputation for research excellence and solidifying the University’s position as an R1 Carnegie research university.

We also feature a story about Clemson ranking fourth among the nation’s 50 best value schools for biomedical engineering. This is a major victory for the Department of Bioengineering and underscores the high return on investment our students receive. The website that released the ranking did a great job of describing the hands-on curriculum, saying that just about every day brings laboratory study, a research project or side-by-side work with faculty. A video about one of those faculty members, Delphine Dean, is included in this newsletter.

The New Year is off to a great start in the college. I hope to see you soon, and I thank you for your support.

Anand Gramopadhye, Dean
“IDEAS Monthly” is published by the College of Engineering, Computing and Applied Sciences at Clemson University for alumni and friends. Alumni are invited to share professional news items. Include e-mail and telephone contact information and send to

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