While we find ourselves in the middle of winter, less daylight everyday can bring about the winter blues. Some symptoms include feeling sluggish or listless; experiencing difficulty sleeping or sleeping too much; having difficulty concentrating; and more. It is a generalized feeling of sad resulting from the shortening daylight.
The winter season can also bring increased amount of social isolation and loneliness, which can contribute to the winter blues. Some ways to manage this include: spending time outside to get as much daylight as possible (i.e. changing your evening walk to a morning walk when it is light outside), being proactive about scheduling time with friends and family, practicing self-compassion, and reaching out for support from experts when you need it.
There are a variety of options for students to take advantage of the winter season: from gathering to share a meal in the Dining Commons, to coordinating group walks or joining a group like Walking Buddies, to prioritizing time in UChicago's Sunny Spots.
Please note that although the winter blues are fairly common in our region, there are times when the impact is great. If you find yourself experiencing severe impacts of the winter blues to the point that it is interfering with your daily dunctioning, we encourage you to connect with UChicago Student Wellness by calling 773.834.WELL (9355).