July 4, 2019

Summer Sunday Service

Sunday, July 7: Service at 10:15 a.m. 

My Country Tis of Thee

-Rev. Tom Disrud

What’s the story we tell about our country? Do we need to imagine a new story?

Bill's Blog will return in August

Buchan Building Restoration Nears Completion

On April 16 we had a sprinkler head fail on the third floor of our Buchan Building, releasing somewhere in the neighborhood of 3000 gallons of water.
Needless to say, the water made its way to the basement three floors down, requiring demo and restoration on all four floors. All wet material ( drywall, insulation, baseboard, and ceiling tiles) were demolished. Restoration, painting and cleaning where applicable has been done.
The restoration work is nearing completion. We have new carpet in the Buchan Reception Hall. Material for the concrete portion has been ordered and will be arriving soon. Most other work throughout the building is finished excluding a few odds and ends. Our punch list grows smaller every day.

This Sunday

Summer Sunday Reflection

Sundays, July 7, 14, 21, 28; Aug. 4, 11, 18, and 25
11:30 a.m.12:15 p.m.
This summer our lay ministry team will be offering an opportunity to come together after the worship service to hold space and reflect on what has moved you as part of that experience. Meets in Channing Room this Sunday.
Details: No charge. Drop-ins welcome.

Summer Pick-up Choir 

Love to sing? Join the Summer Pick-up Choir! All Sundays through Labor Day weekend; starts at 9 a.m.
All people of all ages are invited to participate in our summer pick-up choir beginning this Sunday! Simply show up on Sundays at 9 a.m. for a quick rehearsal with our choir directors and sing with the choir in the service. 

First Share!

Bring your overabundance of produce and flowers to exchange or give to the First Share table in Fuller Hall. Everyone is welcome to take something home!
Details: Every Sunday through September.

This Week

White Supremacy in Oregon: History and Current Issues

Tuesdays, July 9, 16, 23, and 30, 6:309 p.m.
We will delve into our state’s history and current realities in order to build an understanding that will help us develop a better future for all of us.
Sliding scale fee: $40, $55, or $75.

Mindful Movements for Everyone

Thursdays, July 11, 18, Aug. 1, 15, 5:306:30 p.m.
Have you ever wanted a spiritual practice that is dynamic? This joyful movement practice is for all bodies, ages, and abilities. Combined with a blend of world music, each class has a theme that will guide you through a simple intention for your practice. Fee: $10 per class.

Details: Advanced registration appreciated, but drop-ins are warmly welcome. Pay online or cash/check at the door.


Mt. Hood UU Cluster Picnic

Sunday, July 21, 3 p.m.
Port Marina Park, Hood River
Bring a simple dish to share, and perhaps lawn chairs.
The Mid-Columbia UU Fellowship congregation will provide paper goods and beverages. Expect good food and good fellowship with UUs from around the area
Directions: Take Exit 65 (the third Hood River exit) off I-84 and turn left under the bridge. Go to the second traffic light and turn left into the Port area. Keep left, following the signs toward the Hood River History Museum. Keep to the right behind the museum to get to the picnic area and pavilion. There is plenty of free parking.
For more information, contact Elaine Castles at ateecastles@embarqmail.com.

Osteoporosis, Fragility Fractures, and Aging

Sunday, July 21, after service, 11:30 a.m.
Many fractures result from ground-level falls in people who have low bone density that was not identified prior to their accident. Learn how to prevent fractures, while increasing your overall understanding of bone health.
Details: No charge. Drop-ins welcome. Advanced registration appreciated.

August Eliot 2019 "Shaping Unitarian Universalism into a Multicultural Faith"

Runs Saturday, Aug. 3, 2:30 p.m. until Saturday, Aug. 10, 12 p.m.
How do we build Unitarian Universalism into the multicultural faith we want it to be? If this topic is of interest to you and you’d like a week-long vacation in an idyllic setting at Seabeck Conference Center on Hood Canal with other UUs from British Columbia, Washington and Oregon, consider attending this Pacific Northwest UU Camp. Space is still available for this unique experience!
Not only will you engage in the topic deeply, you’ll have fun throughout the day as well. Camp activities for all ages include a no-talent night, worship, dancing, singing, swimming, and delving deeply into conversations that matter today. All are welcome, from infants to seniors, including singles, couples, and families with children. The camp fully accessible to campers of all abilities. You can find more information on Eliot institute’s website: www.eliotinstitute.org, or contact Joan Sandberg at sandbergjo@yahoo.com.

Songleading for Justice

Sunday, Aug. 18, 121:30 p.m.
In this participatory workshop, you will build skills and confidence for leading music in worship or in the streets.
No musical experience necessary.
Fee: No charge. A free will donations appreciated.
Details: Advanced registration appreciated.
Facilitator:  Matt Meyer has been blessed to have performed with Ysaye Barnwell (of Sweet Honey in the Rock), and Pete Seeger. He will also be leading our worship service that morning.

Community Minister Ordination 

Saturday, Aug. 24, 3 p.m.
Eliot Chapel
Abigail Clauhs, a UU young adult who works as a palliative care chaplain here in Portland, will be ordained by First Unitarian Church as one of our affiliated community ministers, in Eliot Chapel (with a reception to follow). Abigail graduated with an M.Div. in Interfaith Chaplaincy from Claremont School of Theology and completed her chaplain training at Providence Portland Medical Center, and she was recently approved for ordination by the UUA's Ministerial Fellowship Committee.

Summer Vegan Potluck

Sunday, August 18, 57:30 p.m.
Share some of your favorite harvest foods of summer. No meat, fish, dairy, eggs, or honey.
Details: Spaces are limited. Advanced registration required. Location address will be emailed a week prior to event. Questions, email Keith, idings@comcast.net.

Global Justice Issue of Speaking of Justice!

In this issue, you’ll read about the justice ministry of UUs for Justice in the Middle East and the role of US policies in creating the crisis of immigration in this country.
An article about First Unitarian’s long-time support of the UU/UNO highlights how we support the human rights efforts of the United Nations. You’ll learn about the service projects that the Amani Project and Quilts for Empowerment are undertaking in Kenya, and gain a deeper understanding of the role of Mercy Corps in international endeavors. And more!
This is our final edition for this church year, and we would like to ask for your feedback as we plan for next year. Would you please take a few minutes to respond to these questions? Thank you.
Subscribe here! 
View the full magazine here: GLOBAL JUSTICE ISSUE

Give the Joy of Flowers for Sunday’s Service

Have you ever wondered where the beautiful Sunday morning flowers come from each week? You can be one of the generous donors of the chancel flowers.
If you have an upcoming birthday, anniversary, or memorial that you’d like to recognize, what better way than to provide flowers in honor of your loved one?
For details about giving flowers for the chancel, contact Marsha at 503-954-3534, marshamwarner@comcast.net.

July/August Art Wall

In July and August, the work of the Art Wall Committee is featured.
Come down to Margaret Fuller Hall and see how varied their work is.


More books are available to help us better understand the transgender experience and terminology.
Copies of Green Buddhism, authored by church member Stephanie Kaza, are also available.
Our bookstore (which started life in a closet in the 1960’s) has grown to a vibrant, welcoming respite for all congregants and visitors to First Unitarian Portland.
It supports the spiritual mission and principles of our church with offerings to stimulate and broaden our thinking as we move along our spiritual path, and help us better understand Unitarian Universalism.

Program Events

Adult Programs, Social Justice, Learning Community, Music & Arts

Summer Paths to Engagement

Check out the Paths to Engagement guide available this Sunday at the Adult Programs table or view it online here.
Take advantage of the classes, retreats, and other special events happening at First Unitarian this summer!

Learning Community

Summer in the Learning Community

On summer Sundays, we offer childcare for our youngest ones during the service, which is at 10:15 a.m.
For families with older children who may not be ready to sit through the whole service, we offer livestreaming of the service for families in the Daisy Bingham room right next to Margaret Fuller Hall. There will be tables with games and space to move around. The Parker Room in our Eliot Center also offers livestreaming, and is always available as well.
Registration is still open for UU Chalice Camp summer day camp! Join us this summer for a week of community building, nature exploration, spiritual practice, and lots of fun, all grounded in Unitarian Universalist values and principles.
Please click here for more information. Your space is not reserved until you submit the registration form here and complete payment. You will receive a confirmation email when your registration is complete.

Summer After-Service Childcare

During the summer while we have just one service at 10:15 a.m., childcare after service will be available by reservation only. Please be in touch with your staff point person or Nikki, nbeezley@firstunitarianportland.org, if you have a church event or meeting after service and need childcare. We request two weeks' notice. Please note that childcare for young ones is always available during the service.

Get Involved

Make a difference in the First Unitarian Portland community

Does Sunday Morning Coffee Arrive by Magic?

No! It does not! It arrives because our wonderful Sunday morning Social Hour volunteers brew it up and serve it to us with a smile! But their ranks have diminished in recent times, and they are calling for more helpers. You are needed, dear congregants!
Choose a regular Sunday each month to volunteer, or offer your help as a substitute when called upon. Either one would be appreciated.
Excellent training is provided by our experienced volunteers. Email John in the front office at jrosette@firstunitarianportland.org or call him at 503-228-6389 x102.
This is a great way to get to know new folks!

What Are Your Talents? We’d Love to Hear More!

Are you interested in leading a class, workshop, or event this fall in service to First Unitarian or would you like to refer engaging teachers from our broader community? Please email Kerry (preferably by early July) with a brief description of your idea: kheintze@firstunitarianportland.org

Sunday Drivers Needed

Can you provide an occasional ride to Sunday services for a neighbor? Do you, or someone you know, need help getting to church?
Our First Unitarian Neighborhood Connections rideshare program helps match riders with drivers in Portland and Lake Oswego and is organized by ZIP code. To learn more, contact Maina Ptolemy (mainaptolemy@gmail.com) at 503-803-8991.

Seeking Ushers

Ushers are needed. Looking for a way to serve in our community? Consider being an usher one Sunday a month. You’ll be part of a team that is the welcoming face of the congregation. For information, see Dev Dion after services on Sunday or contact him at 1stuushers@gmail.com.

Time-Limited Projects Await!

While there are many opportunities for long-term commitments within our congregation, there are also myriad options for people desiring time-limited projects for a contribution of effort and energy. Questions? Marti Yoder at marti.yoder@gmail.com.

Seeking Sunday Welcoming Volunteers

If you like to greet people and make them feel welcome, this volunteer opportunity is for you: become a Welcome Desk or Newcomer Table host before or after a Sunday service.
This is a great way to connect with congregation members and newcomers. Contact Membership Chair Ed McClaran or call 971-279-2778.

In the Community

Community milestones, joys, and sorrows
Join the community of First Unitarian to celebrate the life of Jon Gjestvang this Saturday, July 6 at 2 p.m. in Eliot Chapel. Jon died on April 27.
Joel Jones, brother of member Laura Jones, died in Winterville, Georgia, on June 17 at the age of 61. Joel was enthusiastic, playful, engaged, witty, and an instigator of adventure and fun. Laura asks that you love and laugh with abandon in his memory.
There will be a memorial service for Rev. Mary Knight on Sunday, July 14, at 2 p.m. Mary was a UU minister who came out of this congregation. She died on May 21 in Everett, WA.
Please email parishconcerns@firstunitarianportland.org if you have any joys or concerns to share.

Leadership News

May Moderator’s Letter

The May Moderator’s Letter is now online. Follow this link to read the full letter, which includes the results of our May election.
For the latest updates on Board activities, visit the Board's webpage, which includes the latest time/location for all Board-related events.

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Other News

Sunday, June 30 Attendance:

Sanctuary: 298
Musicians: 28
Total: 326
Livestream: 72
Grand Total: 398

Help Us Be a Welcoming Congregation

Do you have a spare bedroom you are willing to share with other UUs visiting Portland for a few days? You would provide a bed, bath, and a simple breakfast. We often have more requests than hosts! More hosts are needed in NE Portland, but anywhere in the city is good.
Our B&B program is personally enriching. Many lasting bonds of friendship have been made between guests and hosts. Our coffers are also enriched. All rental proceeds go to the church.
Remember our program if you are having out-of-town guests who need housing. For details, contact Ruth Robinson, mickrob@comcast.net.

Add to Our Media Collection

Taken any nice photos of First Unitarian Portland or its events? Send them our way to help build our media collection! Sending us your photos gives us permission to publish and/or use images for publications, website content, and social media. If you'd like to limit your permission, just let us know. Please email your photos to photos@firstunitarianportland.org or click here.

Why Pronouns Matter

At church and elsewhere, it’s becoming more common for people to introduce themselves with the pronouns they use, and to ask, “What pronouns do you use?” Though this may be an unfamiliar question for you, becoming comfortable with it is a way to live our UU principles.
Here’s why:
Gender is a primary way our creative identities interact with the world. Many people feel comfortable with the gender assigned to them at birth based on their genitals, assigned male or female, and are called cisgender. (Cis means “on the same side of,” so for these people, gender and sex-at-birth align.) For many others, their assigned gender is not a true or comfortable identity. Read more here.

Ongoing Groups

The following church groups meet on a regular schedule during our program year (approximately September through May or June). Many groups meet on an irregular basis or take the summer months off, so if you are unsure about a particular group's schedule, please contact the individual listed.

Africa Connections

This church social justice group supports advocacy and outreach work in communities in Kenya and Zimbabwe that have been deeply impacted by HIV AIDS. We do this through support of the IMANI Project, Zimbabwe Artists Project, and Quilts for Empowerment. Questions? Email Annie Bennett.

Aging Together Learning Group

We use books, movies, poems, and various art forms to catalyze group dialogue about our personal experience of aging. Meetings are held monthly on the first Monday from 13 p.m. For more information or to register, please contact Lucy Garrick, lucygarrick@icloud.com.

The Alliance 

The Alliance meets September through May, usually on the first Wednesday of the month, for a luncheon, business meeting, and program. Visit the Alliance web page. Questions? Email Alliance.

Animal Ministry Group

We normally meets on the fourth Sunday, 12:45 p.m., A303. Visit the Animal Ministry web page for special meeting times. Questions? 503-520-9012.

Caregiver Support Group

We usually meet on the fourth Sunday of the month, September through May. The May 26 meeting was the last one for the church year. Meetings will resume in September.
We gather to provide support, inspiration, and information relevant to those caring for a loved one. Email facilitator Sophia Douglas for more information.

Children's Mosaic Restoration Group

Questions? Leslie Pohl-Kosbau, 503-245-6087. More info is on the Children's Mosaic at First Unitarian Portland Facebook page. 

Committee on Hunger & Homelessness (COHHO)

Meets monthly September through May on the third Sunday at 12:30 p.m. in A303, the Fireside Room, or visit our table in Margaret Fuller Hall on the second and fourth Sundays. Questions? Email co-chairs John Elizalde, Ingrid Gjestvang, and Cynthia Sulaski.

Contemplative Practice Group

Second and fourth Tuesdays, 6:30–8 p.m., A301. Offers a regular opportunity for building community through silent meditation, mindfulness poetry, and deep discussion on church themes. Questions? Ron Walker.

Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG)

The Economic Justice Action Group (EJAG) educates and advocates on issues of economic justice. Watch for our speaker, book, and movie events. Stop by our table for the latest information on fair trade, health care, democracy, and inequality and its dimensions. We meet the third Sunday of every month, September to June, at 9 a.m. in the Fireside Room. Contact: Michael Wade for more information.

Ending Mass Incarceration/Advancing Racial Justice

We usually meet monthly on the fourth Tuesday, 6:30–8 p.m., B302. Questions? Kathryn Scotten.

Good Times Committee

Join with fellow congregants for social gatherings, from happy hour to hikes, from dinners to plays. Learn more and sign up with Good Times during social hour on Sundays. Questions? Laura Gadley, 847-525-8700.

Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG)

The Immigrant Justice Action Group (IJAG) meets the first Wednesday of the months of SeptemberMay, from 23:30 p.m. in the Channing Room.
Our focus is on making connections, education, and action on immigrant justice. Our meetings include time for reflection, sharing, and information about the many dimensions of the immigration challenge. We also share opportunities for engagement and collaboration with our partners in the community and develop strategies and arrangements for our participation.
Through the IJAG Google group, recommended actions are disseminated. Join us for the important work of immigrant justice!  Contact Ann Zawaski for questions: annzawaski@gmail.com.
See our webpage for more info.

LGBTQIA Pride Group

Find out the latest social events by picking up a flyer at our Pride Table in Margaret Fuller Hall for our monthly movie game night, monthly PDX roller skating, potlucks, and any projects being planned. Visit our Facebook page: First Unitarian Pride, Portland, OR for all of our events and the LGBTQIA events we are supporting in the Portland area.

Meditation Group

Wednesday nights
Group meets in the Eliot Chapel, 78:30 p.m. Silent meditation for 30 minutes, followed by reading and discussing a book by a Buddhist author. Please email with your phone number if you are considering coming. Mary Ann Harman.

Peace Action Group

Monthly on the second Saturday, 10 a.m.–12 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Tess Beistel, Terri Shofner, Brianna Bragg.

Quilts of Love Group

Third Thursday meeting is now 1011:30 a.m., B310. Sew-in is on the first Thursday at Modern Domestic, 1408 NE Alberta St., from 10:30 a.m.3:30 p.m. This group creates quilts for families served by Portland Homeless Family Solutions as they transition from the shelter to a permanent home. More. Questions? Contact Kathleen Vinson, 503-477-6001. 

Sunday Morning T'ai Chi Chih

Sunday morning T'ai Chi Chih, 8:309 a.m.; check the sign board in the Buchan building for meeting locations. Questions? Email Adult Programs.

UU Knitting Group

The knitting circle meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month during the church year. Questions? Susan Pryor, 503-894-9945.

UU Men's Community

Third Saturday, 9 a.m., Channing Room. An open group where men of all ages can share life experiences, learn from each other, develop friendships, support one another, and have fun. Questions? Richard Turner at 503-734-5854; more info here.

UU Movie Group

Meets on the fourth Sunday of the month over a potluck meal at members’ homes. For more information, contact Nancy Panitch, 503-318-0776, or Ellie Kirkham, 971-544-7003. More info at the Good Times table in Margaret Fuller Hall.

UU Poetry Group

Twice monthly, on the second and fourth Thursdays, 7 p.m., Channing Room. Questions? Rodger Blackburn, 503-519-3494.

UUA Outreach Group

Monthly on the last Wednesday at 7 p.m., usually in B310, but check the sign board when entering.
If your interest lies in the larger picture of UU ministry, join us! Questions? Bill Pryor, 503-894-9945. We'd love to hear from you. 

Women’s Circles

I: First and third Mondays at 7 p.m. Questions? Tess Beistel, 503-257-2042.
II: Second and fourth Mondays at 7 p.m. We are currently welcoming new members. Questions? Kim, 503-869-1486.
III: Meets first and third Wednesdays 1011:30 a.m. Now accepting new members. Questions? Dorothy, 503-292-1337.
IV: Twice a month on Wednesday evenings. We are looking for participants of all ages for supportive sharing and discussion about such topics as parenting and spirituality. Questions? Amy, 503-241-5451.

Update Your Records with Us

Have you moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail address?
Anything else you'd like to let First Unitarian know?
We want to make sure our records are as up-to-date as possible. Please help us update your information by clicking here.

Do You Have an Item for E-news and/or the Sunday Bulletin?

If you have an item you’d like published in our weekly Front Steps (eNews) or the Sunday Bulletin, please submit it to:
Communications@firstunitarianportland.org and include in the subject line “For eNews” –or– “For Sunday Bulletin” –or– “For eNews and Sunday Bulletin.”
This will get to all the right people.
Deadline for submissions is noon on Wednesday.
Because space is limited in our Sunday Bulletin, we’re unable to run articles for more than a week or two in advance, depending on the number of submissions. Articles may need to be shortened if space is tight. 
Sunday Livestream
Join us LIVE from your computer or smartphone on Sunday at 10:15 a.m.

Sunday Parking Reminder

U-Park: SW 12th between Main and Salmon: No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–4 p.m. NOTE: This parking lot is free only on Sundays until 4 p.m.
City Center: SW 11th and Main: No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–2 p.m
Lawyer’s Lot: SW Main between 12th and 13th: No charge Sundays, 8 a.m.–2 p.m. This lot is never available weekday evenings.
The American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon (ACLU of Oregon) is the shared plate recipient for the month of July. As fundamental to a free people, the ACLU of Oregon defends and advances freedoms of press, speech, assembly, and religion, and the rights to due process, equal protection, and privacy. They fight for racial justice, criminal justice reform, religious liberty, reproductive rights, LGBT rights, immigrants' rights, and more.
Please visit the ACLU of Oregon web page to learn more about their programs, services, and campaigns.
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