February 2020
Newsletter of the Kensington Heights Civic Association
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KHCA is a non-partisan neighborhood organization dedicated to representing the interests of all homeowners and residents of the Kensington Heights neighborhood in maintaining and enhancing the quality of life in our community
>> February 9: Pedestrian, Bicycle and Traffic Safety Town Hall 
Please join members of the Montgomery County Council and representatives from planning and transportation to discuss pedestrian, bicycle, and traffic safety issues on Feb. 9 at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held in the auditorium at Wheaton High School (12401 Dalewood Drive in Silver Spring).  More information can be found in the attached media release. 
>> Owners at The Manors (formerly "Mount McComas") Face Problems With Builder
By Karen Cordry, KHCA President

Long-time residents of Kensington Heights recall that ever since the construction of the mall in Wheaton (formerly Wheaton Plaza, now Westfield Wheaton), there was a huge mound, rising over the ring road and stretching south to McComas Ave. Fondly referred to as Mount McComas, it represented leftover construction debris from the original construction of the mall in 1959 piled up on the vacant land at that location. [See  picture attached here.] After many delays, a builder, Opal Construction, was finally issued a permit to build 11 townhouses and three single-family houses on the property. The first step in the process, though, was the reversal of the construction of Mount McComas with the removal of hundreds of truckloads of dirt and debris and the return of the area to contours roughly consistent with those of the neighbors. Because the land sits at the bottom of a relatively steep 15-20 foot drop off from the mall south and was part of an overall downward sloping area along McComas from east to west, it was evident that substantial attention would need to be paid to drainage and stormwater management issues to protect the new houses and those of existing neighbors. (The sizeable sloped area on the south side of McComas near the nursing home is an example of the sort of drainage solution that has been used to master the hilly glories of Kensington Heights.)

Such work would likely involve substantial earthmoving and excavation and logically would be done before the houses were built -- and, indeed, the plans approved for the construction permit do show that that work was scheduled to be done before construction started. Though, it appears that, for whatever reason, the builder skipped that step and went right to finishing and selling the houses. Now the buyers who own some of the nicest (and priciest) homes in Kensington Heights find that they have massive (and wholly predictable) drainage problems as well as other unfinished work by the builder. [See attached compilation of complaints.] The builder did finally start to do the installation of the drainage system, but the work was going slowly. It was much more difficult because of the need to work around the finished homes and to try not to cause damage.

The owners are very concerned and have held several internal meetings and one that I attended as KHCA President. At least one owner did file a complaint with the County Department of Permitting Services to inquire about the work, the prior permits, and whether the current work is properly permitted. The County has become involved with the probably necessary but somewhat unfortunate step of issuing a "stop work" order to the builder until the issues have been sorted out. The owners are not getting any clear answers from the builder about what is happening and when all of the problems will be cleared up. KHCA will continue to work with them to help get the issues resolved, which may include bringing in our County Council people if necessary. In the meantime, stop by and say hello to the good folks living there and welcome the newest addition to KHCA.
>> Upcoming Noyes Children's Library Events
S'mores & More at Warner Circle Park - February 22 
On Saturday, February 22, Montgomery Parks will host "S'mores and More" at Warner Circle Park across the street from Noyes Children's Library in Kensington. Families can gather around fire pits and roast marshmallows while bringing food to donate to the Manna Food Pantry. Come and enjoy Noyes' neighborhood and learn more about the work that the Friends of Warner Circle are doing on behalf of the historic Warner Mansion.
Date: Saturday, February 22
Time: 12 noon - 2:00 pm
Where: 10231 Carroll Pl, Kensington, MD

S'mores and More at Warner Circle Park

>> Support KHCA -- Pay Your Annual Dues  
To carry out our many activities, KHCA needs your support -- both through your volunteer efforts and also, your financial donations. All residents of Kensington Heights are members of KHCA, and all members are welcome to attend and speak at KHCA meetings. However, to be a voting member, and to help support our activities on your behalf, KH residents are asked to pay annual dues of $10 per adult resident (18+ years) to a maximum of $30 per address. These monies are much appreciated and help to ensure that KHCA remains financially viable. Payment can be made online using the membership link on our website. Thank you!

>> Sidewalks
If you are interested in getting sidewalks on your street, you can use this form. It is our experience that it usually works best if a group of residents jointly make the request and if the Association also provides its support. We have been instrumental in getting the sidewalks installed on the eastern end of McComas Ave, and we think there are other streets where they might be a good idea, so if you and your neighbors are interested, please contact Andy Fraser, our traffic chair, who can help you with this project. 

>> Other Montgomery County News 
>> Montgomery County Civic Federation Meeting and Newsletter
The February MCCF General meeting will take place on Monday, February 10 at 7:45 p.m. in the Executive Office Building Auditorium, 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20852 

The program will be on Greening The County.
Guest Speakers include:
Bailey Condrey, MCCF President
Helga Luest, Member of Montgomery County's Climate Change Workgroup
Theresa Cullen, Executive Director, Alice Ferguson Foundation

Additional details about the program and other important civic news can be found in the February newsletter. A print version of the newsletter is also available here.   Please share the newsletter with your neighbors.

>> Montgomery Parks - Wexford Drive and Beach Drive Intersection Community Meeting

Thursday, February 13, 2020, 7 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Rock View Elementary School, All-purpose room
3901 Denfeld Avenue, Kensington, MD 20895
Questions or more information: Visit the project page here.

>> Your Mid-County News 
Click here to view the most recent mid-county news. 

President:                            Karen Cordry (Torrance Drive)
Vice President:                    Erl Houston (St. Paul Street) 
Secretary:                            Ann Arevalo (Torrance Drive) 
Treasurer:                            Peggy Alpert (Plyers Mill Road)

Immediate Past President:     Danila Sheveiko (Melvin Grove Court) 
Beautification Co-Chairs:        Jon Foreman (University Blvd) & Vasna Nontanovan (Decatur Avenue)
Communications Chair:          Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
Education Chair:                     Shruti Bhatnagar (McComas Avenue)
History Chair:                         open
Land Use Chair                      Derek Karchner (Torrance Drive) 
Safety Chair:                          open
Traffic Chair:                           Andrew Fraser (McComas Avenue) 
Newsletter:                             Holly Rogner (Drumm Avenue) 
Website:                                 Ricardo Gonzalez (Casper Street) 
**Elections were held in November 2019. 

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