Science Communication: Why and How
When academic scientists think about communication, they often imagine writing grants or publications directed at other researchers in the field. While we may not think as much about communicating research results and the process of science to the public, these practices are integral to ensuring public support for and understanding of the scientific enterprise. In this session, learn why it is critical that academic scientists communicate with the public and explore best practices for science communication.
Presented by Brianne Barker, PhD
Drew University
Associate Professor, Biology
Biology Department Chair
Director of Undergraduate Research
Director of Drew Summer Science Institute
Currently the co-host of two podcasts: "This Week in Virology" and "Immune" as well as pursuing science communication in many other forms
Seminar: Science Communication: Why and How
February 1, 2023
10:00 am - 11:00 am
IOH 4506 (In-person only)
12:00 –12:45 pm Group Lunch for Dr. Barker and Junior Faculty IOH 4505
Register to meet with Dr. Barker on an individual basis during one of the following times:
1:00 - 1:20 pm Individual meeting IOH 4505
1:40 – 2:00 pm Individual meeting IOH 4505
2:10 – 2:30 pm Individual meeting IOH 4505
2:30 – 2:50 pm Individual meeting IOH 4505