You can help provide essential items for our guests
You can help provide essential items for our guests
Help Us Provide Essential Items to Those in Need
Dear Friend,
As we start preparing for cold weather brought by fall and winter, we need to not only provide safe shelter and meals to those in need but also the essential items they need to have all their basic needs met. 
Through our Amazon Wishlist, you can donate items to provide our guests with dignity, respect, and comfort when they come to the Mission.
We are currently in need of pillows to give to those who come to our emergency shelter and backpacks to hold and protect guests' items from the rain and snow throughout this fall and winter seasons.
Your donation today will help us provide our guests with the essential items they need during these cold seasons. 
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Our Mission
Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission exists to minister to the physical and spiritual needs of the homeless and disadvantaged in the Philadelphia area.  
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