NDWorks Weekly
Campus news for faculty and staff
University of Notre Dame

The 2019-20 Academic Year opens in 7 days...

Traffic Alert 

Eddy Street, on campus, closed first day of classes

Eddy Street, north of Angela Boulevard and south of Holy Cross Drive, will be closed from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday, Aug. 27. A large crane will install a statue near the new architecture building. (More...)

New Faces in High Places

Rev. Daniel Groody, CSC

The new VP and associate provost calls the appointment a 'ministry' and his life's work 'cardiology.' He has traveled 2 million miles to bridge the distance between the rich and the poor, the heart and the mind, and the life of faith and the problems of the modern world. He's one of six new leaders highlighted in the print edition.

Community News

Hydroelectric plant groundbreaking moves Notre Dame closer to sustainability goals and Seitz Park renovation

The University and South Bend’s Venues Parks & Arts broke ground Monday (Aug. 19) on a 2.5-megawatt hydroelectric generation facility on the dam in the St. Joseph River in downtown South Bend. The facility, which will be primarily underground, is expected to generate about 7 percent of the University’s electrical needs and offset nearly 9,700 tons of carbon dioxide annually. (More...)


Significant growth in funding 

Notre Dame researchers received $180.6 million in research funding for fiscal year 2019 — $100 million more than 10 years ago and 27 percent more than last year. The funds support  projects to tackle globally significant issues. (More...)

ND Innovates

Ideas make important work easier to accomplish

Jamie LaCourt, project specialist with the Facilities Design and Operations division, submitted this idea to ND Innovates: Eliminate the printing of building drawings for construction projects by fully adopting software that allows markups and changes by team members and outside consultants. (More...)


OIT updates for 2019-20

The Office of Information Techologies made signifant updates over the summer, including adopting a new two-step log-in service called Okta. If you use Google products, Sakai, Panopto, Gradescope and/or the Computer Service Center, you'll want to read this. (More...)

Human Resources  

English as New Language 

Mastering English can improve career prospects and build relationships. Free ENL classes for staff, held on campus, will help students learn new vocabulary, improve pronunciation and grammar, and gain confidence. (More...)

Taste that!   

Pizza Pi Pizzeria

Stop by the former Reckers in South Dining Hall this Wednesday, Aug. 21, from 11 a.m. to 10 p.m., for the soft opening of Pizza Pi. The grand opening, with free samples, is Friday, Aug. 30, from 4 to 7 p.m. (More...)
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