Scaling Down, Not Up, Strengthens Food Security |
Experts in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts say building sustainable food systems requires not only scientific breakthroughs but attention to history, policy, and social justice, as well.
Researchers Helping Drive Improvements in Conflict Forecasting |
Assistant Professor David Muchlinski and Ph.D. student Chandler Thornhill, both in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, are among only 40 or so researchers worldwide involved in conflict prediction, using statistical and other methods to predict violent outbreaks.
Please submit your recent scholarship to our news portal.
School of History and Sociology
School of Literature, Media, and Communication |
"Structural Racism in Tech: Social Media Platforms, Algorithmic Bias, and Racist Tech," a chapter by André Brock, appeared in the Handbook of Children and Screens, published by Springer.
"The Clennams’ Secret Information: Gamifying the Secrecy Plot in Little Dorrit," a journal article by Carol Colatrella, was published in The Dickensian.
"Mending the ‘Magic’ Circle: Crafting Feminist Pedagogy in Game Design," a journal article by Anne Sullivan, was published in MAI: Feminism and Visual Culture.
"Global Greenwoods, Global Robins," a chapter by Richard Utz, appeared in Medievalism and Reception, published by Boydell and Brewer.
"Teaching Responsible Engineering and Design Through Value-Sensitive Design," a chapter by Richmond Y. Wong, appeared in The Routledge International Handbook of Engineering Ethics Education, published by Routledge.
School of Modern Languages |
Sam Nunn School of International Affairs |
The Routledge Handbook of Space Policy, a book edited by Mariel Borowitz, was published by Routledge. Borowitz authored the introduction and a chapter, "US Strategic Interest in the Moon: An Assessment of Economic, National Security, and Geopolitical Drivers."
"Canvasing Variations in US-South Korea Cooperation on AI and Quantum Technology," a journal article by Sanghyun Han, was published in Korea Policy.
"China's Branding Problem: Image Management and the US-China Space Relationship" and "Autocracies, Public Opinion, and Space Policy: New Directions for Research," chapters by R. Lincoln Hines, appeared in The Routledge Handbook of Space Policy, published by Routledge.
"US-South Korea Cyber Cooperation: Towards the Higher-Hanging Fruits," a journal article by Jenny Jun, was published in Korea Policy.
"Engaging Scientists in Shared Responsible Innovation in Neuroscience in Southeast Asia," the proceedings of a workshop by Margaret E. Kosal, were published by the National Academies Press.
"Racing to the Heavens? Comparing Middle East Space Programs," a chapter by Lawrence Rubin, appeared in The Routledge Handbook of Space Policy, published by Routledge.
"Community Development Block Grants Disaster Recovery, Rental Requirements, and Rental Market Impacts," a journal article by Brian Y. An and Jenny Moody, was published in Cityscape.
"Cardiovascular Disease Mortality Among Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Adults Aged 35 Years or Older, 2018 to 2022," a journal article by Kotryna Diktonaite, was published in the Annals of Internal Medicine.
"How Do Scientists Think? Contributions Toward a Cognitive Science of Science," a journal article by Nancy J. Nersessian, was published in TopiCS in Cognitive Science.
"Digital Discrimination of Users in Sanctioned States: The Case of the Cuba Embargo," an article by Harry Oppenheimer, was published in the proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium.
"A Modeling Framework for Near-Road Population Exposure to Traffic-Related PM2.5 and Environmental Equity Analysis: A Case Study in Atlanta, Georgia" and "MOVES-Matrix 3.0: OnRoad Energy and Emission Modeling With High-Performance Supercomputing," research reports by Michael O. Rodgers, were published by the National Center for Sustainable Transportation.
PI: Salimah LaForce (Center for Advanced Communications Policy)
Project: Preparing Older Adults: Communicating Threat Risk in Virtual Environments Amount: $69,997
Sponsor: State University of New York-Albany
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