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 January 8, 2016
 Volume 35, #17
Staff Day- No classes
Girls' Basketball HOME
vs. Putney
4:15 PM start
Boys' Basketball AWAY
vs. Bart
1:45 PM departure time, return to campus approx.
 6:00 PM
Boys' Basketball AWAY
vs. Putney
3:30 PM start
1:30 PM departure time, return
to campus approx. 5:30 PM
Girls' Basketball HOME
vs. Eagle Hill
4:00 PM start time
Galettes des Rois
French exchange student, Jon Porracchia, along with teachers of French Mme. Valdez and Mme. Mauri, prepared three "Galettes des Rois" to commemorate an Epiphany tradition in Jon's family and throughout France. On January 6, the community enjoyed the almond cream filled pastries along with a Hispanic version, called the "Rosca de Reyes".
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"This I Believe"
Wednesday F Block
Congratulations to the seniors who presented their "This I Believe" speeches this past Wednesday. The second half of the senior class will deliver their speeches on Wednesday, January 13 beginning promptly at 2:10 PM and all are welcome and encouraged to attend. The speeches are always a wonderful mix of humor, insight, and thought-provoking ideas, and their eloquence is both impressive and inspiring.
From the Academic Deans:
Academy students will be watching the State of the Union address on Thursday, January 14, and also the Republican response. Afterwards, students will be participating in round-table discussions with their classes.
Parents Council
Winter Meeting
The Academy Parents Council will meet on Monday, January 11 at the home of the Osborne family at 7:00 PM. Every parent is a member and is welcome to attend. Click here for an agenda.
Spring BreakTravel Opportunites:

Trip 1: Washington, DC.
March 13-17
Leader: Dr. Bloomfield
On this trip students in grades 7-12 will have the opportunity to visit our nation's capital. We'll visit many of the monuments on the Mall as well as several Smithsonian Museums. Other possible destinations include the Holocaust Museum, a theatre performance, the U.S. Capitol, and Mount Vernon. The cost is $500 (all-inclusive), and the due date for registration is Tuesday, January 12. The travel packet can be downloaded here.
Trip 2: Nantucket
March 21-25
Leader: Ms. Tirk
On this trip students in grades 9-12 will have the opportunity to explore scientific inquiry in a natural setting. Through a partnership with the Maria Mitchell Association and its partner organizations on the island we'll conduct research using some of MMA’s 10,000+ specimens, learn about land conservation and resource and habitat protection strategies from local conservation groups, observe winter shore birds, and study island geology and coastal erosion.  While on the island, we'll also have the opportunity to explore the galaxies with MMA’s Director of Astronomy, using one of the largest telescopes available on the east coast for direct viewing of the cosmos. Cooking, falconry, and art as a means of scientific study are also part of the program. The cost is $600 (all-inclusive), and the due date for registration is Friday, January 22. The travel packet can be downloaded here and an informational brochure about the trip here.
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