Ongoing research by the Beyond Our Shores Foundation (BOSF) shows U.S. recreational landings from the Gulf of Mexico, South Atlantic Bight, Mid-Atlantic Bight, and New England constitute the largest component of recorded landings when compared to countries that submit dolphinfish commercial landings to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) for the western central Atlantic (WCA) Ocean. Not included in this graph, however, are 16 nations within the WCA that do not submit dolphinfish commercial landings to the FAO as well as recreational landings for jurisdictions throughout the Caribbean Sea and Tropical Atlantic; this data is needed in order to gather a more complete view of annual landings that can be used to better assess seasonal and interannual population trends. In addition, there are several unknowns related to the level of misreporting for nations that do submit landings data as well as the level of dolphin bycatch among inter-national longline vessels in the WCA (image below). Over the past