March 9, 2018
Volume 37, #27

Calendar Updates and Reminders

Sign up for April 5-6 Conferences (details below)
March 9 and 10 - Drama Performances; limited seating available - click here for tickets.
March 12 - 23 - Spring Break

March 26 - Spring sports begin. Late buses resume.

Winter Drama:  Shakespeare in Hollywood

Kudos to the cast, crew, and director of Shakespeare in Hollywood! It's a side-splittingly funny show, extremely well acted with great comedic timing, beautiful costumes, lighting and effects, and a raucus good time! Final performances  will be at 7:30 pm tonight, March 9th ($10) and 2 pm tomorrow, March 10th (free). There are a limited number of general admission seats available and these must be reserved in advance. Contact Jen Mitchell to reserve tickets or order directly from our website
Some scenes from Shakespeare in Hollywood.

Purington Pi Day (Observed)

In keeping with tradition, (Purington) Pi Day was observed today at The Academy, first with a reading at Morning Meeting by Mr. Schatz of the Purington Pi Day proclamation, and then at lunchtime with the consumption of pies served by none other than longtime Academy Math teacher Stephanie Purington herself! Thanks to the faculty members, parents - and Ms. Purington - for supplying a large number and wide variety of pies for all to enjoy.  


7th Grade:   Exploration of the Deerfield and Connecticut River Watershed
8th Grade:   New England History - Mystic, CT
9th Grade:   Marine Biology - Nantucket Island
10th Grade: Arts and Culture - New York City
11th Grade: US History - Washington, DC (4 Days)
12th Grade: Martha's Vineyard

Trip logistics will be shared again closer to the date of travel
April is Grove Season
Time to purchase a yearbook ad for your graduating senior - or your business! 
It's that time - we'll be kicking off ad sales for our yearbook, The Grove, directly after spring break. All students will be assigned an ad to sell (or multiple ads -- returning students are given the same ad or ads that they sold last year, new students are assigned new customers). The sale of an ad generates a free yearbook for the selling student; students who do not sell an ad will be charged for the cost of their yearbook (approximately $15). Selling an ad, however helps to build community relationships with local businesses as well as to cover printing costs - students' participation in this goes beyond the benefit of a free yearbook.  

Parents of the graduating class often purchase ad space to congratulate their seniors -- these ads count towards the free yearbook for the corresponding student. Parents who are business owners are also welcome to work with their student to purchase an ad. If you are interested in creating an ad for your senior or business, please review this link for details on sizes and specs, complete this ad contract and send it along with the ad to grove@charlemont.org, or send in a hard copy. Hard copies of ads or ad contracts, questions, and concerns can be directed to Nora Bates Zale. The deadline for ad sales is April 27.  
Ella D has been teaching Spanish to Hawlemont kindergartners for her Senior Project, and on Monday she brought several of our Spanish IV and V students along with her to join in the fun.


Invitations are in the mail as of today for our April 13 all-day visit day for current grandparents and other special adult friends of our students. Please encourage your guests to RSVP per the invitation. We look forward to having them join us!.

FILM SCREENING: "13th", April 13th at 3:45pm

Please join the Social Justice Council for a screening of the award-winning documentary “13th”. Food and beverages will be for sale, and all profits will go to The Innocence Project, an organization working to exonerate the wrongly convicted reform the criminal justice system to prevent future injustice.

"13th" is an extremely powerful film by Ava DuVernay that explores the "intersection of race, justice and mass incarceration in the United States" and it is titled after the Thirteenth Amendment to the US Constitution, which freed the slaves and prohibited slavery (unless as punishment for a crime). You can watch the trailer here. The screening is our second in a series of social justice oriented films for the The Academy's community. Come see the film, enjoy delicious food and drinks, have a discussion, and remember to bring your friends!  


The Red Cross returns to campus for the spring Blood Drive at
The Academy!
The Blood Drive will be held on Friday, April 21, from 1:00 to 6:00 PM. Students will be bringing home donor forms after the break, with the goal of every student finding at least one person to donate blood. Appointments can be made by filling out the donor form, or by calling the Main Office during regular business hours, or by visiting the Red Cross Blood Drive appointment page and entering our zip code. Baked goods for donors are also a high priority, so there are ways for everyone to lend a hand. We appreciate in advance your support of this important service event!  Not only does collecting blood save lives, but with enough donations, also provides college scholarships for our seniors.

Please contact Nora Bates Zale with any questions. 

Youth Conference on Sexual Harrassment, September 2018:
Seeking Speakers 

In late September 2018, The Academy at Charlemont's Social Justice Council will hold a conference on the topic of sexual harassment. Smith College will host the event. The goal of this conference is to educate students about different aspects of sexual harassment through keynote speeches and specialized breakout sessions with themes such as slut shaming, rape culture, and the media’s impact on this issue. Participating students will have the opportunity to talk to each other and academics in the field about ways to prevent and halt recurring patterns of harassment on both small and large scales. This conference aims to help young adults dismantle the system of sexual harassment in schools, workplaces, and throughout the community. Any ideas for possible speakers, presenters, etc. are welcomed, and should be shared with Sophia Corwin and Nora Bates Zale.


If you're an Amazon shopper, please consider making your purchases through smile.amazon.com. The Academy is a registered charity, and all you need to do is designate our school to receive a donation from Amazon valued at .5% of your purchases. There are often special promotions, including one coming up March 12-31 when donations will be tripled! Thanks for your consideration.
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