We hope to see you this Wednesday at the Student Veteran Open House!
We hope to see you this Wednesday at the Student Veteran Open House!
Office of Student Veterans
Duke Student Veterans,
The Student Veteran Open House is this week! Drop by our office on the 3rd floor of the Crowell building (10 Epworth Lane, East CampusWednesday, 28 August anytime between 1600 and 1800 to learn about all the resources and opportunities available to you and your families at Duke. Free swag and refreshments will be provided, along with the opportunity to meet with fellow veterans.

Student Veteran Lounge
Office of Student Veterans Logo
300 Crowell Gathering Space
Parking is available in the parking lot around Crowell. You can park in any non-reserved spot. Thanks to our colleagues in Parking and Transportation Services, you will not need a parking pass during our Open House. View a map here.
We look forward to seeing you Wednesday.
- The Office of Student Veterans Team
OSV Staff
Student Veterans staff (L to R): Evan Heisman, Staff Assistant; Grace Sullivan, Student Development Coordinator; Anna Page, Graduate Assistant; and Clay Adams, Associate Dean of Students
P.S. We’re still looking for a new graduate assistant! The Office of Student Veterans staff will be available Wednesday to talk with anyone considering applying. 
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