Council News
November 2014
Shop Early and Support the Council
East Nashville is home to the National HCH Council, and is also the creative heart of the city’s diverse and talented music community. The two come together in An East Nashville Christmas, a marvelous compilation of Christmas classics and originals performed by the Council’s wonderful neighbors. A $10 CD or $9 digital download provides a great gift, an opportunity to tell the recipient about HCH, and financial support for the Council. Order now.
Community Health Worker Wins Public Policy Award
The Council sends warm congratulations to Jen Robinson, a Community Health Worker (CHW) at the Lincoln Community Health Clinic in Durham, North Carolina, and winner of the Steve Schewel/Duke Sanford School of Public Policy Award. Jen works as a CHW in the Council's CMS Health Care Innovation Award project, working closely with people experiencing homelessness who are high users of emergency room services. Read more.
The Midterm Elections and the Fight to End Homelessness
Last week’s Midterm Elections resulted in Republican gains at almost every level of government. While ending homelessness and supporting homeless health care are not partisan issues, this clearly impacts the types of policy changes that are possible. It is certain that the HCH community will need all of its passion and energy to ensure progress is made to prevent and end homelessness. Please read our full election analysis and make sure you are signed up for the Mobilizer.
National Conference Registration in December
The 2015 National Health Care for the Homeless Conference & Policy Symposium will take place in Washington, D.C. at the Hyatt Regency Washington on Capitol Hill, May 6-9, 2015. This annual event is organized by Health Care for the Homeless (HCH) professionals for HCH professionals and advocates, including clinicians, support staff, administrators, board members, and consumers of HCH services. Registration opens in December.
HCH Research and Quality Improvement Survey
We recently invited all Health Care for the Homeless and Medical Respite Care program coordinators to participate in a survey regarding research, quality improvement, and data collection. The survey asks questions related to services and staffing, research experiences, patient satisfaction assessment, and Uniform Data System training needs. Responses to the survey will help inform research and technical assistance activities of the National HCH Council. Read more

Homeless Persons' Memorial Day
On December 21, the darkest day of the year, hundreds of communities all over the country come together to remember those who have experienced homelessness and lost their lives. Planning a Homeless Persons’ Memorial Day (HPMD) event in your community is one of the best ways to pay respect to those served by HCH projects and educate your community on the injustice of homelessness. See our HPMD page for more information about planning an event.
WANTED: Hands-on Providers to Help Shape the Council's Agenda
Are you a social worker, nurse, outreach worker, physician, counselor, nurse practitioner, or other hands-on provider of homeless health care? Looking for a leadership role and an opportunity for national impact on issues affecting your work and your clients? Nominate yourself or a colleague for the Clinicians' Network Steering Committee. Nominations are due January 9, 2015. Learn more.
December Two-Part Webinar Series: Examining the Value of Services
The National HCH Council is partnering with Brandeis University and Health Outreach Partners to host a two-part webinar series in December. Presenters will share tools to assist Health Care for the Homeless grantees and other homeless service agencies assess the value of their services. Register and learn more.
Health and Housing Issues for the End of the Year
Despite the recent election, we are not quite done with the 113th Congress. Critical issues are yet to be addressed in the Lame Duck Session that starts November 12. Funding for affordable housing programs for the remainder of the fiscal year and fixing the primary care funding cliff to prevent a drastic cut in HCH funding are at the top of the HCH community’s priorities. Call your members of  Congress today (1-877-210-5351) and urge them to protect and strengthen health and housing programs! Read the full Mobilizer for more details.
Thrive: Self-Care and Culture Online Course
Helping professionals are at risk for issues that mirror those of traumatized clients. Exposure to trauma and a stressful work environment can have dangerous effects on physical and emotional health. Developed by ColdSpring Center's Matt Bennett, Thrive addresses the elements of health that enhance productivity and quality of work. One complimentary registration per organization. Read more and register.

Medical Journal Presents Series on Homelessness

As many as 4 million Europeans and 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness every year, and the numbers are rising. Homeless people have an increased prevalence of a range of illnesses, but just treating ill health might not be enough to help get people off the streets, according to this helpful two-part series on homelessness in high-income countries. The series reports that being homeless is not only bad for health, but also has dramatic effects on life expectancy.

Member Spotlight: Care for the Homeless
This month we recognize New York's Care for the Homeless for their efforts in creating a more trauma-informed organization. Using technical assistance and training resources from the Council, they held a two-day training for their entire staff with an additional workshop tailored to leadership staff. Moving forward, each team meeting in the organization dedicates time to discussing strategies for improving trauma-informed practices. We applaud Care for the Homeless for transforming their services as they serve more than 9,000 individuals each year.
Inside the Council Website: HCH Practice-Based Research Network
The mission of the HCH Practice-Based Research Network (PBRN) is to facilitate improvement of health care practice and policy for individuals and families experiencing homelessness through effective use of research. HCH  grantees and medical respite care programs are welcome to join at no cost; no research experience is needed. Learn more about members, topics, and current and past projects.
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