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Learn about our medical respite care standards, a new program, and more.
Learn about our medical respite care standards, a new program, and more.
November • 10 • 2016
A Newsletter for Members of the Respite Care Providers’ Network
Finalized Standards for Medical Respite Care Programs
In 2011, the Steering Committee of the Respite Care Providers' Network addressed the need to establish standards for medical respite care to improve quality and consistency across a range of programs and improve opportunities for research and federal funding for medical respite care. A Task Force of medical respite care experts was charged with developing standards that (1) align with other health industry standards related to patient care, (2) reflect the needs of the patients being served in the medical respite setting, (3) promote quality care and improved health, and (4) are achievable for a range of medical respite programs with varying degrees of resources.
The following standards are not intended to serve as a “one-size-fits-all” approach to delivering medical respite care. Rather, they serve as a framework to help medical respite programs operate safely, effectively, and seamlessly with local health care systems, and to promote program development and growth. The National Health Care for the Homeless Council plans to assist programs in meeting these standards through our training and technical assistance program. Read the standards, or contact Julia Dobbins for technical assistance.
RCPN Steering Committee Holds Annual Meeting in Nashville, TN
Steering Committee members confer. (Photo: NHCHC)
The RCPN Steering Committee met in Nashville on October 18-19 to finalize the medical respite care standards, discuss current and upcoming policies affecting medical respite care, and begin planning for the 2017 Medical Respite Pre-Conference Institute. The group also discussed payment reform and strategies for financing medical respite care. Points from their discussion will appear in an upcoming policy brief. Interested in joining the RCPN Steering Committee? A call for nominations will appear in the next issue of Respite News in January 2017.
New Medical Respite Program in Nashua, NH
Ribbon cutting ceremony for the Peggy and David Gilmour Medical Respite Center: From left to right: David Gilmour, MD; Lynn King, Chairperson of the Board of Directors; Mayor James Donchess, May or Nashua; Peter Kelleher, CEO of Harbor Homes; Peggy Gilmour, NP.
Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Peggy and David Gilmour Medical Respite Center. From left to right: David Gilmour, MD; Lynn King, Chairperson of the Board of Directors; Mayor James Donchess, Mayor of Nashua; Peter Kelleher, CEO of Harbor Homes; Peggy Gilmour, NP.
A new medical respite facility, the Peggy and David Gilmour Medical Respite Center, recently opened in Nashua, NH. The program is operated by Harbor Homes, Inc., a federally qualified health center, and located in the same building as their primary care clinic. As such, medical respite patients will have access to primary care, behavioral health care, and dental care all under one roof. The medical respite wing houses 11 beds in a mix of double and single rooms with shared bathroom facilitIes. Learn more about Harbor Homes, Inc.
Honoring RCPN Steering Committee Member Willie Joe Mackey
Willie Joe Mackey at the 2016 National HCH Conference and Policy Symposium.
The National HCH Council grieves the death of our colleague and friend Willie Joe Mackey. Willie passed away recently in his home in Palo Alto, CA. He was a member of the Respite Care Providers’ Network Steering Committee and a former member of the National Consumer Advisory Board. He was a tireless advocate both locally and nationally. Read remembrances of Willie.
Research Spotlight: Baltimore, MD and Seattle, WA
A recent study published in the Journal of Community Health Nursing explores the process of connecting clients with outpatient care. Through qualitative interviews with staff and clients at the medical respite program in Baltimore, MD, the study shines a light on the challenges and benefits associated with linking clients with outpatient providers. Additionally, the study offers considerations for medical respite programs as they work to build policies and procedures for outpatient care.
Zur, J., Linton, S., and Mead, H. (2016). Medical Respite and Linkages to Outpatient Health Care Providers among Individuals Experiencing Homelessness. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 33(2), 81-89.
The Journal of Hospital Medicine recently published a study from Edward Thomas House Medical Respite Program in Seattle, WA. This study explores the viability of administering outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT) to clients in a medical respite facility. OPAT is a safe way to administer intravenous (IV) antimicrobial therapy. The study found that OPAT can be successful in supervised medical respite settings and has the potential to decrease hospital length of stay resulting in cost savings.
Beieler, A. M., Dellit, T. H., Chan, J. D., Dhanireddy, S., Enzian, L. K., Stone, T. J., Dwyer-O’Connor, E., and Lynch, J. B. (2016). Successful Implementation of Outpatient Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy at a Medical Respite Facility for Homeless Patients. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 11, 531-535.
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