When you set out from Cudjoe Key, FL, aboard Killin' Time II with Don Gates, you are destined to tag and release a small dolphin. Two weeks ago today, angler Chris Whitley did just that and witnessed Gates tag and release his 4000th dolphin! He joined more than 70 other anglers who have helped him to surpass this incredible milestone since Gates started tagging for the DRP in 2002. Since then, Gates, along with three of his closest fishing aficionados, Allen Lewis, Darryl Williams, and Rich Benton, have been responsible for the majority of tag deployments and 180 tag recoveries have been generated from their effort. While documenting the movements and life history patterns of dolphin are their main goals, the Killin' Time II fishing team prides itself on exposing new anglers to the proper methods to tag and release small dolphin, the fun involved in tagging, and the