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Monday, January 30, 2023 - Legislative Day #9
Archives of Past Legislative Alerts

This Week at the State Capitol

Hard to believe that this legislative is nearly a fourth of the way through its allocated 40 days.  Tomorrow, the Georgia General Assembly will be in session for its tenth legislative day.

A joint meeting of the House Retirement and Senate Retirement committees has been scheduled for tomorrow, January 31, at 2 p.m. in 406 Coverdell.  No specific legislation is to be considered.
  The meeting will be broadcast at:

Also tomorrow, a joint meeting of the Senate Education Committee and the Senate Higher Education Committee is scheduled for 2:30 p.m., in Room 450 of the State Capitol.  The agenda calls for an overview of current literacy programs, state and federal funding, and current data on literacy rates.  Among the presenters will be State School Superintendent Richard Woods.  The meeting will be streamed at:

On Wednesday, the House Higher Education Committee will hold a hearing on HB 39, a bill that would require institutions of high learning in Georgia to issue transcripts even if the student owes a financial debt to the school.  The bill has bi-partisan support.


Make a difference in public education.  Introduce yourself to your state legislators today!

As a voter, an educator, and constituent, your legislators value your input.  Your lobbyists at the state Capitol are effective but they are no substitute for the views of a legislator's knowledgeable and engaged constituents.

As a hometown educator - a member of your local community with first-hand experience in public schools - it is critical for your legislators to hear and understand your perspective on education issues.

Take a moment to send a quick note to your representative in the Georgia House and your Senator.  Thank them for their service.  Make yourself available to him or her as a resource on issues affecting our schools, educators, and students.  Set up a meeting with them.  Invite them to your school.

A sample letter is included for you to use as a guide, but your own words and your own experiences will be most effective.  Introduce yourself.  Who are you, where do you work, what is your role in public education?  What are your aspirations for your students?

Your note will be forwarded automatically to your specific individual legislators.  Once you hit "submit," take a moment to note the names of your Representative and Senator if you did not already know them.

As the legislative session moves forward, you will want to follow up with your legislators on issues like TKES/LKES reform, public education funding, educator recruitment and retention, and many other issues that will come up, and GAE will provide you the information you need to do so.
Click Now!
All who value public education in our state will thank you.

Four Special Elections to be Decided Tuesday

Voters in southwest Georgia, north Georgia, and in Barrow and Jackson counties will be turning out tomorrow to elect new representation for four seats in the General Assembly.

Next Legislative Alert will be Tuesday, January 31

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