CTE News - November 14, 2023
CTE News - November 14, 2023
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CTE News

November 14, 2023
Hi Friend of the CTE, 
See you at the Lilly Conference! Sign up for a Winter Term Book Club and engage helpful resources.
News and Information
CTE Office Closed November 15-17
The Center for Teaching Excellence office in 317 Laws Hall will be closed Wednesday, November 15 - Friday, November 17, 2023. Our staff will be busy at Armstrong Student Center hosting and facilitating an amazing Lilly Conference focused on teaching and learning. We hope to see you there! 
Winter Term Book Clubs - Register Now!
Winter term is a great time to read a new book on effective teaching and talk about it with colleagues. We’ll buy the books and facilitate the virtual discussion session.
Monday, January 8, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Register Now for Specifications Grading: Restoring Rigor, Motivating Students, and Saving Faculty Time.
Wednesday, January 10, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Register now for Improving Learning and Mental Health in the College Classroom.
Wednesday, January 18, 10:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Register now for Relationship-Rich Education: How Human Connections Drive Success in College.
Help Your Students 
Finish Strong!
Are you looking for strategies to keep your students engaged? Enhance classroom community and belonging? Provide high-quality, growth-oriented feedback? Meet one-on-one with a CTE Faculty Teaching Associate to help you customize solutions to common teaching challenges by using existing technologies.
Schedule Your Consultation Today
Making Mental Health More Visible
Learn techniques for creating a classroom that prioritizes students’ mental health in this Faculty Focus article.

Student working on an assignment
Supporting Students
to Manage and Revise
Their Work

This featurette from Faculty Focus provides guidance for helping students manage their assignments and maximize what they learn through revision.

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