LIVE STREAM this Sunday, August 23 at 10:15 a.m.
LIVE STREAM this Sunday, August 23 at 10:15 a.m.
                              Thursday, August 20, 2020

Sunday Live Streaming Service

Please join us for our live streaming service here.

Sunday, August 23 at 10:15 a.m.

Call and Response

Rev. Bill Sinkford

Rev. Bill Sinkford will reflect on (a few) questions submitted by members of the congregation. The message of the morning will emerge from the concerns and hopes you bring. Rev. Sinkford's responses may prompt other questions and point to other issues that can be explored in a virtual coffee hour after the service. Click here to submit your question by this Friday morning. 
Live Stream Sunday Services Here

Bill's Blog

Turning Toward Church
Out of long experience, I have come to expect the increase in energy in the church as the inevitable end of summer approaches and we look toward the beginning of a “new church year.”

I wondered, this year, what that energy might be like. I wondered...continued.

Virtual Homecoming Sunday

Help us celebrate Homecoming Sunday in a virtual way!

We’ll gather via our usual live stream service at 10:15 a.m. on Sunday, September 13, to signal the beginning of our new church year.

We can’t be here in person … but we can we can “attend” via selfies!

Please email us selfies of you and your family (we WON’T attach names to your pics), and enjoy the unfolding of this special cyber-service. 
Click Here to Email Your Selfies

Upcoming Events, Workshops & Classes

After Service Virtual Social Hours

Every Sunday at 11:30 a.m. 
Join fellow congregants for a virtual social hour each Sunday after the worship service.
There are two social hours from which to choose:
  • one for the congregation at large and
  • another specifically for families in our Learning Community
When you follow the link to your chosen social hour, you’ll be assigned to a “Zoom Room” with 6-8 fellow congregants. You’ll be invited to introduce yourselves and to share something that moved you in the worship service. And we hope that conversation will follow. Please be courteous and "share the floor."  And if you're ready to make new friends, know that you can leave your meeting and sign back in to join a new group.
NOTE: You must download the Zoom application on your desktop, smart phone, or tablet in order to participate. Click here to download the Zoom application to your desktop computer.  
Use your QR code reader or Apple camera app to scan the QR Code on our Sunday slides OR click on the links below after the service OR type the tinyurl shown on Sunday's screen into your browser.
Click Here to Join the Congregational Social Hour
Click Here to Join the Learning Community Family Social Hour

Taking a Collective Breath: Deepening Our Alignment with the Movement for Black Lives

Free Webinar Series: August 25, September 8, September 22,  October 13 4:00 p.m. PST

The Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee have collaborated  to assist in deepening our collective activism and participation in the Movement for Black Lives. 
The five-session series is built around the elements of the BREATHE Act, using its structure to “focus our energies to effectively support ongoing racial justice work.” 
Register for "Taking a Collective Breath"

Program Resources

Adult Programs, Social Justice, Learning Community, Music & Arts

Adult Programs

Nourishing the Spirit: Practices for the Long Haul

Virtual Class: Saturday, Aug. 22, 10:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. 
Join us for a rejuvenating virtual class with Rev. Katherine Jesch. In community we reawaken the hope, imagination, and passion that sustains us as we work to build the world we see in our dreams.
Email Katherine to RSVP

Mindful Baking

Virtual Classes Wednesdays 
Starting September 2 through 23,
5-6 p.m. PDT
Mindfulness Meditation, deepening one’s appreciation of the present moment, can be practiced in anything we do. Cultivating mindfulness has the potential for self-transformation and greater depth in our lives. Intern Minister, Stacey Mitchell, invites you to explore this practice through baking. No prior meditation or baking experience is necessary. 
Details: On Wednesday, Sept 2. we will be making Oatmeal and Apple Squares (sugar-free and gluten-free).
Attend one or more of these sessions.
Click Here for More Information and to Register

Social Justice & Service

Speaking of Justice Weekly Newsletter
Be sure to subscribe to Speaking of Justice for updates on First U's social justice program and actions. In this period of physical distancing, the sacred work of justice continues. Click here to read. 
First Unitarian Featured in UU World
First Unitarian Church is featured in this UU World article about our participation in the lawsuit about the federal agents dispatched to Portland amidst the Black Lives Matter protests. Click here to read. 
“Ain’t I A Woman?” 
As we mark the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment that affirmed that no one could be denied the right to vote on the basis of sex, we recognize that due to white supremacist laws denying full civil and political rights to non-White people, suffrage was not guaranteed for all U.S. women until the 1965 Voting Rights Act...continued. 
Show Solidarity with Black Lives Matter from the Safety of Your Car
Click below to learn more about the PDX CAR CARAVAN PROTEST
Join a Car Caravan Protest
Help Unhoused People From Your Home! Make a sack lunch for ten people or more now camping in Laurelhurst Park. 
Make Lunches for Unhoused Neighbors.

Disconnect from the Millionaires' Tax Giveaway in the CARES Act!

Oregon UU's For Justice Action of the Week
The CARES Act created 4 new millionaire tax breaks which will cut Oregon revenue. The Oregon legislature needs to disconnect to save services which benefit our most vulnerable populations. Take action!

Attend Oregon UU Voices for Justice Annual Meeting

"Bridging the Economic Divide" - All Are Welcome!
Two Saturday Zoom Discussions: Register in Advance
September 19, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 
October 10, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m. 

In the Community

Community milestones, joys, & sorrows 
Sonya Wedin died on Aug. 15 after a long struggle with breast cancer.  When she was active in our church she served as a lay minister and also sang in our (then) Chalice Choir. We hold her family as they mourn her loss. 

Member Linda Craig’s partner, Kahler Martinson, died on Aug. 17, not long after he decided to stop treatment for his blood disorder.  Linda asks for our prayers for her and for Kahler’s family.

Member Glenda Goldwater is moving into Rose Schnitzer Manor this week after being hospitalized for several days. We hold her in our prayers.

Other News

First Unitarian's Response to COVID-19

Here are a few important updates that affect our life together.

Sunday Worship

Staying Connected

Prayer Intentions: Do you have an intention to be held by our ministers and lay ministers? Send to
Parish concerns: If you have a concern to be shared in church service and the E-News, send a note to
Emergency Assistance: The church has an Emergeny Fund to help members in times of financial need. Send a note to
Church Communications: Do you receive messages from the church including this weekly E-News and our Staying Connected emails? To receive church emails send a note to

Coffee Hour with the Ministers

Next Wednesday will be the last coffee hour. Wednesday at 8 a.m., join the ministers and fellow congregants on zoom for a simple spiritual check-ins. To join click herePassword: FirstU#

Community Justice and Service

Unsure how you can learn, contribute and serve the broader community? Find our "Speaking of Justice: Weekly Update" through our Linktree.

Naming First Unitarian Foundation in Your Will or Estate Plan

Help assure the long-term sustainability of this beloved congregation by including First Unitarian Portland in your will or estate plan.
Please fill out our Intent Form, or for more information, visit our website.

Have a Submission for E-News?

If you have a submission you would like published in our weekly Front Steps (E-News), please submit it here with subject line “For E-News.”

Submission deadline is noon on Tuesday. 

Sunday Livestream

Join us LIVE from your computer or smartphone on Sundays at 10:15 a.m.

Order of Service

View this Sunday's OOS

August Shared Plate

BLUU provides information, resources, and support for Black Unitarian Universalists and works to expand the role and visibility of Black UUs within our faith. BLUU provides guidance and best practices for the important work of congregations supporting groups seeking to organize safely, spiritually, and effectively.
Want to know what this church has to offer? Show up for events/classes, stay for connection!
Trying to find connection with those in the congregation with similar interests?
Contact one of the many groups run by members of the church and connect.
Share photos of you or your family watching our Sunday livestream or volunteering in our community! 
You might see yourself in our pre-service slideshow!
(Your photos gives us permission to publish and/or use images for publications.)
Moved recently? Changed your phone number or e-mail? Fill out this form.
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