Brebeuf Students Heading #2Philly4Francis

From September 24-28, 2015, a group of Brebeuf Jesuit students and faculty/staff members will join students from over 40 Jesuit schools in the United States and Canada to make a special pilgrimage to gather in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, at host schools St. Joseph’s Prep and the Gesu School. This pilgrimage, called #2Philly4Francis, will include an entire weekend full of reflective activities organized by St. Joseph’s Prep leading up to the opportunities to hear Pope Francis speak on Saturday and concelebrate Mass on Sunday during his visit to the City of Brotherly Love.

Six Brebeuf students – Leighann Eckrich, William Eckrich, Isabelle Hackett, Eve Kelly, Willa Sasso, and Olivia Totten – alongside faculty members Carson King and Jess Rewa, will undertake this journey to partake in the Pope’s historic visit.

Join us on Friday, October 2, for Brebeuf Jesuit’s Homecoming events!  Don’t miss out on these great chances to meet up with fellow
Braves and Brebeuf families!
Homecoming Spirit Week Student Theme Days
Monday - Jersey Day
Tuesday - Tourist Tuesday
Wednesday - Class Color Day (Seniors - black, Juniors - white, Sophomores - blue, Freshmen -green)
Thursday - Denim Day
Friday - Class Theme Day  (Books! Seniors - Harry Potter, Juniors - Cat in the Hat, Sophomores -Charlotte’s Web, Freshmen - Jungle Book)
Thursday, October 1 - Powderpuff Game
There will be an altered schedule on Thursday, October 1 to allow for the Powderpuff Game to be played during the school day - allowing for ALL Brebeuf students to watch the game! This has always been a fun part of Spirit Week, and it will only get better this year as it becomes a school-wide event!  See everyone  in the stands of the football field at 11:2o a.m.!
Altered Day 4 Schedule - Powderpuff Game
8:15-9:10 – Period 2
9:10- 9:40 – PRT

9:40- 10:15 – Period 3

10:20-11:15 – Period 4

11:20-12:10 - Powderpuff Game

12:15-1:10 – Period 6

1:10-1:40 – PRT

1:40-2:35 – Period 8

2:40-3:15- Period 7
Friday, October 2 - Homecoming 
Float Parade
Brebeuf Jesuit students will be showing off their floats during the Float Parade beginning at 10:00 a.m. on Friday. Students will line up along the drive in front of Brebeuf to ensure they catch the parade as it crosses 86th Street.
Homecoming Game - Brebeuf vs. Guerin
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
St. Vincent Sports Performance Field
Kickoff at 7:00 p.m.
Altered Day 5 - Homecoming Pep Rally
8:15-9:10 – Period 1
9:10- 9:46 – PRT

9:46-10:20 – Period 4

10:25-11:20 – Period 3

11:25-12:06 -Period 6

12:11 – 1:06 – Period 5

1:06 – 1:42 – PRT

1:42- 2:35 -Period 7

2:35 – Dismissal to Pep Rally

7:00 p.m. - #BEATGUERIN
The Annual Fr. J. Paul O'Brien, S.J. Oktoberfest 
Join us for a special pre-game Oktoberfest, hosted by the Brebeuf Jesuit Dads Club and serving food and beverages in the true tradition that Fr. O'Brien loved! 
Festivities begin at the Homecoming game on Friday, October 2 at 5:00 p.m. until kickoff, just east of the tennis courts off the main parking lot.  
Everyone is welcome - students, alumni, faculty, parents and community members! 
Must be 21 or over to enter the biergarten.

weekly calendar

FRIDAY - september 25, 2015

Day 5
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel

SATURDAY - september 26, 2015

Hockey Midnight Madness - 11:45 p.m. - Carmel Ice Skadium

SUNDAY - september 27, 2015

St. Luke Information Social - 7:00 p.m. - Kennedys' Home

MONDAY - september 28, 2015

Day 1
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel

tuesday - SEPTEMBER 29, 2015

Day 2
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel


Day 3
Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel
Parent Coffee - 8:00 a.m. - France Stone Room


Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel
Powderpuff Game - 11:20 a.m.-12:10 p.m. - St. Vincent Sports Performance Field
Mothers Association Mom's Night Out - 7:00 p.m.

FRIDAY - OCTOBER 2, 2015 - homecoming

Daily Mass - 7:45 a.m. - Chapel
Homecoming Pep Rally - 2:35 p.m.
The Annual Fr. J. Paul O'Brien, S.J. Oktoberfest - 5:00 p.m.
#BEATGUERIN - 7:00 p.m. Kickoff - St. Vincent Sports Performance Field

Picture of the Week

Congratulations to Brebeuf Jesuit's 12 National Merit Scholar Semi-Finalists!
(Top Row): Zach Shue, Ryan McKibben, Daniel Bruns, Tom Sweeney, William Belcher, Jack Sweeney, Justin Hopp
(Bottom Row): Emma Latz, Sarah Conners, Izzy Detherage, Ashlyn Heniff, Melissa Walsh

Student Spotlight

Loves about Brebeuf:
I love the community. I never thought that I would be that senior that talks about retreats like they are the most important thing in the world, but I’m proud to say that I am that senior. The way the staff at Brebeuf works to make sure that students get the opportunity to find their spot in our community is amazing. I feel like “find their spot” isn’t the right way to say that, though. At Brebeuf I have never had to find my spot, because there aren’t any. People fit in everywhere and I feel comfortable talking to anyone. Through retreats, classes, and breaks, it’s so easy to learn more about who’s around you and how important they are to your education. I think a lot of your education comes from the environment you are in and the people that can help teach you about different religions, cultures, and opinions and Brebeuf supplies that environment in more ways than one. 
Favorite Class: 
My favorite class was probably Moral Decision making, and it’s taken a degree of separation away from the class to realize that I actually liked it. It’s very hard to sit in a room and try and figure out what you personally believe is moral. I always thought that I wouldn’t need to have those types of opinions until I was well into adulthood, but Brebeuf makes you confront those opinions in a very up-front way. It was a hard class to take because everyone has a different opinion, but I think it made me realize that I get to have my own opinion on tough subjects. It taught me that I have the right to say that something is morally wrong. 
Future Plans:
I hope to attend either Concordia University in Chicago or Butler University and recieve a sports management degree. I also want to make sure that where I end up makes me happy every day.
Teams & Co-Curriculars:

Varsity Football Manager
Varsity Wrestling Manager
Varsity Track & Field Manager
Young Republicans Club
Ignatian Scholars
Hostess at Murphy’s Steak House

Random Fact:

I can carry four larger dinner plates at a time. I have never been very hand-eye coordinated, but with my job it became a necessity, and it’s a talent I’m proud of.
Is Brebeuf as academically rigorous as they say?
Absolutely. I came from a small school with only thirteen kids in my graduating class. With a class that small we really did work at the pace of the slowest kid, so it was difficult to transition to a math class that works faster than the fastest kid. I really struggled at first and I think that’s common for a lot of kids at Brebeuf. A lot of my friends that go to different schools often ask me about how that makes me feel, or if Brebeuf “leaves me in the dust.” I have to say that even though it has been one of the biggest challenges I have ever had to face, I have never felt left in the dust. Brebeuf can be academically rigorous because it has the resources to make sure no kid gets left behind. If you develop a good relationship with your teachers up front and admit that you need help, any kid can run with the pack. I don’t know where Brebeuf gets its teachers, but they should keep it up. These teachers are more dedicated to helping us succeed than anyone else. As soon as a student learns that the teachers are here to help you, they will start to succeed.
Who is your hero?
I have two older brothers, Nathan and Graham, and they are both my heroes. Nathan is my hero because he is visually impaired. His disability isn’t what makes him a hero, but the way he looks at a world that he can’t see is why he is a hero. Nathan has a positive attitude for someone that has gone through a lot. When we were younger, he was determined to become a sketch artist; he still is, and that was really hard for him to learn to do, and now he’s the best drawer that I know. Graham is my hero because he makes the best of the situation he is in. He has never complained about having to work a little harder than most people, and he finds the joy in every little moment.They both also have this silent relationship that I wish I could be in on. Growing up, Graham helped Nathan with a lot and watching that has shaped the person that I have become. I have two of the greatest role models in the world, and I am forever grateful.
What is your dream job?
My dream job is to be the general manager for any professional sports team. I would be perfectly happy being an athletic director at a high school or filing paperwork for the Colts, but I really want to run the show, and hopefully one day I will.

College Counseling News

Attention Senior Families
All college applications must be completed by Saturday, October 31!
Parents: Be sure to visit the College Counseling Section on Portals to view Updated Materials.
Harvard, Princeton, University of VA, & Yale Information Session in Indianapolis
Harvard, Princeton, University of Virginia, & Yale will be holding an Information Session in Indianapolis on Thursday, October 22, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. at the Indianapolis Marriott North, 3645 River Crossing Pkwy, Indianapolis, IN, 46240.  Admissions representatives from these prestigious schools will discuss academic programs, campus life, selective college admissions and financial aid. Please bring your friends and family.
Saint Louis University Admission Interviews at Brebeuf Jesuit
Laura Kleinschmidt from Saint Louis University's Office of Admission invites students to sign up for an admission interview at a convenient location - Brebeuf!
An admission interview, which is recommended as part of SLU's admission process, is an opportunity for students to sit down for a one-on-one discussion for 15 minutes.
Friday, October 9
10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Lobby Conference Room
Please contact Laura Kleinschmidt at to schedule your admission interview.
College Representatives Visiting Brebeuf
The following College Representatives will be visiting soon.  All students interested in attending the visits must sign up in Naviance.
To see the full list of colleges that have booked their visit, please click here.
Gettysburg College - September 25 - 9:15 a.m. - Lobby Conference Room
Mount St. Joseph - September 25 - 9:15 a.m. - Room LGI 102
Washington and Jefferson College - September 25 - 9:15 a.m. - France Stone Room
Bradley University - September 25 - 1:35 p.m. - LGI 102
Kent State University - September 25 - 1:35 p.m. - Lobby Conference Room
Swarthmore College - September 25 - 1:35 p.m. - LGI 104

Franklin College - September 29 - 11:10 a.m. - France Stone Room
Oberlin College - September 29 - 11:10 a.m. - Lobby Conference Room
Johns Hopkins University - September 29 - 1:35 p.m. - Lobby Conference Room
University of Chicago - September 29 - 1:35 p.m. - LGI Room 102
Wabash College - September 29 - 1:35 p.m. - France Stone Room
Furman University - September 30 - 11:10 a.m. - France Stone Room
Indiana University - October 2 - 9:15 a.m. - Auditorium
Brandeis University - October 2 - 12:20 p.m. - Lobby Conference Room
Butler University - October 2 - 12:20 p.m. - France Stone Room
Williams College - October 2 - 12:20 p.m. - Lobby Conference Room 

Wednesday, October 14
A day full of important events for both parents and
students at Brebeuf Jesuit.
Parent-Teacher Conferences (Formerly Grade Night)
All teachers will be present on campus on October 14 to meet with parents from 4:00-7:00 p.m. to discuss their students' progress. The teachers and the academic counselors will be organized alphabetically in two areas for meetings: the West Gym and the East Gym. Teachers with last names Annee-Karle will be located in the East Gym, and A. Keele-Woodcock will be located in the West Gym.  The Learning Center teachers will be located in the Learning Center (Room 111). Teachers located in the East Gym will take a break from 5:00 - 5:30 p.m. and teachers located in the West Gym will take a break from 5:30 - 6:00 p.m. Don't miss this opportunity to chat with your child's teachers about any concerns!
College Visit/Application Day for Seniors
On October 14, seniors are strongly encouraged to visit college campuses and/or work on college applications; seniors do not attend school due to junior and sophomore PSAT testing that day.
PSAT Testing Day for Sophomores and Juniors
All sophomores and juniors will take the PSAT on October 14. No registration or fee is required. Sophomores and juniors must report to their testing room promptly at 8:10 a.m. Student testing locations will be posted throughout the building in early October. Sophomores and juniors will be released from school at the conclusion of testing (approximately 12:00 p.m.). If a student has been approved for accommodations through College Board, he or she will be dismissed from school closer to 1:00-1:30 p.m. Juniors who score well on the PSAT will be evaluated for National Merit status.
For more information, check out an FAQ by clicking here.
A.C.T. Out Ensemble to Perform for Freshmen
Freshman students do not take the PSAT. All freshmen will instead report to the gymnasium no later than 8:10 a.m. for a special performance by the A.C.T. Out Ensemble.  The A.C.T. Out Ensemble is a social issue theatre troupe, performing original work based on social, health, and educational issues.  We are excited to welcome the A.C.T. Out Ensemble and look forward to an engaging morning for the class of 2019. Students will be dismissed after the morning’s activities are complete.

Inspired by Sonia Nazario's Enrique's Journey?     

Interested in volunteering with the Hispanic/Latino population of Indianapolis?
The following are partnerships that Brebeuf currently has with the community:
Carl Wilde School (IPS 79) - The students at IPS 79 (kindergarten through sixth) need assistance with the after-school tutoring program.
Crooked Creek Food Pantry - On Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and every second Saturday of each month, the food pantry needs volunteers to help with registration, personal shopping with the clients, or help with translation (in conjunction with both of the categories above).
Fay Biccard Glick Neighborhood Center at Crooked Creek - Washington Township residents are offered English as a New Language classes and after school mentoring for the youth.
Meredith Nicholson School (IPS 96) - IPS 96 has multiple athletic and academic after-school programs (kindergarten through sixth) that need volunteer help during the week.
Nora Elementary - Nora Elementary offers after-school tutoring on Mondays and Wednesdays.
Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic - NCLC is looking for translating help with intake sessions (Mondays after school) as well as other special events.
St. Luke’s ENL Program - St. Luke offers an English as a New Language class every week. This is formatted by semester; if you want to help out, be sure to make next semester’s orientation!
Advocacy for Immigration Reform - Ms. Nazario also mentioned advocating for legislative reform at both the local and national levels. There are groups of students at Brebeuf that promote immigration reform and meet with elected officials.
If you want more details about any of the above, talk to Karly Geisse (Room 182, or Nick Klingler (Student Commons,

Upcoming Admissions Events 

A reminder to current families with 8th grade students:

Brave Days are Great Ways to Get to Know Brebeuf

We have been so exicted to welcome all of the 8th grade students to spend a day shadowing a Brebeuf freshman on a Brave Day! During a  Brave Day, students attend classes with a current Brebeuf student and mingle with their peers and teachers.

For more information and to schedule your 8th grader's visit, click here

Fall Open House - Sunday, November 1 from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m.

Mark your calendar for Sunday, November 1.  Brebeuf Jesuit's Fall Open House will be from 12:00 - 3:00 p.m., with Mass begninning at 11:00 a.m.  Our Open House is a wonderful opportunity for prospective students to take a student-led tour of Brebeuf with an Admissions Ambassador, meet with faculty and coaches, and talk with current Brebeuf students about clubs and organizations.  Please join us! 

To register, please click here.

High School Placement Test (HSPT) - October Testing Date is FULL

Please note: All 8th grade students must take the High School Placement Test (HSPT) in order to be considered for admission to Brebeuf Jesuit.  Our October 3 test date is already full! 

To register for the November or December test date, please click here.

To recommend a student for admissions, please email your recommendation to

To learn more about the admissions process, contact Liz Otteson at or 317.524.7090.

Brebeuf National Honor Society Members Offering Free Tutoring Beginning September 30     

Need extra help in math, science, English, history or world language?
Attend a tutoring session(s) and an NHS member will be available to help you.
National Honor Society Members will be available in the Student Commons on:
Wednesdays from 3:15 – 3:45 p.m., and Fridays from 7:30 – 8:00 a.m.

Save the Dates - Bistro Class Parent Parties  

This year’s Bistro Class Parent Parties have been scheduled!  Please join your fellow Class Parents for an evening of drinks, appetizers and socializing while supporting your child’s class and the 2016 Brebeuf Bistro – Carafes & Canvas.  Mark your calendars and plan to enjoy a casual and fun evening getting to know more Brebeuf parents in your child’s class.  
Freshman Class Party – November 7
Sophomore Class Party – October 29
Junior Class Party – November 19
Senior Class Party – December 3
More details will follow at a later date with invitations.

Faith Robbins '17 Trots to Team Gold at South Africa Saddle Seat Invitational

Congratulations to Brebeuf junior Faith Robbins for her fantastic performance as a U.S. equestrian athlete during the 2015 South Africa Saddle Seat Invitational that took place September 16-19. Faith was one of 11 Americans who competed against nine of South Africa’s top riders.  She was also among the five riders who competed in the Three-Gaited section of the U.S. Team, winning its Team Gold medal with South Africa earning Silver. 

In the photo above, Faith Robbins (farthest left) gets acquainted with Daniela Karsten and Madine Dercksen of South Africa and Cameron Kay of the United States team.

For more information about this international competition, click here.

Hockey Midnight Madness - September 26   

Don't miss a big weekend for our Braves Hockey Team at Midnight Madness on Saturday, September 26 as they take on HSE-B at the Carmel Ice Skadium.
This annual event starts at 11:45 p.m. and the puck will drop at midnight.
All students are encouraged to wear their maroon and gold as they come out to support the Varsity Hockey Team.

Brebeuf Athletics - Sports Report

Click the link below to access the Brebeuf Jesuit Sports Report.
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