Candle lighting at Protestant Evening Worship, February 2023
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A Reflection from the University Chaplaincy
Dear Tufts Community,
At Protestant Evening Worship on Sunday nights in Goddard Chapel, we have a lovely and longstanding tradition. Each week we gather in a circle to light candles, place them into a container of sand, and share our prayers of concern and gratitude. One person might pray for a loved one who is ill or a friend who is struggling, while another will remember victims of hurricanes and war. Others give thanks for life’s joys and blessings. Whatever it is we are praying for, the candles, lit one at a time, remind us that Divine Light enters the world through each and every one of us as we open our hearts to Love.
The lighting of candles and lamps is a sacred practice in many traditions. In a few weeks, as part of the celebration of Diwali, the “Festival of Lights,” Hindus will light clay lamps called diyas to symbolize the triumph of light over darkness, knowledge over ignorance, and good over evil. Similarly, during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah, which begins in late December this year, candles are lit on the menorah to commemorate the miraculous victory of the Maccabees and the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. Other examples abound in many religious and secular traditions, each uniquely expressing the shared human yearning for illumination, especially amid the gloom of life’s struggles and uncertainties.
A new program hosted by the University Chaplaincy, Ponder & Pause, invites you to light candles and engage in other spiritual practices you might find meaningful. In addition to candle lighting, these include letter-writing, prayer bead-making, meditation, and a labyrinth walk. The offerings, arranged in different areas of the chapel space, will change from time to time to reflect our diverse multifaith communities. We welcome your input as this program evolves. Come by Goddard Chapel on Wednesdays to take part or simply be still. May Peace and Light be with you always.
Pax et Lux,
The Reverend Daniel Bell
Protestant Chaplain
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The University Chaplaincy welcomes new Muslim Chaplain ad interim Khan Shairani effective Friday, October 11, 2024
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Dear Tufts community,
I am delighted to share that Khan Shairani will be joining the University Chaplaincy team as Muslim Chaplain ad interim. In this role, Khan will support Muslim communities across Tufts’ campuses by advising undergraduate and graduate MSAs; coordinate weekly Jummah prayers on the Medford campus; offer opportunities for practice and learning that reflect the diversity of Muslim traditions; provide spiritual care; and participate in our multifaith programming. Bringing a wealth of wisdom, care, education, and experience to this role, Khan is committed to accompanying students as they navigate the challenges and transformative possibilities of university and spiritual life.
When asked about what he is looking forward to in this interim role, Khan shared his excitement for the diverse and unique backgrounds of the individuals he will engage with at Tufts.
“I have found that we are always one step away from potential life-changing conversations, and that everybody we encounter in our community can have a transformative effect on our thinking, habits, and mode of being in the world,” Khan reflected. “I hope that I can offer myself as a resource to facilitate such conversations one-on-one, in small groups, and amongst our wider community.”
Khan received an M.A. and Ph.D. from the Department of History and Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies at the University of Notre Dame, an M.T.S. in Islamic Studies from Harvard Divinity School, and a B.A. in Arabic Students and Chinese Studies from Williams College. At Notre Dame, he served on the executive team for the Madrasa Discourses project and is currently teaching a course on “Theology and Scripture in Spiritual Care Practice” at Hartford International University for Religion and Peace.
We are excited to welcome Khan to our University Chaplaincy team as we continue our search for a permanent Muslim Chaplain.
Elyse Nelson Winger
University Chaplain
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Engaging the Election: Self, Community, and Care Through Dialogue
Tuesday, October 15th, and October 22nd from 3:00 PM to 4:15 PM at the Interfaith Center
All students are welcome to engage in two opportunities to reflect on the stakes of this election season for ourselves and our communities. On October 15th, we will talk about how our cultural and spiritual identities are informing and shaping our experiences, and on October 22, we will engage in the practice of listening to one another as a way of building bridges across identities and perspectives. Please join us! Good food will be provided.
Join us for two opportunities to share, gain insights, and reflect on the significance of civic engagement and the critical stakes involved in the upcoming election. Food will be provided. This event series was made possible in part thanks to a grant from Interfaith America and its Faith in Elections Playbook Program. To learn more RSVP by scanning the QR code. For questions, email the Humanist Chaplain at Anthony.Cruz_Pantojas@Tufts.Edu.
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Harvard Square Homeless Shelter Volunteering
Thursdays, starting October 17th from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM at Harvard Square Homeless Shelter
All are welcome to join us in volunteering at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter. Starting October 17th, we will send 4-5 students to help serve dinner at the Harvard Square Homeless Shelter, located in University Lutheran Church 66 Winthrop St Cambridge, MA (in the middle of Harvard Square). The University Chaplaincy will provide a T Pass for transportation on the 96 bus into Harvard Square, which stops at 6:10 in front of the LGBT Center. Volunteers travel together and we will send new folks with returners to offer support and guidance. As a volunteer, you decide which weeks you are able to serve. We will have this shift throughout the semester. Please contact Univeristy Chaplaincy Associate Director Lynn.Cooper@tufts.edu if you are interested in signing up or learning more.
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First-Year Experience Field Trip to the Museum of African American History
Saturday, October 19th from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM
The University Chaplaincy, thanks to an Advancing Religious Pluralism grant from Interfaith America, is offering field trips throughout this academic year for first-year students, visiting the Boston Museum of African American History and The Embrace next. All of these trips will allow students to explore Boston's diverse religious and cultural history through free monthly site visits, dinners, and reflections alongside fellow first-years, student leaders, and chaplains. For more information about the Museum, see the Museum’s website. RSVP for the MAAH and The Embrace site visit below and email elyse.nelson_winger@tufts.edu with any questions.
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Ponder & Pause
Wednesdays from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, starting on October 2nd at Goddard Chapel
Join us each Wednesday, starting on October 2nd, for an opportunity to engage in spiritual practices that help us recenter, express gratitude, reflect on our lives, and care for others. Whether it's lighting a candle, walking the labyrinth, meditation, creating a prayer bead bracelet, or writing a card, all are welcome to engage in one or all of the practices.
A chaplain will be available from 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM to guide participants through stations, foster deeper reflection, and provide support. Take this time to pause, practice gratitude, and share this space in hope and healing for yourself and the community.
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Religious and Philosophical Events and Gatherings
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Our events and weekly gatherings are open to everyone in the Tufts community. You can find a calendar and descriptions of our regular events on our website. If you have an idea for a gathering or event, please contact the University Chaplaincy.
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Out & Proud week
Tuesday, October 8th - Sunday, October 13th
All are welcome to participate in these community events, co-sponsored by the University Chaplaincy, Women's Center, CARE, the Department of Theatre, Dance, and Performance Studies, and the LGBT Center.
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Goodie Bag Making for Breast Cancer Awareness
Wednesday, October 9th from 7:30 to 8:30 PM at Hillel
Join us for a fun and heartwarming goodie bag-making event, where you can create personalized treat bags to brighten someone’s day. All proceeds will go to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation! Contact natalie.lopez@tufts.edu with any questions.
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Challenging White Christian Nationalism: A Dinner and Discussion Series
Wednesdays from 7:30 to 8:30 PM., September 18th through November 6th, Austin Conference Room, Tisch Library
Join Protestant Chaplain Dan Bell as we reflect on Bible passages that challenge white Christian nationalism, guided by excerpts from Jim Wallis’ book The False White Gospel. Free book copies are available. A pizza dinner will be provided. All are welcome. Feel free to join anytime. Contact: Daniel.Bell@tufts.edu
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Humanist Chaplaincy Fall Book Club
Wednesdays, from 12:00 PM to 1:15 PM at the Interfaith Center
Join the Humanist Chaplaincy's Fall Book Club! This semester, we will delve into We of Little Faith: Why I Stopped Pretending To Believe (and Maybe You Should Too) by Kate Cohen. To join, e-mail Anthony (anthony.cruz_pantojas@tufts.edu).
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Spanish/English Bilingual Mass
Misa bilingüe en ingles y español
Domingo, 13 de Octubre (cada segundo Domingo del mes)
Cada segundo domingo del mes, vamos a celebrar la misa bilingüe. Nosotros queremos que ustedes nos ayuden en planificar con la selección de música, cantando o participar en el coro, leyendo escrituras, y escribir oraciones. Nuestra guía de adoración proporciona la lectura en ambos idiomas, con toda la música y lecturas en español y la homilía en inglés. Estos contribuciones son una bendición para nuestra comunidad y nosotros tenemos la esperanza que vas a traer sus espíritus de tradiciones a Tufts. Contacte a jose.rodriguez_sanchez@tufts.edu para aprender más o para inscribiste para ayudar!
Sunday, October 13 (every second Sunday of the month)
Every second Sunday of the month, we celebrate Bilingual Mass. We would love for you to help us plan with music selection, singing/performing in the choir, reading scripture, and writing prayers. Our worship aid provides the readings in both languages, with all music and readings in Spanish and the homily in English. These services are such a blessing to our community, and we hope you will bring the spirit of your traditions to Tufts! Email jose.rodriguez_sanchez@tufts.edu to learn more or sign up!
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High Holidays at Tufts Hillel 2024
October 2nd - October 24th
Join us for all or part of High Holidays, meals, and events. This year Hillel will cover 100% of the cost of all High Holiday meals for students! Please visit the Hillel website for all the information you need to know. We cannot wait to celebrate the new year with you.
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Upcoming Religious Celebrations and Observances
To see more upcoming religious holidays and festivals, including information about seeking religious accommodations at Tufts, please follow the link to the Tufts Multifaith Calendar.
Thursday, October 3 – Saturday, October 12, 2024
A nine-night (nav-rat) celebration of nine auspicious forms of Shakti/Devi (feminine divine power/the Goddess). Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work and may include fasting.
Yom Kippur
Friday, October 11 – Saturday, October 12, 2024
Tradition: Judaism
Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Day of Atonement, the conclusion of the Ten Days of Awe, Yom Kippur is the holiest and most solemn of all days in the Jewish year. It is characterized by repentance, fasting, and forgiveness. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work and may include fasting.
Dusserah (Vijaya Dashami)
Saturday, October 12, 2024
A celebration of the triumph(s) of good over evil.
Ghambar Ayatherm
Saturday, October 12 – Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Celebrates the creation of plants, the sowing of the winter crop, and the return of herds from pasture.
Wednesday, October 16 – Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Also known as Feast of Booths. An eight-day Jewish festival of booths (or tabernacles) and the fall harvest. The name refers to the booths (sukkot) used by Israelites during desert wanderings and constructed in the fields during the harvest season. It is a time of thanksgiving for God's presence in creation and among the Jewish people. The Eighth Day (Shmini 'Atzeret) is considered both the end of Sukkot and a distinct festival. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
Installation of Granth Sahib Ji as Guru
Sunday, October 20, 2024
This day celebrates Gobind Singh Ji's passing on guruship to Scripture, henceforth known as the Guru Granth Sahib.
Shemini Atzeret
Wednesday, October 23 – Friday, October 25, 2024
Begins at sundown on the first day listed. Translates as "Eighth Day of the Assembly;" unclear purpose in the bible and has had many forms of celebration. Comes at the end of Sukkot and almost coincides with Simchat Torah. Observances may include limits to participation in academics or work.
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Support the University Chaplaincy
Supporting programs at Tufts University in religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life is easy and vital to our work. To donate, please click on the button below. Thank you for your generosity.
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The University Chaplaincy is a dynamic hub supporting religious, spiritual, ethical, and cultural life for all members of the Tufts community. We provide spiritual care, support religious and philosophical communities, educate about spiritual and ethical issues in society and the world, and promote multifaith engagement.