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Oregon Governor Kate Brown Participates in Youth Initiative Meeting

During a recent visit to Harney County, Governor Kate Brown took the time to participate in our bi-monthly youth initiative meeting. Governor Brown is focusing on youth, the rural economy, and community building, which are all issues the youth initiative is addressing. She wanted to better understand the community building effort around youth in Harney County and was able to do so through her participation in the meeting. 
Youth developed questions ahead of time and spoke one-on-one with Governor Brown. It was a great experience for the youth! At the end, one of the youth in attendance who writes cowboy poetry, read Governor Brown one of her poems. The rest of the meeting consisted of partners working on developing youth engagement ideas in small groups. A youth engagement subcommittee was created and they will be developing a set of guiding principles for engaging youth in a meaningful way. 

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Tentative Harney County Restoration Collaborative Meeting
"Fire-centric" Restoration on the Rattlesnake Project
The April Harney County Restoration Collaborative meeting focused on discussing using fire to largely restore the Rattlesnake Project area. Partners said they would like to see some mechanical thinning beforehand, particularly to protect old growth trees, aspen stands, and riparian areas. The desired results from burning are more diversity in burned and unburned areas. The benefits of using fire are restoring the area to its desired condition with minimal cost. Partners will provide more input to Forest Service personnel prior to the project scoping, which starts in July. 
Fair in the Field Fun at Bird Festival
We had some crazy weather the first week of April, but that didn't stop youth from having fun and learning from our partners during Fair in the Field! Ten of our partners led stations where youth participated in activities covering topics such as sage grouse, hydrology, mule deer migration, and carp. We had over 50 youth participate, 9 of which were high school students from the Future Farmers of America club, who were group leaders for the middle school youth. You can see pictures from the event on our website. We look forward to hosting this event again next year! 
Megafires Provokes Thoughtful Discussion
Around 50 people came out to listen and learn from the Megafires Presentation on April 3rd. Dr. Paul Hessburg talk covered the history of wildfire and how it has evolved into the large destructive fires we see today. He recommended that people protect themselves by firewising their homes. He also suggested that people find ways to support prescribed fire in the landscapes around their community. The presentation was followed by a discussion panel with local fire managers and collaborative partners. Panel members answered questions from community members and shared insights into the challenges they face. 
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