April 13, 2018
Volume 37, #30

Calendar Updates and Reminders

April 17  7th and 11th Grade Exhibition and Dinner
April 20  American Red Cross Blood Drive (1-6 PM)
April 21  Girls' Night In (5 PM Saturday - 10 AM Sunday)
April 22  Middle School Information Session in Northampton (3 - 4:30 PM) - Please Spread the Word!
April 23 10th and 12th Grade Exhibition and Dinner
May 15  Cuba Cultural Exploration Presentation and Pot Luck Dinner (5:30 PM) 

7th and 11th Grade Exhibition and Dinner, April 17, 5:15PM

Please join us for the 7th and 11th grade Exhibition and Dinner. The students have been working diligently on their topics of Climate Change (7th grade) and 50 Years Later: Reflecting on the Legacy of the Late 1960s (11th grade).
The Arts and Cultural Exchange Council will be providing dinner for this year's Exhibition. They will be serving vegan sesame noodles and salad. There will be a gluten free option. Both options contain peanuts. The cost will be $7.00.


The Red Cross returns to campus for the spring Blood Drive at
The Academy!
The Blood Drive will be held on Friday, April 20, from 1:00 to 6:00 PM. Students have been and will be bringing home donor forms, with the goal of every student finding at least one person to donate blood. Appointments can be made by filling out the donor form, or by calling the Main Office during regular business hours, or by visiting the Red Cross Blood Drive appointment page and entering our zip code. Baked goods for donors are also a high priority, so there are ways for everyone to lend a hand. We appreciate in advance your support of this important service event!  Not only does collecting blood save lives, but with enough donations, also provides college scholarships for our seniors.

Please contact Nora Bates Zale with any questions. 

GIRLS' NIGHT IN - April 21 
(5 PM Saturday to 10 AM Sunday)
The Academy's senior women are continuing the tradition of hosting a Girls’ Night In, following its revival last year. First established by alum Gracie Hall (2012), Girls’ Night In is an opportunity for all of the women at The Academy to get to know each other better, boost each other's self-esteem, and have tons of fun. Activities will include movies, a potluck dinner, games, and bonding exercises. Seniors and faculty will provide breakfast in the morning, and each student is responsible for bringing her own pajamas, toiletries, and sleeping bag/pillows. The event will be chaperoned by female Academy faculty and staff members, and all female Academy students are welcome. Attendees are requested to spend the night, but in recognition of the fact that conflicts are a part of life, individual students should talk with Mrs. BZ if arrangements need to be made to participate without sleeping over.
Potluck dinner assignments will be distributed next week.
Students who plan to attend should RSVP to one of the senior girls.
Please be in contact with Mrs. BZ or 
Ella D. with any questions.

APRIL 22, 3 - 4:30 PM

Do you know families with students in 5th, 6th or 7th grade who would want to hear about The Academy's Middle School program for grades 6, 7, and 8? Please share the news that we'll be hosting an information session in Northampton on Sunday, April 22 (3 - 4:30 PM). Find the flyer on our Facebook page for sharing, and for details please contact us at 413-339-4912 x113 or by email

8th Grade Field Trip

On Wednesday, the 8th grade traveled to the United States Federal Courthouse in Springfield for a day of first-hand learning about the judicial system, in advance of our mock trial. Assistant U.S. Attorney (and former Academy parent) Steve Breslow was kind enough to host us for the third consecutive year. Students met with Judge Mastroianni and asked hard-hitting questions about the rights and responsibilities of federal judges and juries and spent some time talking to Judge Ponsor's law clerk, before moving on to an exciting presentation from the U.S. Marshal's office (complete with a visit to the holding cell). We finished off the day with a pizza party alongside other federal prosecutors. Thanks to everyone who made this an informative and exciting trip!

Open Mic!

Come join us for a night of entertainment and performance, from musical bands to comedy sketches, brought to you by the Academy community! The Academy Open Mic will be held on April 27th (7-9 PM), on campus. Those wishing to perform (anyone cand do so; students, faculty, and even friends outside of school) should contact Katie T, Tucker Z-A Nat B-O , or sign up on the sheet on "That Board" in the Common Room. All are welcome to attend, and we hope to see you there!

Aardvark Athletics

The Girls Lacrosse team outlasted Stoneleigh Burnham 6-5 to earn their first victory of the season on Monday. Goals were scored by Emily S, Tess R, Areia H, and Lydia S. On defense, Amelie R, Ella D, and Celeste D combined with goalie Sarah H's 8 goals to hold off a second half goal scoring run by SBS.

The JV Ultimate Team lost to Four Rivers Middle School Boys 13-8 on Monday. Lila G led the way, with 4 goals and 1 assist. Calla J, Julen P, Raymond M, and Elaina G-B also contributed to the scoring while Jeremy F showed great effort on defense with 9 blocks. All in all it was a great first game! The team had a tough game against Eaglebrook on Thursday, losing 15-3. Sam F, Julen P, Raymond M, and Nacho d helped the Academy on the scoring end.

The middle school Ultimate team lost to an extremely strong Hartsbrook squad on Tuesday.  Despite the lopsided score, the Aardvarks exhibited determination and good sportsmanship throughout the contest.  Charlie P. did a good job of marking on defense and Greta M made a number of smart plays on offense. On Wednesday, the team erased an eight-goal halftime deficit with five unanswered scores to open the second half before finally losing to Bement 15-5. Atticus R had two goals and played a strong game on both offense and defense, as did Anna P-C who had a goal and an assist.  Ruby C, Chanina K, and Elisa R provided strong handling on the offensive end.

The Varsity Ultimate team defeated BART 15-7 and White Oak 10-6 this week. In both games, Tucker Z-A was a great handler, recording several assists, while Liam F and Patrick O scored several goals apiece. On Tuesday, Eliza B and Ishan S scored multiple goals while Will D and Harper W-W had several assists each. Chessie R and Nat BO added strong defensive efforts to the team's first victory, while on Wednesday, Solly C pulled in multiple goals.

Last Saturday, seven Academy students were joined by guest players for an informal four-team round robin Ultimate tournament at NMH. After a slow start in the first game against Marianapolis, AAC (and friends) managed to win the second two games against Chapel Hill and NMH JV. Our players gained a wealth of experience and worked on our zone and offensive strategies in a competitive, spirited and fun day of ultimate.
April is Grove Season
Time to purchase a yearbook ad for your graduating senior - or your business! 
It's that time - we'll be kicking off ad sales for our yearbook, The Grove, directly after spring break. All students will be assigned an ad to sell (or multiple ads -- returning students are given the same ad or ads that they sold last year, new students are assigned new customers). The sale of an ad generates a free yearbook for the selling student; students who do not sell an ad will be charged for the cost of their yearbook (approximately $15). Selling an ad, however helps to build community relationships with local businesses as well as to cover printing costs - students' participation in this goes beyond the benefit of a free yearbook.  

Parents of the graduating class often purchase ad space to congratulate their seniors -- these ads count towards the free yearbook for the corresponding student. Parents who are business owners are also welcome to work with their student to purchase an ad. If you are interested in creating an ad for your senior or business, please review this link for details on sizes and specs, complete this ad contract and send it along with the ad to grove@charlemont.org, or send in a hard copy. Hard copies of ads or ad contracts, questions, and concerns can be directed to Nora Bates Zale. The deadline for ad sales is April 27.  
Mr. Miller's chemistry students sculpted a mole out of a mole of aluminum foil.
In Spanish 5, Lilah F complemented her presentation (en español) on Yoruba masks and beliefs taken to Cuba by making delicious candy for the class to enjoy.

Andrae Green - Parallax

Art teacher and painter Andrae Green invites the Academy community to attend the reception for PARALLAX: a solo exhibition of oil paintings. The exhibition opens Monday April 15th,  and an artist reception will be held Thursday, April 19th (6-8 PM) at the Art Gallery in the Saint Germain Campus Center at Western New England University (1215 Wilbraham Road in Springfield).

The Shelburne Falls Art Garden's 4th Annual Hilltown Draw-Around, April 28

The Hilltown Draw-Around is returning to the Cowell Gym (51 Maple Street) in Shelburne Falls on Saturday, April 28th for their 4th annual community art extravaganza! Come celebrate an end to your cabin fever and the coming of spring at this pay-what-you-want community event from high noon 'til midnight. All proceeds go toward funding The Art Garden’s ARTeens Program.

Contact The Art Garden at 413-625-2782, or visit us on Facebook for more information.


With three months to go until the end of our fiscal year, we're a little over halfway to our Annual Fund Goal of $250,000. If you haven't yet made your gift or your pledge, please do so here. Parents, we're currently at a 72% participation rate, and we're aiming for 100%! Every gift matters, every day. Thank you for your generosity.
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