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KHCA Spring Membership Meeting  
REMINDER -- Please Plan to Attend

Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2016
Time: 7:30 pm
Location: Stephen Knolls School, 10731 St Margaret's Way, Kensington
Program: What's Happening In Wheaton!
It's spring (finally!) and changes are busting out all over in Wheaton. From the plans for the new Town Center in the heart of Wheaton, to the new Library/Recreation Center at Georgia and Arcola, to the disappearance of the old BB&T building in preparation for a new development, to construction at the Mall including new restaurants and a new movie theater.There's a lot happening!
We have invited the new director of the Mid-County Center, Luisa Montero, as well as the new Manager of Westfield Wheaton, Emily Brophy (even the people are new this spring!) to join us at our Spring Membership Meeting to catch us up on everything that's happening. Here's your chance to find out what's already planned, what will be happening soon, and what may still be a gleam in their eye. And, it's also your chance to ask about any concerns you have about operations at the Mall and what's going on in downtown Wheaton.  

So, please come out and join us at the meeting next week.There will be a $25 gift card as a door prize given to a lucky attendee, So be there!!

Also, please remember KHCA depends on your support. We don't require dues for you to be an Active Member, but we do request that you support your Association with a voluntary contribution ($10 per person, $20 per household). We run very frugally but we have been doing a lot more to ensure active communications with each of you, and that does require funding for the website, for software, etc. So please come to the meeting and help out. If you can't come, you can send your contribution directly to our treasurer, Erl Houston, at 10723 St. Paul Street, Kensington, MD 20895. You can also donate on-line.Thank you.

OTHER REMINDER -- Blood Drive, Wheaton, Today March 14, 2:00-7:30 PM

Hughes United Methodist Church, 10700 Georgia Avenue

Blood is needed for victims of accidents, disasters and diseases. Please come, donate a bit of life-saving fluid, join in the community, and enjoy home-baked goodies as well as veggies and fruits to revive you. 

Kensington Heights Civic Association
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