It’s ADPT’s National Train Your Dog Month
It’s ADPT’s National Train Your Dog Month
It's ADPT's National Train Your Dog Month!
Start off the new year with everything you need to become a better trainer in 2019! 
In celebration of APDT's National Train Your Dog Month, we're offering 20% off select online courses!

Coupon Code: TYD201
*Copy and paste the above discount code at checkout.
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from ClickerExpo!
Train better in the new year with 15% off ClickerExpo streaming videos from top trainers including Hannah Branigan, Susan Friedman, Michele Pouliot, Emma Parsons, and many more!
ClickerExpo Videos on Demand
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Find training tips for the New Year!
Train Your Puppy to Listen
All Ears! How to Train Your Puppy to Listen
Do you find yourself repeating instructions to your dog or puppy? You can learn how to train a puppy or dog to listen to you the first time, and every time.
Teach Your Dog to Target
Teach Your Dog to Target
One of the most important foundation behaviors you can teach your dog is to target. Targeting is easy to teach and, when trained correctly, it can become the foundation for training many different behaviors.havior to teach a new puppy that will live indoors. 
View all tips and savings!
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