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Webinar: Public Engagement and Communications: How Are They Related?
Wednesday 11/02,10 AM PT/1 PM ET

Public engagement and communications are two areas within local government that are often conflated and seen as one and the same. However, while some elements of public engagement include communications, not all communication efforts are public engagement. We have partnered with CitizenLab to explore how public engagement and communications are both different and equally important.

This webinar will be a conversation between our very own Maureen Tobin and Pooja Di Giovanna and Ben Gordon and Amanda Rotella from Citizenlab on the ins and outs of public engagement and communications. We invite you to join our conversation to learn more about public engagement and communications, and share your experiences. Registration is free, and all are welcome! 

We look forward to seeing you there,
The Davenport Institute Team
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