From the Ranch House

Coyotes in RVR
Please be aware of coyotes in the neighborhood and be very careful when you have small pets or children outside. If you encounter a coyote or an attack occurs, contact the Division of Wildlife at (970) 255-6100.
Click HERE here to learn what Colorado Parks and Wildlife recommends if you encounter a coyote.
New General Manager Search
As many of you may know by now, Sterling Page has resigned as the General Manager of RVR. After getting to know him over the last four years, the Board and the community wish him well in his future endeavors. In our search for a new General Manager, we would like to enlist all of the members of our community to consider if they may know any suitable candidates for the position. Click HERE for a link to the job description. Candidates can send letters and resumes to
Traffic Update
Click HERE for information regarding ongoing traffic updates on the CO 82 and CO 133 Signal Replacement Project for the week of Oct. 17.


Artist of The Month - Hunter Hogan
This month we welcome Roaring Fork Valley resident Hunter Hogan as our featured Artist at the Ranch House.
Hunter will display her art at the Ranch House in October. Be sure to stop by and view her lovely work.
Please enjoy a video of Hunter Hogan's artistic process below.

Reminders & Highlights

Tennis Court Conditions
The clay tennis courts will remain open as weather permits. When freezing temperatures occur in the evening, the courts form a layer of frost on the surface. When this happens, during the day the frost will melt and the courts become very soft, muddy and not playable. At that point, we will close the courts. We will continue to monitor court conditions. Please stay tuned for updates. Thank you everyone for supporting the RVR tennis program!
Compost Disposal
RVR members may now bring their organic waste to the Ranch House parking lot. Look for the large dumpster towards the back of the parking lot and remember to dump your items out of the box or bag you brought them in!
Deer Fencing
Deer fencing may be erected after October 15. and after you receive notice that your sprinkler system is blown out.
Read more about deer fencing guidelines; see section 6.58.1 of the Design Guidelines by clicking HERE
Irrigation Blow-Out Underway
Please be advised, RVR crews have begun shutting the water off and draining the mainline. 
You will receive a hanging tag on your door to notify you when your blowout is complete. Please remember, deer fencing may not be erected before you receive this notification. To read more about deer fencing guidelines, see section 6.58.1 of the Design Guidelines; click HERE.
If your irrigation controller is in your garage, please provide a garage code to allow the irrigation crew access to your controls. You may contact Travis Green, irrigation manager,


Fitness Schedule

Click HERE for a printable version of the Ranch House Fitness schedule. You can also find the fitness calendar on the website by clicking HERE. This webpage is live, updated frequently, and shows up-to-date class information as well as any cancellations or time changes.

RVR Committees

Old Town Annual Meeting 
The Old Town Advisory Committee formally invites you to attend their annual meeting of 2021 on Tuesday, Oct. 19 from 7:15 p.m. - 8:15 p.m. in the Ranch House conference room
Click HERE to read the agenda.
This meeting will be available both in-person and on Zoom: Click HERE for the Zoom link.
Meeting ID: 827 0155 1582
Passcode: 143571

COVID - 19 Information

Vaccine Opportunities
All Coloradans 12 and older are now eligible to receive the COVID 19 vaccine. Click HERE for information on where you can receive your COVID 19 vaccine.

Free COVID Testing

Click HERE to schedule a free COVID-19 test.

Community Announcements

Queen Bees - Live at Steve's Guitars on Friday, Oct. 15 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.

Glenwood Canyons Adventure Park Oktoberfest on Saturday, Oct. 16

The Kirstie Ennis Foundation Oktoberfest at Sunlight Ski on Saturday, Oct. 16 at 11 a.m.
Click HERE for tickets and more info.
Carbondale Comedy Show on Saturday, October 16 from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. at Marble Distilling Company.

Consensual Improv at the Arts Campus at Willits on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 8 p.m.
The American Legion in Carbondale hosts a Halloween costume party on Saturday, Oct.  30 from 5 p.m.- 10 p.m. at 97 N. 3rd street, Carbondale
Click here for more.

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