Shelley Laskin, Trustee
Toronto District School Board
Ward 8: Eglinton-Lawrence & Toronto-St Paul's
- Clayton La Touche Appointed TDSB Director of Education
- Cold Weather Days
- Committee Meetings this Week
- TDSB Budget - Quick Facts in Focus
- PowerSchool Cyber Incident
- New Transitions Websites for Families
- Program Applications and Deadlines
- Beyond 8 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers
- High School Open Houses and Information Nights
Elementary School Open Houses and Information Nights
- Student Trustee Election
- Are your kids up-to-date with their vaccines?
- Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Infections
- New Invitations
- Policy Consultations - We'd like to hear from you
- Reporting Hate
- Professional Activity (PA) Days
2024-25 School Year Calendar
- Useful Links
- Worth Repeating...
- Dogs Are Not Allowed on School Property
- Community Safety and Support
Previous Weekly Updates posted here.
Clayton La Touche Appointed TDSB Director of Education |
I look forward to welcoming Clayton La Touche as the new TDSB Director of Education starting February 10, 2025.
I am grateful to Stacey Zucker for her excellent work as Interim Director during the transitional period. Please read the TDSB media release below.
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Given we are now experiencing winter weather, it is important for students to dress for the cold - at the TDSB, if the weather is warmer than -20 degrees Celsius students will spend recesses and more outdoors. If the weather with the windchill goes below -20 degrees Celsius schools will modify the duration of time that students are outdoors.
If the weather with the windchill drops to below -27 degrees Celsius, students will not go outside for recesses or other classes. As per the TDSB procedures "Occasionally, severe weather conditions may require the Toronto District School Board (TDSB) to cancel transportation and/or close schools. This may occur before the beginning of the school day or, if conditions become severe, during the school day. To ensure the safety and welfare of students and staff during school hours, the Board’s Severe Weather operational procedure (PR519) will guide decisions and operations. The safety and welfare of students is a shared responsibility with parents/guardians/ caregivers. It is important for everyone to understand how the Board operates under unusual weather conditions." The decision to close schools is made by the Director of Education. Should a cancellation or closure (occurring before or during the school day) be necessary, information will be posted on the TDSB website and shared through TDSB social media. Please see more details on the TDSB website here.
Committee Meetings this Week - PSSC and PPC |
- 5.1 Parent Involvement Advisory Committee: Annual Report, 2022- 2023
5.2 Parent Involvement Advisory Committee Report, June 4, 2024: School Generated Funds
5.3 Special Education Advisory Committee: Annual Report, 2023-2024
5.4.1 Special Education Advisory Committee: Community Membership Updates
5.4.2 Special Education Advisory Committee Report, October 8, 2024: Creating a Fast, Fair and Effective One-Stop Avenue Within TDSB for Parents of Students With Disabilities/Special Education Needs who Believe TDSB is not Accommodating Their Child’s Learning Needs
6.1 General Interest and Senior's Daytime Programming
- 7.1 Written Notice of Motion for Consideration: Advocating for Mandatory Equity, Diversity, and Anti-Racism Certification for K-12 Teachers in Ontario (Trustees Williams and King, on behalf of Student Trustee Bell)
- 8.1 Written Notice of Motion: Review and Reinstatement of Wellness Week at R.H. King Academy (Trustees Ghous and Shan, on behalf of Student Trustee Bell)
Thursday, January 16, 2025 – Planning and Priorities Committee - 4:30pm - Boardroom, 5050 Yonge St - Agenda
- 6.1 Temporary Relocation of Pape Avenue Junior Public School and Childcare to 540 Jones Avenue
- 6.2 Employee Interim Measures Pending Investigations
TDSB Budget - Quick Facts in Focus |
PowerSchool Cyber Incident |
What has happened? On Tuesday, January 7, 2025, PowerSchool notified TDSB and other school boards in Ontario and across North America that a PowerSchool system had experienced a data breach between December 22 - 28, 2024.
What is PowerSchool? PowerSchool is the application used by TDSB and many school boards across North America to store a range of student information and a limited amount of school-based staff information. The type of information entered varies from one school board to another.
How is TDSB responding? TDSB’s cybersecurity team promptly activated our response plan, taking immediate steps to ensure that our critical systems remain operational and secure. Working with PowerSchool, we are conducting a thorough investigation to understand the nature of the incident and what personal information may have been affected.
If it is determined that any personal information has been impacted, TDSB community members will be notified. In the meantime, and out of an abundance of caution, we have notified the Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario.
The safety and security of student and staff information continues to be our top priority and in the coming days, Frequently Asked Questions will be developed and posted here for your convenience. These questions will continue to be updated on this webpage as more information becomes available.
TDSB communication: January 8, 2025: Letter re: PowerSchool Cyber Incident
New Transitions Websites for Families |
These user-friendly platforms offer valuable tools, information, and support tailored to ensure smooth transitions for all students, including those with disabilities and special education needs. Whether transitioning to a new grade, moving to a different school, or preparing for life beyond secondary education, the website provides practical resources and guidance to help educators and families plan effectively and make informed decisions. Families are encouraged to connect with their child’s teacher or principal for more specific transition information tailored to their child's needs.
Program Applications and Deadlines |
Out-of-Area Admissions Close January 31TDSB students can attend schools outside their designated area through the Out-of-Area Admissions process. This program allows families to choose schools that best fit their children's needs, whether it's for specialized programs, proximity to childcare, or other reasons. Click the following links to learn how to apply for the elementary process before January 31 and secondary process before January 24, 2025.
Secondary Schools Without a Boundary - The TDSB offers a unique opportunity for students to attend secondary schools without being limited by geographic boundaries. This means students can apply to schools that best fit their interests and educational goals, regardless of where they live. These schools provide a wide range of programs, from technical and commercial courses to university preparation. Secondary Schools Without a Boundary applications for the 2025-26 school year close on January 24, 2025.
Applicants can opt to apply for: One Out-of-Area Option, One Secondary School without a Boundary Option or Both an Out-of-Area option and a Secondary School without a Boundary option. If applying to both and if offered a seat in both, applicants may only accept the seat at one school.The decision to decline a seat cannot be undone. Learn more about the dissolution of the legacy technical and commercial boundaries. Learn more about the Admission Priorities for Secondary Schools without a Boundary.
Beyond 8 Frequently Asked Questions & Answers |
High School Open Houses and Information Nights |
To help you make an informed decision when choosing a school, TDSB schools will host in-person open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians and students between November and January. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools, programs and courses. If you have questions about a specific school or open house, please contact the school directly for more information.
Note: Please check this page regularly, as secondary schools will continue to post information about open house dates/times.
Elementary School Open Houses and Information Nights |
To locate your designated elementary home school by address, please Find Your School - By Address. Schools that offer Central Student Interest Programs and local programs will host open houses and information sessions for parents/guardians and students between November and February. Learn everything you need to know about our incredible variety of schools and programs. If you have questions about a specific school, please visit the school’s website or contact the school directly for more information.
Note: Please check this page regularly, as elementary schools will continue to post information about open house dates/times.
Student Trustees Election |
Do you have a young leader in your life who wants to better the education system? Do you know a high school student interested in government? If so, you should let them know the TDSB Student Trustees Election will take place on February 26 and 27, 2025.
Students in grades 10 and 11 are eligible to apply and will be emailed the necessary information in the coming days. Before applications open on January 23, interested candidates are required to attend a virtual Student Trustee Information Session on January 15. The Board of Trustees looks forward to welcoming a new group of changemakers!
Are your kids up-to-date with their vaccines? |
As reported in the Toronto Star, "Toronto Public Health is urging parents to get their kids caught up on immunization, with routine vaccine coverage rates still lagging well behind pre-pandemic levels. This week and over the next month, Toronto Public Health will be sending letters to more than 18,000 homes with students in Grade 11 whose vaccination records are incomplete or who don’t have a valid exemption and attend one of Toronto’s four publicly funded school boards."
The following vaccines are available at School Immunization Program (SIP) clinics:
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- Meningococcal vaccine (prevents meningitis)
Human Papillomavirus vaccine (prevents cancers)
- Hepatitis B vaccine (prevents liver disease and cancer)
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Toronto Public Health is hosting community clinics to help students catch-up on their school-based vaccines. Clinics are appointment based and residents are encouraged to book an appointment.
In Ontario, the Immunization of School Pupil Act (ISPA) requires all students to be up to date with meningococcal vaccines or have a valid exemption even if they received a meningococcal vaccine as a child. TPH warns that students could be suspended if they don’t have vaccines required by the Immunization of School Pupils Act (ISPA), starting in spring.
TPH is hosting community clinics to help students catch-up on their school-based vaccines. Clinics are appointment based and residents are encouraged to book an appointment. They will be returning to schools to provide students in grade 7 and 8 their next dose of the hepatitis b and human papillomavirus vaccines. Students who have not yet received these vaccines and/or the meningococcal vaccine can also get vaccinated at these clinics.
Reduce the Spread of Respiratory Infections |
During this respiratory virus season, I encourage you to review tips from Toronto Public Health (TPH) to help prevent the spread of infections in schools and communities.
Here are a few suggestions from TPH to help keep everyone safe:
- Stay home if you are sick
- Stay up to date with vaccines
- Practice good hygiene
| On-Call Replacement Roster
There is a new Recruitment platform for applications for the On-Call Replacement Roster.
Day of Action Against Islamophobia: The Boldest White Author and Illustrator Talk
In honour of the National Day of Remembrance of the Quebec City Mosque Attack and Action Against Islamophobia, the Equity, Anti-Racism Anti-Oppression Department, and Islamic Heritage Month Committee invite grade K-6 classes to a book talk in the day and the community in the evening.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
6:00 – 7:00 p.m. - Community session (K-6 students, their parents/caregivers, families, and community). Registration link for the community evening session: https://bit.ly/Jan292025DayofAction.
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| Virtual Office Hours - Pathway To Care For Mental Health with the TDSB Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Committee
Join us for an engaging presentation titled "What Is Mental Health?" designed specifically for parents, guardians, and caregivers. The presentation will be co-facilitated by members of the TDSB Mental Health and Well-Being Parent Committee, alongside TDSB Professional Support Staff and TDSB Mental Health Leads. Together, they will share valuable insights, resources, and tools to empower families in fostering positive mental health and resilience.
The virtual session takes place January 15, 2025 from 7 to 8 p.m. Please see the following links for the event flyer and additional Virtual Office events.
Policy Consultations - We'd like to hear from you |
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) is committed to open and inclusive policy decision-making and values community input and participation through consultation. Consultation is a two-way communication process between the Board and external participants, including students and their parents/guardians, school councils, advisory committees, community members, different levels of government, service agencies, professional organizations and union partners. The objective of consultation is to gather public input regarding options, alternative courses of action, as well as to identify unintended effects for various participants and to find solutions.
Use of Copyright Protected Works Policy (P079)
Draft New Policy [docx] Draft New Policy [pdf]
Objective - To provide direction to all staff, students, Trustees, third party service providers, parents/guardians/caregivers, partners, and volunteers, regarding their rights and obligations in the use of copyright protected works for learning experiences and school or Board business. Closes February 1, 2025.
If you have any questions related to the development and consultation of the Policy, please feel free to contact us at: suzan.joueid@tdsb.on.ca
As I repeat in every update, the TDSB collects data through the Bias and Hate (RBH) Portal, and the increase in antisemitic incidents is also being experienced in our schools - on my website I have excerpted from all our public reports on the data - TDSB Public Reports with RBH Portal Data 2018-2023. Principals and Superintendents are being reminded of their responsibilities in documenting incidents and educating against them. All students and staff - all students and staff - must be safe in our schools and free from discrimination, harassment and hate.
You can read more on TDSB's Combating Hate and Racism Strategy on our website. It is important that there is accurate information about Board updates and decisions as they relate to combating hate and racism. Questions and Answers have been prepared to provide additional information - should you have any additional questions, please email me.
If you are a staff or a student or a parent/caregiver, and you are a victim of/or witnessing an incident of racism, bias, or hate in our schools, please report it to the school's principal, who has a duty to investigate all incidents. Each time an incident takes place in a school, it is to be recorded in the portal I previously referenced which then begins a system response. We have a responsibility to educate against hate. For more information, please visit the webpage for Reporting an Incident of Hate or Discrimination Involving or Impacting Students. If you experience it, or witness it, report it. Please. If you are concerned your complaint is not being taken seriously after you follow the Parent Concern Protocol, please let me know.
For incidents involving and impacting students, the following procedures can apply: Reporting and Responding to Racism and Hate Incidents Involving or Impacting Students in Schools, PR728 Parent Concern Protocol, PR505 Caring and Safe Schools related procedures
For employee complaints, the following procedures can apply: Workplace Harassment Prevention and Human Rights, PR515 (for employee conduct alleged to be a human rights violation or Code-based workplace harassment) Non-Code Based Workplace Harassment, PR740
In some circumstances an incident entered into the RBH portal may be a breach of the Criminal Code through the incitement of hate; in which case, the incident must also be reported to the police in accordance with PR728.
Complaints regarding social media postings should be sent directly to the TDSB's Human Rights Office at humanrightsoffice@tdsb.on.ca. The intake process is being centralized in the Human Rights Office to ensure for consistency of process.
If you witness something inside the community, report any allegations of hate-motivated crimes to police for investigation at 416-808-2222 or 9-1-1 in an emergency. The Police state they will not tolerate any intimidation, harassment, or hate-motivated behaviour aimed at specific communities. You can also call 1-800-222-TIPS to Crime Stoppers anonymously.
Please remember TDSB's Mental Health and Well Being Professional Support Staff (PSS) are here to support your mental health and well-being and to help you navigate the tools and resources you may need. Please see resources on their website.
Professional Activity (PA) Day |
As you may be aware, during the school year, school staff participate in a number of Professional Activity (PA) Days. On these dates, students remain at home and schools are open for staff to engage in professional learning. As per Ministry requirements, detailed information about planned activities will be posted to the TDSB public website at least 14 days in advance of each scheduled PA Day during the 2024-25 school year. I encourage you to visit the PA Day web page to learn more and check back throughout the school year.
Note: the next PA Day for the 2024-25 school year is January 17, 2025 for elementary students and January 30, 2025 for secondary students.
January 17 - Elementary Assessment and Reporting - All Staff - Elementary Topics: Assessment and Reporting
Description: Elementary teachers will be engaged in Assessment and Reporting activities.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar |
Please ensure you check for Days of Significance before scheduling student and community events - as the TDSB is currently reviewing ours - for 2024-25, the TDSB will only publish a Faith/Creed-Based Holy Days Calendar and an Indigenous Days of Significance Calendar. For now, please check the Multi-Faith calendar available online https://multifaithcalendar.org/cal/index.php.
| The month of January is recognized by the TDSB as Tamil Heritage Month. This year’s theme for Tamil Heritage Month is:Kinship:
யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளிர் // Yaadhum Oore Yaavarum Kelir - To us, all towns are one, and all people are our kin.
Toronto has the largest Tamil population outside of the South Asian subcontinent with thousands of TDSB students and staff members who identify as Tamil.The importance of building awareness, creating a strong self and collective identities, and understanding one's own roots and rights are important objectives of the Tamil Heritage Month volunteer planning committee. For further information about Tamil Heritage Month, please follow on twitter to learn interesting facts on Tamil customs and traditions @TDSB_Tamil.
We are excited to announce that the Winter Well-Being Guide 2024-2025 is now available. The Guide is prepared by the Mental Health and Well-Being Committee, in collaboration with the Mental Health Leads and the System Leader for Mental Health and Professional Support Services.You can access it here: The Winter Well-Being Guide 2024-2025.
Winter Clothing Drive - As winter approaches, many members of our community will face the harsh realities of cold weather without adequate clothing. That is why TDSB is organizing a Winter Outerwear Drive to collect funds that will be put towards the purchase of warm coats, hats, gloves, and boots for students. The TDSB Winter Outerwear Drive has raised over $1.3-million in monetary and in-kind donations since 2021.
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The needs of TDSB families are greater than ever. These items represent a difficult purchase for many families, especially this year. Donate: To make a monetary donation, please click the link below. 100% of the donation value is eligible for a tax receipt. Donate to the Winter Clothing Drive 100% of all proceeds and in-kind donations benefit TDSB students. This year’s Winter Outerwear Drive will run from November to the end of February 2025.
Have your Say - Let the Province Know What to Prioritize in the Budget
The Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs will meet to conduct Pre-Budget Consultations. The Committee intends to hold public hearings in Toronto on Wednesday, January 29, 2025 and other places in Ontario on different days. Interested people who wish to be considered to make an oral presentation to the Committee in Toronto are required to register by: 5:00 p.m. (EST) on Friday, January 17, 2025.
Those who do not wish to make an oral presentation but wish to comment on the issue may send a written submission by 7:00 p.m. (EST) on Wednesday, February 5, 2025. To register or send a written submission, please visit the following link: ola.org/en/apply-committees.
Learn4Life - Winter classes are filling up! Don't miss out on your chance to make the most of 2025 — classes begin on January 11, 2025
Stuck on what to get your friend or loved one for the Holidays? We got you covered, scroll down to learn more about giving the gift of a Learn4Life course!
Led by expert instructors, Learn4Life offers courses in Arts, Business, Computers, Cooking, Crafts, Dance, Finance, Fitness, Languages, Music, Sports, Sewing, and much more!
Please visit learn4life.ca to learn more.
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Speaker's Idol - Speeches due on January 31, 2025
FSWC’s Speaker’s Idol is an annual public-speaking competition open to Canadian students in grades 6 to 12. Students are asked to reflect on a selected quote by Holocaust survivor Simon Wiesenthal, relate the quote to a human rights issue of their choice, and discuss ways in which they envision countering this issue and creating positive change in our world.
The first stage of the Speaker's Idol program is a written submission, followed by three rounds of oral presentations.
If you have any questions about Speaker's Idol 2025, please reach out to education@fswc.ca
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| Diverse Minds 2025
Calling all high school students, bring your words to life with the power of storytelling. Enter our Diverse Minds Creative Writing Competition for 2025! For more details or to enter the competition, click here: http://diverseminds.ca.
2025 Prime Minister's Awards for Teachers and Early Childhood Educators
Teachers and ECEs are inspiring children in all areas of life, from science and math to schoolyard interactions. Consider nominating an educator for a 2025 Prime Minister’s Award!
Closes January 15th!
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Special Education and Inclusion is pleased to once again offer a series of drop-in sessions designed for parents/ guardians/caregivers on navigating special education resources and supports within the TDSB.
These informal gatherings provide a welcoming space for parents to learn about available services, ask questions, and connect with other families.
Facilitators will guide discussions on topics such as supporting student
transitions and exploring occupational therapy/ physiotherapy strategies to use at home with students. All drop-in sessions for the 2024-2025 school year can be found here.
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| TDSB Special Education Department Family Sessions
Drop-In Q & A with Occupational Therapy/Physiotherapy Staff - Receive general OT/PT strategies for your child(ren) / Chat with other parents/caregivers; Ask questions.
If you require translation services or have any questions or concerns, please email:
Learning Centre 1 - Rhanda Craig: rhanda.craig@tdsb.on.ca and Leslie Hopkins: leslie.hopkins@tdsb.on.ca Learning Centre 2 - Anna Lin: anna.lin@tdsb.on.ca and Andrea Wiltsie: andrea.wiltsie@tdsb.on.ca
Get the link here Sensory and Motor team parent/guardian/caregiver VOH flyer
Dogs are not Allowed on School Property |
I have been communicating issues we have been having with dogs on school property with every update. Now, as part of our ongoing efforts to maintain a safe and welcoming environment on TDSB properties, we would like to update you on the policies and new reporting procedures related to dogs on school grounds.
The TDSB enforces a strict policy regarding dogs on its properties. Dogs are generally not permitted on TDSB grounds, with the exception of service animals as defined by the Student Use of Service Animals in Schools Policy (P096) and the Use of Service Animals by the General Public Procedure (PR604). These guidelines are in place to ensure proper management and support for service animals within our schools.
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New Reporting Process for Dogs Off-Leash
To effectively address incidents of dogs being off-leash on school properties, a new reporting process has been established through the City of Toronto’s 311 service. Community members can report such incidents either by phone or online:
Phone Reporting: Call 311 to report dogs off-leash on school property
Online Reporting: Visit the City of Toronto Service Request or Feedback webpage.
Community Safety & Support |
If you should you ever see any suspicious activity around school buildings after school hours, please contact 311, Toronto Police Services Dispatch at 416-808-2222, or the TDSB’s 24-hour Call Centre at 416-395-4620.
If you or a family member is in crisis, please contact Kids Help Phone:1-800-668-6868 or get support right now by texting CONNECT to 686868.
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