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The April Edition | April 13, 2017
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What you'll find in this issue:
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| Katherine Peters
President & CEO |
Message from the PresidentGreetings friend, and welcome to the April Comfort Connection!
My November Newsletter issue was an explosion of ideas I had picked up when I attended The Truth About Cancer Live Symposium in October. Since that time, I have put together a list of the minimum actions people need to take to maintain or regain their health.
Cancer is a matter of an imbalance of too many toxins in your body. Tumors grow in an environment cancer likes: make that environment unfriendly to cancer!
Because so many conditions can be cured with the right fuel for your body, I’d like to share the minimum actions you should take:
- Do not eat any added sugar in any form – desserts, tomato soup, salad dressings, etc. Sugar is listed as an ingredient in 80% of food on the shelves. You need to avoid it: your life depends on it.
- Limit consumption of grains – pasta, bread, cereal, rice, and crackers. Do not eat any bread or baked goods, as this turns into sugar the minute you swallow it. Cancer cells live off this. All grains need to be whole grains, not refined or processed, or white!
- Avoid white rice, white potatoes, white anything! Especially if you are sick. Yams are much better.
- Do not eat processed foods. Period.
- Stuff yourself with vegetables, but especially dark green, leafy vegetables! They are loaded with cancer-fighting properties.
- Instead of sugar, eat fruit – berries are especially good. Who doesn't love berries! Grapes have cancer-fighting properties as well.
- Switch everything to organic and free-range as much as possible.
- If it is Certified Organic, it is also GMO-free. Stay away from GMO products (at minimum, don’t eat corn and soy).
- Eat fish and chicken (free roaming). Stay away from pork and shrimp.
- Add healthy fats from high-quality sources: coconut oil, nuts, olives, fish, avocado, seeds, flaxseed.
- Get rid of any personal body products in your house with harmful preservatives in them. I use Melaleuca products for cleaning my house and my body. Contact me if you are interested in these products.
- Kombucha and Chaga are two superfoods. Look them up and see what you can do to obtain these and start drinking them.
- I recommend these vitamins: FulviMAX and Tumeric.
- Stop talking on your cell phone, and use a remote speaking device instead. Keep your cell phone on airplane mode when not in use.
- Let go of any grudges you may be holding. Just forgive.
Even if you adopt one or two ideas, you will be on your way to better health! Happy Thursday!
Blessings, Katherine
Katherine Peters President & CEO
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If an individual is to stay at home in a safe environment, there are many things that can be done to make it that way – throughout the home, as well as specifically in the kitchen, bedroom, bathroom, and around the yard.
Use the following checklist to protect your loved ones and make the home a safe place to live:
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Recipe of the Month: Kale Chips
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If you want to increase your intake of dark leafy greens, but you also like snacking on chips... why not compromise by making kale chips?!
Kale chips are the perfect healthy snack! Loaded with nutrients, kale chips can be packed with flavor as well, depending on which toppings you choose to season them with. Even better, you don't need any fancy equipment to make these – the oven works just great.
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Video: The Reality of Elder Abuse
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Elder abuse is an unfortunate reality. In this video, our own Katherine Peters shares the story of her mom's attack, 10 years ago this Easter. "There are all kinds of elder abuse and safety issues. Being attacked isn't going to happen to everybody, but you can take what we've learned and what we've been through, and you can generalize that to other things."
This video is a must-watch to learn more about and prevent elder abuse, and ensure safety for all seniors.
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How to Prevent Elder Abuse
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Want to learn more about elder abuse, and what you can do to prevent it?
Another way you can help to raise awareness about elder abuse is to participate in World Elder Abuse Awareness Day!
WEAAD takes place on June 15, and we encourage everyone to get involved. Wear purple that day, talk to your local media, have a conversation with friends and family, host a purple potluck at your office, and register your event in support of WEAAD. Every step you take makes a big difference to preventing abuse of our elders.
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On the day of a big job interview, a man woke up late. Frantically he threw on a suit.
"OH NO!" he thought. "MY TIE!" He realized that for the life of him, he did not know how to tie a tie!
He grabbed the tie and ran out the door. "Excuse me," he said to the crossing guard at the nearest street corner, "I have an important job interview, right away. Can you please help me with this tie?!"
"Sure," said the guard, "just lie down on this bench."
If someone was going to help him, he wasn’t going to ask any questions. After the guard finished and the tie looked good, the man just had to ask why he had to lie down.
"Well, in my previous job I learned how to tie ties on other people when they were lying down," said the guard.
"What was your previous job?" the man asked curiously.
"Oh, I ran a morgue!"
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