Jesus has completely silenced His enemies, easily evading their traps.
Jesus has completely silenced His enemies, easily evading their traps.
Lutheran Hour Ministries
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Lenten Devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
"Jesus Has a Question of His Own"
March 28, 2017
"David calls Him Lord, so how is He his Son?" (Luke 20:44). 
Jesus has completely silenced His enemies, easily evading their traps. Now it's His turn to ask the questions and show the priests and scribes-those who are considered experts in the Old Testament-how little they truly understand of God's Word. 

The scribes readily accept that the Messiah is David's Son, a human. For them the hard leap is the transition from thinking of the Messiah as a mere man to believing He is God's Son. But Jesus starts on the other side. First establishing from Psalm 110:1 that the Christ is David's Lord, Jesus asks how God's Almighty Son can possibly be human?

Jesus is revealing the very heart of the Old Testament, which the scribes had missed despite all their careful study. The promised Savior is the Son of God, begotten of His Heavenly Father from eternity, before all creation. But here in time God's Son became human by the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit, when He was conceived of the Virgin Mary. This should sound familiar. Jesus is talking about the mystery of Christmas!

But that Baby lying in the manger was not just Mary's human child; He was God's own eternal Son, who had become human. That's the reason the angels proclaimed His birth, and the reason the wise men bowed down to worship Him. Being human He could submit Himself to God's Law and earn our home in heaven by His perfect obedience. And since He is human He could take our sins upon Himself and suffer and die. Since the Christ is also God's Son, His suffering and death will suffice for all humans of all time.

THE PRAYER: Lord Jesus, we thank You for humbling Yourself to leave Your glorious throne, for becoming human, and for saving us from our sins. Amen.
Today's Bible in a Year Reading: Deuteronomy 11-13; Luke 4:31-44
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