Introducing a New Regional Workforce Development Initiative!
Dear Workforce Development Stakeholder:
The Alliance for Regional Development exists to help grow the regional economy and provide a forum for business, government and academia to learn about new and innovative ideas and network with leaders in Northeast Illinois, Southeast Wisconsin, and Northwest Indiana. Our goal is to strengthen the economic competitiveness of the Tri-State Region.
Throughout 2014, working teams organized by the Alliance and comprised of private, public and institutional leaders from all three states have been exploring collaborative ideas to achieve this goal. One of these working teams, Human Capital, is focused on reaching existing business, those that are considering locating here, as well as site selectors to inform them of the quality of the workforce, as well as the innovative matching tools that are available to them from area workforce and employment agencies.
The Human Capital Working Team’s first initiative was to create a short video that explains to our target audience the popular hiring events that are now being implemented throughout the Region. These events differ from job fairs in that job seekers are pre-screened and meetings with employers are scheduled in advance. The objective of the hiring events is to secure an employer-job seeker match as soon as possible.
It is our hope that you will utilize the video that we have included below to inform employers about hiring events as a unique and successful tool that is available to them. We would also ask that you forward this email to other economic development, chamber of commerce, workforce, and educational organizations in your area so that they too can inform employers of these innovative opportunities.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. In the future, the Human Capital Team will be providing you with additional resources to help market the quality of the Region’s workforce. Should you have any questions, or need any additional information on our efforts, or those of the Alliance for Regional Development, please contact Alliance President & CEO Kelly O'Brien at or 312.602.5148.
Thank you.
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