The Steep Climb
Puzzler time. This one is an automotive puzzler. Here we go.
Years ago, a customer came into the shop.
The customer complained about the following problem. He said, "When I try to climb a long, rather steep hill, about a third of the way up the hill, or maybe more, the car starts to behave peculiarly, as if someone has turned the key off, and then it turns it right back on. It comes back on and turns off, comes back on... So the car lurches severely. On level ground, I have no problem, and I can drive the car perfectly okay, at any speed I want."
And I was writing this down when one of my guys is standing behind me, listening, and the customer says, "Oh, one other thing. If I try to climb a much steeper hill, but shorter, doesn't happen. It doesn't happen at all."
And the mechanic behind me says, "I got it. I got it exactly. You don't have a fuel injected car, do you?"
And the customer said, "No, I don't."
How did he know that? And what was wrong with his car?
Good luck.