Best Practices for Faculty Searches
CAFE is seeking applications to fill 3 to 4 CAFE Faculty Fellow positions that will be focused on designing and delivering a new faculty-led program to supports the campus-wide faculty hiring process. This program is a collaboration between the office of the Provost/Faculty Affairs, the Division of Diversity and Inclusion, and academic Human Resources. Working with leaders from these divisions, the selected team of CAFE Fellows will design and deliver workshops for faculty search committees in order to support and strengthen all aspects of the faculty hiring process, from creating and posting position descriptions to the onboarding and integration of our new colleagues. If you are passionate about helping UMKC attract and retain a stellar, diverse, and vibrant faculty, please apply to join this team!
To apply, please send a current CV along with a letter of application explaining your interest in the role and describing any experiences you’ve had with the faculty hiring process, to Vice Provost Diane Filion at