Quarterly Newsletter - all the latest from Port Hawkesbury Paper!
Quarterly Newsletter - all the latest from Port Hawkesbury Paper!

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Port Hawkesbury Paper Website
It is hard to believe that summer is beginning to wind down, and we are gearing up for the fall. The high inventory levels affecting paper demand at the beginning of the year seem to be normalizing. Yet, mill closures continue to impact Europe, and we expect to see some volatility as the realignment continues. We feel optimistic that the second half of the year will remain strong.  
Here are some of the latest happenings from Port Hawkesbury Paper.
Port Hawkesbury Paper Releases Sustainability Report 
PHP Sustainability Report
We're pleased to announce the release of our latest Sustainability Report from Port Hawkesbury Paper. In this comprehensive report, we've detailed our ongoing initiatives, commitments, and achievements in nurturing sustainability efforts at the company. 
Highlights include:
  • How our sustainable forest management strategies help maintain the health and diversity of our forests. 
  • Measurement of our conservation efforts.
  • Progress on our successful transition toward clean and efficient energy use, bringing us closer to our environmental objectives. 
  • The various ways we bring about positive change by supporting our local community and engaging with indigenous groups. 
  • Our unwavering commitment to ensuring worker safety and well-being is vital to our successful operations over the years. 
Download the Sustainability Report PDF

Supercalendered Success for Publications 

Bookazine Video
We strongly believe in the value of print on paper, and we think you do too. Paper, print, and mailing have become more difficult and costly over the past couple of years, and that is why we are excited to share our successes with Artisan Paper – a high-quality alternative to coated groundwood papers for magazine publishers. Our Artisan paper is designed to provide an excellent print surface and on-press performance, while also offering cost savings, brightness, and gloss that competes with coated groundwood grades.
For a Bookazine sample, please contact customer service at customerservice@porthawkesburypaper.com 
Read More About Bookazines

Destination Europe!

Have you received your latest sample pack from Port Hawkesbury Paper? If not, request your Destination Europe Sample Pack today!
The samples include 34# to 55# Artisan SCA++ and 38# Prominence Plus SCA+. We also included some examples of the heavyweight grades (50# and 55#) with flood UV coating on the cover and spot coating on one of the inside pages. It might be considered a stretch to run UV coatings on SC paper, but we wanted to test the sheet to show that it has the potential and capabilities to handle the coating and be used as a high-gloss cover.
Artisan Paper

See how these papers perform by requesting the Destination Europe samples at customerservice@porthawkesburypaper.com

Annual Maintenance Down Allows the Opportunity for Mill Upgrades

Each year the mill takes a week of downtime to perform scheduled maintenance and initiate large capital projects. This year we had 25 different contractors on site working on 5 key projects, with an investment of over 2 million dollars. 
Projects included infrastructure improvements as well as process, safety, reliability and quality improvements across the mill site.
Thank you to everyone for working safely!

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Port Hawkesbury Paper 
120 Pulp Mill Road
Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia  B9A 1A1 Canada
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