Bull Run Unitarian Universalists RoundUp 11/16!
Bull Run Unitarian Universalists RoundUp 11/16!
Welcome to RoundUp, a weekly update of happenings at the Bull Run Unitarian Universalists congregation (BRUU). Click here to submit your event or announcement to RoundUp.
Join us for service this Sunday, November 19th, 2017 at 10am!
"Thanksgiving," by Rev. Madelyn Campbell
Thanksgiving... Let us give thanks - to one another, and for the many small blessings in our lives.
Announcements begin at 10 am. Nursery care is available during the service as well as our large group religious education program. Afterward, join us for coffee and conversation in our Fellowship Hall below the Sanctuary. 

If physical mobility is a concern, there is universal access to the Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Office, and lower-level bathroom.

This Sunday is Split-the-Plate for BRUU Food Pantry. Every year at Thanksgiving we give thanks for all our blessings and share our bounty with our Food Pantry families by way of a small food voucher at Food Lion. This way they can buy something special for their holiday meal. We hope that you will be generous in your giving to those in our community who have less money than we to buy food. Thanks from the BRUU Food Pantry Crew!
"BRUU in a Nutshell" Orientation this Sunday!

What does BRUU offer you? If you'd like to learn more about Unitarian Universalism in general and BRUU in particular, please join Rev. Madelyn Campbell for an overview of BRUU and Unitarian Universalism.  She'll tell the story of Unitarian Universalism, including some theology, polity, and general church history, and lead a discussion on what it means to be a UU.  Please join us in the conference room (behind the church office) after service this Sunday, November 19, 11:15-12:30. Childcare will be provided upon advance request.  RSVP to Tina Cox at 703-361-6269 or office@bruu.org
Interested in BRUU Membership?

We would love to welcome you as a  BRUU Member! The process is explained in detail in the "Thinking About Membership?" brochure, which is available (or will be soon) on in the KnowledgeBase under Membership and also at the Information Center downstairs in Fellowship Hall. The "BRUU in a Nutshell" class described above satisfies the orientation requirement. If this date doesn't work for you, the next Nutshell class is scheduled for Saturday, January 20, 10am-noon, or there are several other ways to satisfy the requirement. You can attend another BRUU class on UU history/ideas, or speak to Rev. Madelyn or Membership Chair Faye Sledge, who will be happy to arrange a personal or small group orientation for you.
Wanna know what’s going on in the whole bucket of BRUU? 
Sunday morning service is just a drop in the bucket.  If you knew the whole picture, you’d be amazed.  Come find out what all the committees are doing to from events to classes to outreach. Come find out this Sunday after coffee hour
Program Council -- 11:30 – Flamingo Lounge



All BRUU members are invited to a PBS produced viewing of "OWL POWER".
We start at 11:30am and usually go until 1:00pm.  Bring your lunch and stuff.
The film is 60 minutes long.  We will start the film at 11:15am.  Don't be late!
This way we can have some time for discussion.
 For centuries, the mysterious nighttime lives and uncanny hunting skills of owls have made them fascinating hallmarks of folk tales the world over.  BUT, what makes owls so special?  
Lloyd and Rose Buck and their very special family of owls - Luna and Lily provide a unique opportunity to learn more about these unique birds.  Using the latest in camera technology, computer graphics, x-rays and super sensitive microphones we take a brand NEW look at owls in more detail than ever before.
These are the real stories behind how they hunt, how their vision and hearing works and how they fly so silently which is influencing 21st century technology and design.
Please come.  This is an opportunity to gain sanity and escape The Donald-for a bit.
Support Our BRUU Members at the Next County Board of Supervisors Meeting

On Election Day (11/07), Brentsville Supervisor Jeanine Lawson - alongside several of her supporters - accosted Heidi and Evelyn BruMar's daughter, Rose at the Limestone polling location.

One of Ms. Lawson's supporters told Rose that her beliefs are “liberal bull****.” Supervisor Lawson remarked, “every child should have a mother and a father in a biblical way.” 

Rose is 15 years old. 

This conduct is completely inappropriate for adults, let alone a sitting elected official in our county.

Please join us as we speak out against Supervisor Lawson for her behavior at the next Board of County Supervisors (BOCS) meeting. The meeting starts a 7:30 PM on 11/21 at the McCoart Building, but please be there by 7 PM if you'd like to sign up to speak.

Please wear purple!
Will you be here on Christmas Eve?  Would you like to be one of the Biblical Storytellers for the Christmas Eve candlelight service of Lessons and Carols? It’s not too early to begin!  Contact Rev. Madelyn in person or at minister@bruu.org if you’re interested - plenty of parts available, and Rev. Madelyn will give you coaching.  You can do this! Just ask others who’ve done it here before!  It’s fun and you’ll learn something, too.  No experience necessary.  First to respond get first choices.  Why not join us? 

Spend Thanksgiving with BRUU!!

Not got a big family? Don’t want to cook? Want to spend time with your favorite Bruu-ers?
Sign up and spend Thanksgiving at Bruu. Thursday November 23, 2017 3pm-?
It’s a potluck! Bruu will provide Turkey, stuffing/dressing, gravy, Tofurky, coffee, tea and cider, you provide the rest. Bring containers for leftovers, because we’re not keeping any!
Please contact Mary Kadlubowski With your dish, and availability to set up, or clean up- or sign up in the Fellowship Hall
kadlubowskim@gmail.com,  703.389.6243 
What is a Circle Supper?
  1. Members of BRUU agree to host a gathering in their home.
  2. The size of the group (around 6 - 10) depends on the host(s).
  3. A Circle Supper gathering has typically been a potluck dinner - BUT an alternative like Wine and Cheese can also work with contributions from the attendee's.
  4. The TIME and DATE is to be set by the host(s).
  5. Purpose is to promote fellowship.  Get to know other BRUU members in a smaller setting.  To enjoy a relaxing time together.
  6. NEW Members are especially welcome.  It is a great way to get your toes wet.
  7. Look for sign up sheets in the Fellowship Room at BRUU.
Also, let us know IF you can host this coming November or December 2017.  If so - please contact:
      Mary Sherman ......... woodpoppyms@gmail.com
      Victoria Gammon...... vkgammon@gmail.com
Blessed be
BRUU Craft Fair December 2nd and 3rd!
Come to our FREE annual Craft Fair on Saturday & Sunday, December 2nd & 3rd, from 11AM to 2PM. This is a great opportunity to do your holiday shopping! Come on Saturday after the morning "Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop" or before the Children's Holiday Party that afternoon. (Good place for children to shop for family too.) Or come on Sunday after the morning worship. BTW we still need crafters! For more information contact Christine Sunda at sundas3@aol.com.

Adult Learning Enrichment Program Looking for Volunteers! UPDATE!

The Adult Life Enrichment Committee (aka Adult Ed) are looking for volunteers who would be willing to facilitate or lead courses for the 2018 Winter Session (January-March). 

In particular, we are looking for people willing to teach in-demand and requested themes and courses such as Social Justice (in particular Immigration, Income Inequality and LGBTQIA issues), Comparative Religion, Popcorn Theology, Mindfulness and Anger Management (and other courses in emotional and personal growth). 

We are also planning on having a Winter Documentary Movie Festival! We are looking for volunteers to help play the movies and lead a short discussion afterwards. 

Lastly, we are also looking for volunteers willing to facilitate UUA Tapestry of Faith courses. The curriculum and supplementary materials are already done for you! We just need someone willing to lead the course. 

The ALE Committee are pleased to offer these courses to help you learn and grow spiritually and personally! We hope to see you in our classes.

Interested? Contact Michelle Luman at michellehcole@gmail.com.

The BRUU Pastoral Care Team is looking for those interested in offering guidance, hope, and spiritual support in times of crisis/stress for individuals and families within the congregation and in conjunction with the Minister. 
The PCT’s tasks include, (and may be in in coordination with others):
·       Visiting the ill at home or in healthcare facilities,
·       Supporting those going through a life crisis,
·       Comforting the bereaved,
·       Assisting with memorial services and/or receptions,
·       Coordinating transportation, child care, meals, and other services,
·       Supporting the staff of BRUU (RE & Choir) with the lay care they handle,
·       Organizing reach-out gestures, such as cards of caring and telephone calls,
·       Staying current with training.
**Please consider being a member of this team. We keep in contact through email, texts, and phone calls, and meet every other month, at a minimum, to discuss the processes of Pastoral Care, and to provide each other with peer supervision and support. If interested contact pastoralcare@bruu.org 
Also, The Communications Committee is looking for one or two new editors for the weekly RoundUp - you know, that thing you're reading right now. One of us just became a wife of a Delegate-elect in the Virginia House of Delegates, so, um, please help. Write us at communications@bruu.org for more information and for your questions!
Join Rev. Madelyn Campbell at the
National Interfaith Clergy Witness at the NRA
December 14, 2017, 10 am.-12 p.m., 
National Rifle Association headquarters, Fairfax, Virginia
Questions? Write Rev. Madelyn at minister@bruu.org.
Have Amazon Donate to BRUU! 
BRUU now has a new way to raise funds- via AmazonSmile! AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support BRUU every time you shop, at no cost to you. At smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the same prices, selection and experience as Amazon.com, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate a portion of the purchase price to BRUU.
Just go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/54-1182161 (or at smile.amazon.com, select Bull Run Unitarian Universalists to be your charitable organization) and BRUU will receive 0.5% of the price from your purchases. Thereafter, every eligible purchase you make at smile.amazon.com will result in a donation to BRUU.
See smile.amazon.com/about for more about AmazonSmile. Remember, only purchases made at smile.amazon.com, (not www.amazon.com or the mobile app,) generate AmazonSmile donations.

Fellowship Activities Committee

Are you interested in getting involved in the fun, social activities we put on at BRUU? Are you excited to help make various events happen (from Circle Suppers to Games Night, Parties to Picnics and BBQs?!!) Join us in our Fellowship Activities Committee Meeting and be a part of making things happen! (Often we don’t need a team lead, we just need volunteers to bring food, a few people move chairs around or decorate, or someone to flip burgers!) Share your enthusiasm and ideas with us first Sundays in the Conference Room 11:15am-noon. (Nov. 5, Dec. 3) Or, simply be on the “help needed” list by emailing Liesl Main – activities@bruu.org
Circle Dinners are underway again! Be sure to sign up to join in a Circle Dinner.  Sign-up sheets are in the Fellowship Hall!
Submit your Spring 2018 Events: If you have an event happening between January and June 2018 please submit your event details to Liesl Main (activities@BRUU.org) for inclusion in the next edition of our BRUU Activities Pamphlet (which will come out in early Jan. 2018)! Feel free to add your BRUU event to the rolling Activities Board located in the Fellowship Hall at any time. There are blank cards and permanent markers right on the board, so sharing your event details is easy!!
Upcoming Events at BRUU:
  • Nov. 17th Evensong
  • Nov. 19th  New to BRUU orientation: In a Nutshell Class, 11:15am, POC: Trish Freed
  • Dec. 2, 2017 Children’s Christmas Party, 3rd Floor BRUU (POC Team: Lisa Stewart, Claire Smith, Margo Davies)
  • Dec. 2-3, 2017 Craft Fair –Fellowship Hall (POC: Christine Sunda)
  • Adult RE: Remember to check out the courses & workshops in the Adult RE pamphlet

Congratulations to BRUUer Lee Carter!!!!

Delegate-elect Carter, upon inauguration, will represent the actual BRUU building.

PFLAG of Prince William County (Parents and Friends of Lesbians And Gays (and Transgendered men and women as well as those questioning) meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at BRUU in the Conference Room behind the office from 7:30pm to 9:30pm.  We provide a safe place for those in the LGBTQ community and our allies to come and discuss issues surrounding community.  Our facilitator-run youth group, PLAY, also meets during the same time as the Adult facilitator-led group.  PFLAG is also an important resource to family members of LGBTQ individuals who have no where else to turn for answers.  We also provide helpful literature to all nationalities in their specific languages to assist them.  Our goal is to keep all families together, and to celebrate diversity.  We are proud to have a working relationship with the Prince William County Police force and an officer who attends every few meetings to discuss any issues that arise in the LGBTQ community concerning safety or security.  All BRUU members are invited to get involved and attend, ESPECIALLY allies!  Contact Chris Kuchnicki, PFLAG Liason for Bull Run Unitarian Universalit Congretation, for more information at (773) 251-6659 or email him at Chris.Kuchnicki@LongandFoster.com. Hope to see you there!
Know a member/friend of BRUU who is not getting RoundUp messages once a week?  No longer able to get into BRUUnet?  
If someone has changed their e-mail address, perhaps after switching from Comcast to Verizon... the RoundUp messages go astray and the computers get confused.  Let us know the correct e-dress at communications@bruu.org and we will update the electronic records.
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