StAAR Center is hiring Writing Fellows, Subject Tutors, and On-Call Tutors.
StAAR Center is hiring Writing Fellows, Subject Tutors, and On-Call Tutors.
Tufts Student Life
StAAR is hiring peer tutors and writing fellows
January 26, 2023
Dear Student,
Do you like helping your peers? The StAAR Center is hiring Writing Fellows, Subject Tutors, and On-Call Tutors for the 20232024 academic year! Applications will be open through February 13. All majors are welcome, and there are no GPA or letter grade requirements to apply.
For full details about these positions and links to the applications, visit the StAAR Center Work With Us page or find our posts on Handshake.

Writing Fellows

Writing Fellows are peer writing tutors assigned to work with specific Tufts classes. All fellows receive extensive preparation and an hourly rate of $16 per hour.
Got questions? Attend one of our informational sessions to hear from current Writing Fellows! Sign up through Tutor Finder.
  • Monday, January 30, at 12 noon in Campus Center Room 012
  • Wednesday, February 1, at 12 noon in Campus Center Room 203
  • Monday, February 6, at 12 noon in Campus Center Room 012

StAAR Center Tutors

Both Subject Tutors and On-Call Tutors will conduct one-on-one and drop-in tutoring sessions alongside supporting the StAAR Center and their fellow peers. For more information about the differences between the two positions, you can view the job description on the StAAR Center Work With Us page or on Handshake.
If you’d like to learn more about the tutoring opportunities available, come join us for an informational session on Thursday, February 2, at 12:301:30 p.m. in the Dowling Hall Milmore Room. This will also be a great opportunity to hear from our current tutors about their experiences. Sign up for this info session through Tutor Finder.
We look forward to reading your application!
The StAAR Center Team
Student Accessibility and Academic Resource Center (StAAR)
Dowling Hall, Room 720
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