| Hello colleagues! We are entering the spooky season, but fear not. CSCE is here to support you.
Data Repository Platform
GVSU is now a member institution of Dryad, a data publishing platform that allows researchers to share, find, use, and cite data across all disciplines. This repository is available to all GVSU researchers and can be used to meet the data sharing requirements for federally funded projects. See this article for more information and instructions for creating an account.
Office of Research Compliance and Integrity |
Researcher Survey
Faculty members should have recently received a request to complete a survey being conducted by the ORCI and Environmental Health and Safety. Feedback from this survey will be used to ensure our offices are providing support in the areas most needed and to guide future programming efforts. Please consider completing the survey if you have not done so already. Faculty members who submit the survey by 11:59 pm on October 15th will be eligible to enter a drawing to win $250 of professional development funds from the CSCE.
International Travel
If you are traveling on behalf of the University to any embargoed or sanctioned country, please note that GVSU’s Export Control policy requires you to notify the Office of Research Compliance and Integrity (ORCI) at least 30 days prior to departure. If you are taking or shipping anything on behalf of the University to any of these countries, you must obtain pre-approval from the ORCI (rci@gvsu.edu; 616-331-3197) prior to the item leaving the U.S. The ORCI will determine if an export license is needed. If a license is required but is not obtained, this may lead to significant fines for the individual and the University.
Compliance Corner
Q: I completed my CITI training, so why are my (or my student’s) expiration dates not showing up in OneAegis?
A: Likely reasons: 1) CITI expiration dates automatically update in OneAegis once per day, but the email addresses must match exactly between the two systems. To correct this, you can either update your CITI email address to your GVSU address, or you can contact ORCI to have your CITI email address manually linked to OneAegis. 2) The OneAegis contact must be in existence at the time of the automatic update from CITI. So, if you create a student contact in OneAegis for a student who has already completed the training, the expiration dates for that student would not appear until the next automatic update occurs.
Office of Sponsored Programs |
| NASA's Michigan Space Grant Consortium (MSGC) funding opportunity
MSGC has announced the next round of requests for proposals for Seed Grants, Program Grants and Undergraduate Research Grants and Graduate Student Fellowships for the 2025 funding cycle. Faculty, staff and students seeking research and educational opportunities in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Aerospace, Space or Earth System Science - and other disciplines like Arts, Design, Communication, Psychology, Philosophy, Medicine and Movement Science that impact science education and human exploration of Earth and Space - are eligible to apply. The linked flyer provides detailed grant/fellowship application guidelines. If you are interested, please contact Bopi Biddanda by early October.
Padnos International Center |
Academic Advisors In Spain!
This week, PIC is traveling with a delegation of GVSU advisors to visit our partners in Spain. Trenton Beamon, Laura Flagler, Jennie Glynn, Jennifer Jameslyn, Shontaye Witcher, and Shannon Zakalik are visiting Universidad Carlos Tercero, ISA Malaga, Connecting Worlds Abroad, and University of Seville. Meaghann Myers-Smith and Andres Ortiz Estevez are leading the delegation. The purpose of the delegation is to provide a unique opportunity to enhance advising capabilities by gaining firsthand experience and understanding of the educational landscape and cultural nuances in Spain.
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049 James H Zumberge Hall
Allendale, MI 49401
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