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MUDEC Méinden Summer 2020 #4
MUDEC Méinden Summer 2020 #4
Miami UniversityJohn E. Dolibois European Center logo
MUDEC Méinden-Weekly news from the MUDEC community for the MUDEC community-#lifelongMUDEC

Summer 2020 #4

 June 15, 2020

America, You Can't Leave Home Without It

Moscow Protest 1991
Protest against the Soviet government, Moscow 1991
MUDECers of a certain generation will remember the  old American Express advertisement "Don't Leave Home Without It". When I was a student, we didn't have AMEX cards, but after a few weeks at MUDEC, we started saying that in Luxembourg an umbrella was an AMEX card as you definitely couldn't leave home without it. 
Another thing that all MUDECers know is the beauty of being able to speak English almost everywhere we go, to see American movies almost everywhere we go, and to listen to familiar music in English almost everywhere we go. Truly, it has become America, don't leave home without it, especially with modern technology.
The flip side of this is that we are all seen as ambassadors and representatives of our country which, depending on current events in the world, may be a joy or a burden, and this has been the case since the Center was founded. The first MUDEC class in 1968 found that out right away as they came to Europe in the middle of the Vietnam war, shortly after the assassinations of Martin Luther King and Robert Kennedy.
What they found after they arrived, though, was that even though they may have been challenged as Americans because of the war, protests were going on throughout Europe for domestic reasons as well. The crushing of the Prague Spring uprising in Czechoslovakia had just taken place less that 2 weeks before the first students arrived in Luxembourg. May 68 had generated a massive upheaval in France, and De Gaulle would be forced to resign before that first MUDEC class returned to the U.S. in 1969.
Many alumni reading this newsletter have tales about being confronted by Europeans questioning or complaining about something going on in the U.S., or something the U.S. did somewhere in the world. I remember vividly a Luxembourgish friend jumping on a table in a cafe when I was a student complaining about Ronald Reagan.
Learning how to deftly handle these situations is part of what makes the MUDEC experience. While it is easy to simply be defensive, or to dismiss someone who has only read a headline and thinks they know more about the U.S. than you do, it is more of a challenge when you realize that some Europeans know more about our history than we do. And our knowledge of their history is often little to non-existent. Circumstances often change that, though, whether it was being in France in 2019 during the yellow vest protests or in Moscow in 1991 when Red Square was locked down, which happened to me.
The current wave of protests, which started in the U.S. and have now swept the globe, are just the latest example. You will read below a European MUDEC Professor's perspective, after having attended a protest in front of the U.S. Embassy in Luxembourg 10 days ago. For me, as an American, it is fascinating to see how the protests have now "mutated" to include re-evaluation of statues and history in countries like Belgium, France, and the UK. As horrible as the death of George Floyd, among others, was, it seems to have become a catalyst for change not only in the U.S., but worldwide.
Andy Adams
Andy Adams-MUDEC Méinden Editor

  • Study. Engage. Travel. Innovate. with Kati Buchheit
    • The Good Fight-MGT Professor Anthony Smith-Meyer
    • Beyond the Château Walls (at ArcelorMittal)-Claire Berry
    • European Internal borders re-opening
    Kati Buchheit

    Study. Engage. Travel. Innovate.

    The Miami University Alumni Association has launched a series of articles about the first Luxembourg Digital Innovation internship program. Although you have already read about Kati Buchheit's LDI experience in a previous newsletter, read about her experience from another angle in this article: Luxembourg Digital Innovation (LDI) students adapt to interning online when they can no longer be onsite.
    Anthony Smith-Meyer

    The Good Fight-Why the U.S. #BLM struggle is European also

    Andy Adams asked me to explain my motivation for participating in a #BlackLivesMatter demonstration that took place on a wet and cold Friday afternoon outside the US embassy in Luxembourg ten days ago. Under the circumstances, and the backdrop of a high risk of such a gathering spreading the Covid-19 virus, my motivation clearly was not “a fun day out”. My motivation and, I believe, that of many of the over 1,000 demonstrators (a lot in Luxembourg!) was far more complicated and enduring. It’s a personal story, and here it is.
    Every now and then, I like to shake things up. I like to follow the adage that if you keep developing, you will never be obsolete. I had decided that 2020 would be a year of change, and it certainly is – some of it self-driven, some of it as a result of the winds of fate.
    Since leaving mainstream banking in 2012, I have run a portfolio of separate activities. I have been teaching business and management at MUDEC for 10 years, I run executive and director workshops I hold a couple of directorships at not-for-profit institutions. I have a website platform for idea-creation; all in the field of ethics, compliance and governance. This year, 2020, I had decided to stop teaching MGT291 at MUDEC to free up time to pay more attention to my own platform and to find time and opportunity to push the topic of democratic freedoms and values. Then … along came Covid-19, inspiring our MGT291 professor / student videocast “A semester like no other”, and then the George Floyd video and the ascent of #BlackLivesMatter – again.
    As a Norwegian European, I believe strongly in democracy, social justice and equal opportunities. For years now, as my ex-students will have noticed, I have been pushing the message of diversity, inclusion, and stakeholder / values-led management; both as a manager within banking, as an educator since. I believe in this with a passion. As a professor, I have to keep my opinions and political views to myself. I issue a “public mental health warning” to incoming students every semester that in European political terms, I am a moderate, left of center type of person and that they may consider some of my opinions and teachings very “liberal” in US terms. However, when you teach a subject around the concept of organizational behavior and positive psychology, it is hard not to come across as “liberal” to Americans. Perhaps one of the biggest schisms between US and European politics is that Europe believes in the welfare state, the US largely believes in a health sector market; Europe has a more collectivist approach to its communities, whereas the USA is far more individualistic (for more revisit Chapter 13 of our MGT291 text book, “Surviving Organisational Behaviour”).
    Generally speaking, outrage at social inequality has been building ever since the financial crisis of 2007/08. Until then, it was difficult to feel justified in complaining too much, as it seemed that everything was “on the up”, as they say. Rising social inequality went largely under the radar as economies continued to grow. However, the crisis ushered in an era of austerity that placed the spotlight firmly on the disparity in impact it had on the “haves” and “have-nots” – A wave of general discontent resulted in the Occupy movement in 2010/11 with its focus on the wealth and privilege enjoyed by the “top 1%” in the world. The world had gone from one of reasonable social equity where CEOs in the 1970s earned maybe 50x that of the average worker, to 500x. The disparity was suddenly visible to everyone.
    Since then, the financial crisis has had a series of very tangible and obvious outcomes. People started to identify themselves as “the left-behind”; a section of society that are merely considered “fodder” for big business and for whom government cares less for than the rich and powerful, privileged self-perpetuating elite. Large sections of the electorate lost trust in political institutions and its agencies, and nationalist populism started to increase as people look about them for someone to blame. It’s a process we have witnessed time and time again throughout history, and it is a threat to democracy, community, welfare and prosperity. Since Occupy, we have had Brexit in the UK, the election of a US president on the ticket of “Make America Great Again”, the rise of extreme right political parties like the AfD in Germany and the National Front (now the National Rally) in France. We have also had the advent of right-wing terrorism with xenophobic slaughters in countries as far apart as Norway and New Zealand. It may be that nationalists have points of view that should be heard, but they are also voices of exclusion that often target ethnic and social minorities – often anything or anyone that is different from a narrowly defined nationalist perspective. As a citizen, and as a professor of management, I believe that diversity is to be encouraged and that it is a driver of innovation, invention and creativity. At the end of the day, people are tired of not being heard or seemingly cared for; they yearn for an opportunity to “take back control” as was a major slogan for the Brexit campaign.
    Racism has been and remains a problem for most societies. In Luxembourg, we are a very diverse, educated and well-off population led by an openly gay Prime Minister. The forces of conservatism are there, but the benefits of openness and diversity are generally welcomed. Even so, the general consensus is that if you speak Luxembourgish, you are less likely to be fined for a (not too excessive) speeding ticket than if you do not. Luxembourg is ahead of the EU pack; in many countries there are minority groups who feel discriminated against. Sometimes a perceived injustice will result in a riot, but for the most part racial and social justice issues are managed well enough to avoid too much “outrage”.
    The US have enjoyed long periods of admiration. The popularity of series like “The Admen” or “The Marvelous Mrs Maisel” attest to European admiration of a culture that stood for freedom, equality and justice – and of being the “land of opportunity”. Under iconic leaders like Lincoln, Roosevelt, Wilson, Kennedy – even Reagan and more recently Obama, the US symbolized democracy, individual freedom and hope. The US has often been on a pedestal on such matters. However, there is also a darker side to US history that every European knows about, including the genocide of native Americans and slavery (although the role of Europe in occasioning both are less spoken of).
    Regrettably, it is easy for Europeans to compare its own racial and social inequality with the US and to feel comparatively superior. We see George Floyd type images and hear stories of unjustified police killings all too often. We all see the underrepresentation of black or Asian groups in US politics and challenge poor US tourists on the topic if the occasion allows. Until now, it has – for the most part – been viewed as a US problem. Why demonstrate outside the US embassy unless it involves European interests, such as the impact of the Vietnam or Iraq wars – or US withdrawal from the Paris Climate Accord?
    For me and many of those in my circles, what we witnessed in the George Floyd video came at the end of a flurry of viral stories on social media highlighting US injustice. For years now, President Trump’s handling of international matters has been compounded by his open xenophobia concerning non-white groups in the USA. After the perceived naivety of George W. Bush, the temporary relief and stability offered by Obama, and then the abandonment of empathy towards old friends by Trump, the fear of another 4-year term is real. We have been “shaking our heads” and (perhaps condescendingly?) feeling sorry for our US cousins for some time – when we saw the extreme cases of injustice, the distress and desperation of black cousins across the Atlantic, Europeans wanted to support them. 
    Personally, I would have gone to demonstrate irrespective of the Corona Lockdown situation. I want a strong USA to stand up for freedom, equality and justice in the world. I want these things in Europe too, even if our interpretation of how to achieve these values may differ. I have admired the USA most of my life; I feel disappointed and just a little betrayed. I feel anger.
    The Corona Age has given many people time to think about society and democracy. In management speak, the Social of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) in business has been highlighted. The plight of underprivileged, struggling members of the workforce and society have been highlighted. European nerves were raw, US injustice just lit the fuse.
    Protest in front of the US Embassy
    June 5 protest outside of the US Embassy in Luxembourg
    Travel Section Banner

    It's Baaack! No, not MUDECers traveling around Europe (yet), but a majority of European borders opened back up for travel today. You can see what is open where on the RTL Interactive Holiday Map.

    This Week's Schedule

    Monday-Friday: School's Out for Summer

    Château & Administrative Hours
    Aerial view of the Château de Differdange, where Miami's Luxembourg campus, the John E. Dolibois European Center, often abbreviated to MUDEC, is located

    Administrative Hours

    Monday-Friday: 8:00-13:00

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